After the college entrance examination scores are released, students begin to choose majors and schools. Schools are actually easier to choose, and the scores correspond to only a few universities. However, there are many majors in universities with different types and employment

After the college entrance examination scores came out, students began to choose majors and schools. Schools are actually easier to choose, and there are only a few universities that the scores correspond to. However, there are many majors in universities, with different types and employment directions, which will inevitably make people confused. The candidates were dazzled.

Most parents will give some suggestions when candidates apply. There are also some parents who are more forceful and hope that their children can choose according to their own wishes. However, students also have their own preferences and are not willing to apply for the exam completely according to their parents' wishes. After all, college is Students have to attend.

However, the opinions raised by some parents at the meeting with their children are not just to satisfy their own selfish desires, but reality forces them to make such choices.

"It turns out that you don't have to be interested in choosing a major. It's so sad!" The words of college entrance examination students are very realistic.

College entrance examination students tend to be idealistic when choosing a major. They always want to choose the one they like, while parents consider it more comprehensively. More realistically, parents recommend that the majors their children apply for are generally practical and easy to find a job.

A girl in Guangdong had a disagreement with her parents when choosing a major. After a dispute, she expressed her sadness: Perhaps the freedom to choose a major is only the right of children from wealthy families!

The female college entrance examination scored 529 points, which is much higher than expected. She can go to a good second-tier university in Guangdong Province and has a lot of room to choose her major. Candidates are interested in new media news and want to engage in related work , , but her parents hope that she can choose to direct normal school students to .

The candidate was very impatient with her mother's suggestion. Normal school students were directed to become teachers after graduation. The candidate felt that she had no freedom in the system and her development space was limited, but her mother's words stung her.

It turned out that her parents suggested that she choose to be a student in the Oriented Normal University not because of a narrow vision, but out of practical considerations. Oriented Normal College students are tuition-free . Although the tuition for most majors in the university is several thousand yuan, it is not suitable for families who are not wealthy. It is not a small financial pressure. Choosing targeted normal school students can reduce a lot of burden on parents.

After listening to his mother's words, the candidates suddenly realized that their family conditions were not rich. The monthly income was only about 6,000 yuan, and two students had to study . It was not easy to live, and there was no money left at all.

Candidates suddenly felt that they were very selfish. They only cared about their own preferences, but did not consider their parents. , and sighed: It turns out that choosing a major is not just about interest, but also depends on family conditions! Realistic and sad.

Which one is better, journalism major or orientation normal school student? Netizens’ choices are very consistent

Who doesn’t want to choose a major that they like? It is said that interest is the best teacher. Only by studying the major you like can you be more motivated to study and work. However, the practical problems of have to be considered . I can feel that candidates feel disappointed that they cannot choose their favorite major. And netizens The choices are surprisingly consistent.

Netizens in the comment area agreed that this candidate is just too young now and has relatively simple ideas. also has a more idealistic vision for the future. . People who have experienced employment will think that oriented normal school students are better.

Oriented normal school students can study with pay if they can book a place near their home. In addition to free tuition, there is also an additional living expense subsidy every year. The family basically does not have to spend money, and life will be much more comfortable.

Moreover, oriented normal school students are assigned jobs. There is no need to take the postgraduate entrance examination to improve competitiveness, and there is no need to face fierce employment competition. When you are young, you don’t know how to work. After graduation, you will know how good it is to have a stable job. rare.

The second undergraduate student majored in media and journalism. After graduating from , most of them will become cannon fodder . It is difficult to find a job, and you may be laid off if you find it. It is also not free. The score in the postgraduate entrance examination is very high, and it is difficult to get a job.

The best destination for journalism majors in ordinary schools is to take the exam. is not as good as choosing for directional normal school students. Not all students can freely pursue their ideals in college. is the norm for most people.

Oriented normal school students have guaranteed employment, but only children should choose carefully

Many professions are gradually being replaced by artificial intelligence , and the demand for talents has dropped significantly. However, the profession of teachers cannot be replaced by machines. The responsibilities of teachers are not only Teaching requires emotional investment in students, so the job of a teacher is not only stable, but also has prospects for at least the next few decades.

Oriented normal school students are a "shortcut" to becoming a teacher. They are very suitable for students from ordinary families, but it also depends on the situation. Only children with better family conditions should choose carefully.

Oriented normal school students have to work in the assigned place for at least 6 years. Some areas are a little far from home. When they are busy with work, they rarely have the opportunity to go home. Parents may be lonely.

Generally speaking, orienting normal college students is more reliable than many majors, but there are also disadvantages . If the candidates really resist being a teacher, they should not force themselves to choose a major they don’t like. It will also be very painful to learn.

Today’s topic: Do you think family conditions should be considered when choosing a major?