After breakfast, I accompanied my father to the school to apply for certification. My father is a private teacher who has worked on the education front for 26 years. He is seventy-five years old this year. He has been working hard in education since I was in elementary school. On

It was the busy wheat harvest season and I received a notice from the community, notifying the former private teacher to bring his social security card , a copy of the social security card and ID card to Mingde Primary School in Gui Community for certification at 8:00 am on Saturday.

After breakfast, I accompanied my father to the school to apply for certification. My father is a private teacher who has worked on the education front for 26 years. He is seventy-five years old this year. Since I was in elementary school, my father has been fighting hard in the field of education. On the education front, he has been awarded as a teaching expert and advanced worker many times, and he also served as the principal of the primary school in the original school district. It can be said that he has made a great contribution to education. Later, when he was promoted to a full-time job, his father did not transfer because he was overage. Now every month Together with the pension, I received a total of more than 600 yuan. Although the money was not much, my father was very satisfied. He felt that he was old and his superiors had not forgotten him.

Since it was a Saturday, the campus was very quiet. After the security guard at the door scanned the location code, my father and I walked into the principal's office. The principal, who was my father's former student, warmly received us and asked about my father's health and family affairs. In this case, the certification is not complicated. You just need to write the contact information (mobile phone number) on the copy of the social security card, and then ask the person to take a photo with the social security card. Even if the certification is over, it is probably to see if the person is still alive?

The original private teachers have all been on the education front since they were young and have worked in obscurity for several years, more than ten years or even more than twenty years, some even longer. They carried the backbone of rural education at that time, held up most of the sky for rural education, and dedicated their youth to popularizing nine-year compulsory education and rural literacy. Now they are old, have no source of livelihood, and have become a vulnerable group. The department should care about them, they have reached an age where they cannot afford to wait.

Although they now receive the teaching age subsidy, it has been eight or nine years since the date of payment, and the penny has not increased. It is still that pitiful 20 yuan per month for each teaching age. In today's world where prices are soaring. , It’s really a drop in the bucket. I saw some caring people on the Internet calling for them to ask the competent authorities to increase their teaching age subsidies, but there has been no response. I hope that the superior leaders and authorities will not forget them, pay attention to their elderly lives, increase teaching age subsidies, and let them live a happy old age.

(Author: the daughter of an old private teacher)