For today's high school students, they are in a period when they are growing up to be rebellious and have their own unique opinions on their flamboyant personalities, and they also have a very high awareness of rights protection. And they no longer fully accept the teacher's word

2024/06/2316:25:33 education 1422

For today's high school students, they are in a period when they are growing up to be rebellious and have their own unique opinions on their flamboyant personalities. They also have a very high awareness of rights protection. And they no longer fully accept the teacher's words, but can analyze and choose, and express their own ideas. So for such a special group, "one word" will have little effect.

For today's high school students, they are in a period when they are growing up to be rebellious and have their own unique opinions on their flamboyant personalities, and they also have a very high awareness of rights protection. And they no longer fully accept the teacher's word - DayDayNews


The beginning of love, not to mention the ripples of love

Sixteen or seventeen years old, is a flowery time. Students are young and young, and "puppy love" often occurs. No, on my way out of school recently, I saw a boy riding a bicycle through the crowd with a girl from my class. Although there was no overly secretive behavior, I smelled a smell of "love". However, there is no solid evidence at this time, so it is not appropriate to alert others. Also, it is not appropriate to make public in public. And you need to take one step at a time.

came to school as scheduled the next day, and there was nothing strange about the girls.. Let’s briefly talk about her. She is a transfer student from the town. In order to facilitate her schooling, her mother rented a house near the school to accompany her. Because he joined the class in mid-term and usually doesn't like to talk, he is almost a transparent character in the class. But she is also a girl with ideas. She has her own ideas but doesn't express them. I called her to the office between classes and said, "It has been a few months since I joined the class. How do you feel about the class?" Fortunately, these two abrupt words popped out. He also asked how are you getting along with your classmates? good. I ended the conversation hastily, and asked her to go back by saying, "If you have any questions, come and tell me, or write me a note," but I didn't mention anything about what happened last time.

For today's high school students, they are in a period when they are growing up to be rebellious and have their own unique opinions on their flamboyant personalities, and they also have a very high awareness of rights protection. And they no longer fully accept the teacher's word - DayDayNews


Looking at each other, someone chose to run away.

Finally, a good opportunity came. In October, the school organized the Autumn Sports Meet. As a liberal arts class, although we were at a disadvantage in terms of strength in the sports meet, the students were very enthusiastic. Soon many projects were filled up. I looked at the list and encouraged some students to try to participate in the projects. She was also approached, but she said: "Teacher, how about I serve as a logistics operator to get water for the students and write newsletters." In this way, she also participated in the sports meeting.

Our class achieved good results in the morning project on the first day, and the number of newsletters was also far ahead of other classes. It seems that as long as everyone can play their part, who dares to underestimate our liberal arts class? I was secretly happy.

Waited until the afternoon, and accidentally bumped into them on the way to the score board. Yes, our eyes met like this, I didn't say anything and walked forward. I am going to invite her to look at the score board together and cheer for my classmates for the next project. But at this moment, the boy thought that I was going to catch them both to criticize and educate them. When I walked towards her, the boy ran away alone, leaving her alone. I shouted: "You are standing, which class are you in? Why are you running? More and more, he disappeared next to the teaching building." She was left alone to bear the coming storm. At this moment, I want to yell at the students directly, is this how you look at people? But my reason took control of me, and then I thought, isn’t this a God-given opportunity? I asked her to walk towards the score board together, quietly, as if the air had solidified, and it was a little uncomfortable to breathe. I said: Let's go and see how our class's current points are and the corresponding honor list. Then she returned to the base camp and started writing the newsletter. She agreed in a low voice, feeling relatively low.

We walked back to the base camp and wrote two newsletters, then returned to the track to cheer for the students who were about to compete. She was still depressed, so I walked away and let her digest it for a while.

For today's high school students, they are in a period when they are growing up to be rebellious and have their own unique opinions on their flamboyant personalities, and they also have a very high awareness of rights protection. And they no longer fully accept the teacher's word - DayDayNews


Say goodbye to green love, she learned to choose

and I continued to cheer for other students. Soon after, I sat on the lawn, enjoying the fragrance of youth and the shouts on the track. She quietly walked by with her classmates, and I stopped her. She frowned, as if what was supposed to come would eventually come. I joked: "Why are you looking so solemn? Didn't our classmates have a wonderful race on the track just now?" She quickly waved her hand, no. I asked her to sit down.

me: How about it? Let’s talk to the teacher about the classmate just now;

She: He is a classmate in the third year of high school. He is very good at mathematics. I am poor at mathematics. I want to ask him math questions to improve my mathematics scores;

Me: I didn’t say anything. I asked, what do you think of what he said? Does it help your math? I bypassed the sensitive topic ;

She: She must have nodded;

Me: That's good, I mean you have memorized more and more notes in class recently. And asked, do you admire and envy him?

She: She smiled and nodded;

Me: I solved the problem at this time, do you think you like him?

She smiled and said nothing, but I knew the answer from her expression .

I continued to ask, what do you think of his behavior when he just left the scene? She did not speak. Everyone may like differently, or admire it, or have similar interests. But the teacher always feels that no matter what kind of love it is, or how deep the love is, he should always save you from the dilemma. But just now he left silently, even before the teacher started to speak, his panic escape was more or less It makes people a little worried. As girls, we don’t ask to be rich or to wear gold and silver. But at the very least we ask that his shoulders can support you. A sky free from suffering. But what he did just now, I don’t think he can support you. This was the case before I started to get into trouble. What do you expect him to do and what he can do when difficulties come? ?

Her: She looked sad and didn’t speak;

I patted her shoulder and said, let’s go together to cheer for the classmates. She walked away from me, but thoughtfully. When it came to the high jump event and the long jump event, I ran around to cheer them on, record videos and take photos, and share them with parents in a timely manner. Near the end, she walked up to me and said, "I think what you said makes sense. As a boy, you should be responsible. I just went over to tell him that his behavior just now was cowardly and that we are not suitable."

We sat on the track chatting and had forgotten about it. I smiled happily. It seemed that I had helped her find the key point of her choice.

After passing this incident, I understand better that we need to follow the characteristics of students in handling things.

Message from the Attic

Love in student days is young and ignorant, but also rebellious and publicistic. With a teacher's thunderous skills, there are children whose love is as strong as gold; with a teacher who is calm and composed, children can also carefully examine their own love itself. Puppy love is not uncommon at the age when love begins. What we have to do is not to stifle it, but to let the child examine himself and give himself the best answer.

- END -

cover / network

author / Li Gang

education Category Latest News