Qilu.com·Lightning News, June 29th: In order to promote the integrated construction of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences) and Yiyuan County No. 1 Middle Sc

Qilu.com · Lightning News June 29th In order to promote the integrated construction of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, Shandong First Medical University ( Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences ) and Yiyuan County No. 1 Middle School recently joined forces. Organize a seminar on the integrated construction of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools with the theme of "Cultivating Morality and Building People, Coordinated Development".

Lv Xiaoli, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Shandong First Medical University (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences), pointed out that the construction of ideological and political integration in universities, middle schools and primary schools is an important and important content to implement the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people, and to improve the effectiveness and pertinence of ideological and political education The key move is the responsibility and mission of schools and educators at all levels. It is hoped that the experts attending the meeting will focus on "the construction of the integrated connotation of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools", "accurate grasp of the progression and connection of the teaching content of ideological and political courses at different school stages and levels", "the construction of an integrated mechanism for collaborative innovation of ideological and political courses" and "ideological and political education". We carry out extensive exchanges and in-depth discussions on hot topics such as "Curriculum Integrated Teacher Team Construction", striving to form new perspectives and produce new results in the collision of ideas, create more distinctive ideological and political brands, and promote ideological and political education theory. And practice innovation, promote the high-quality development of ideological and political work in universities, middle schools and primary schools and inject fresh vitality.

During the academic exchange session, Chen Shifu, deputy director of the "Basic" Course Teaching Steering Committee of the Shandong Provincial Ideological and Political Theory Course Teaching Steering Committee and provincial first-class course leader, gave a speech entitled "Reform and Practice of the Ideological and Political Course Teaching Model Based on SPOC" keynote report. Frontline educators in ideological and political courses from Zibo No. 1 Middle School , Yiyuan No. 1 Middle School, Yiyuan No. 2 Middle School , Huantai No. 1 Middle School , Boshan Experimental Middle School , Feixian No. 1 Middle School , and Mengyin No. 1 Middle School. , focusing on "creating ideological and political courses in the new era", "issue-driven activity courses", "practical exploration of ideological and political courses from the perspective of core competencies", "teaching exploration of integrated development of homework", "integrated collaborative development of ideological and political courses in large, medium and small schools", etc. The themes were exchanged and speeches were made respectively, and experience sharing and academic discussions were conducted from the aspects of content construction, teaching methods, teacher team construction, evaluation system, etc. of the integration of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools, and the current hot spots of the integration of ideological and political theory courses were analyzed. Difficult issues, exploring the reform and innovation paths and methods of ideological and political theoretical courses integrated teaching in the new era, and colliding with some sparks of thinking worth thinking about, which will help promote the integration of ideological and political courses in universities, middle schools and primary schools by teachers. Build teaching consciousness, improve ideological and political teachers’ understanding of the cognitive rules of different school stages, clarify the teaching difficulties of different school stages, strengthen the combination of class rules and teaching strategies, and strengthen mutual understanding between ideological and political teachers of different school stages. Played a very good role in promoting.

Lightning News reporter Su Jia reports on