In order to thoroughly implement the "double reduction" policy and the national, provincial and municipal documents and regulations on the treatment of illegal paid make-up lessons for in-service teachers, promote the implementation of the relevant work deployment requirements of

2024/06/2611:30:32 education 1352

is to thoroughly implement the " double reduction " policy and the national, provincial and municipal documents and regulations on the management of in-service teachers' illegal paid make-up lessons, promote the implementation of the relevant work deployment requirements of the municipal party committee and municipal government, eradicate the in-service teachers' illegal paid make-up lessons, and purify Changchun's education ecology Environment, on July 13, the Changchun Municipal Education Bureau held a special work deployment meeting for in-depth management of paid make-up lessons for in-service teachers.

In order to thoroughly implement the

How to define paid make-up lessons? How to deal with teachers who participate in paid make-up classes? Who will coordinate the specific work? Who will manage it? Who will bear the main responsibility? Focus on the deployment meeting, these questions will be answered one by one!

How to determine that in-service teachers are engaged in paid make-up lessons?

In-service teachers at all levels and teaching aid units in primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, Children's Palace , secondary vocational schools , special education schools , as well as teaching and research departments, teacher training schools and other schools and teaching assistant units (including employment system) ), including in-service teachers in private primary and secondary schools, secondary vocational schools, and kindergartens (hereinafter referred to as schools). In-service teachers who carry out educational and teaching activities in training institutions or private residences, businesses, etc. are deemed to be engaged in paid make-up lessons.

In order to thoroughly implement the

At the same time, teachers who have these behaviors will be included in the management content:

1. Self-organized paid make-up lessons;

2. Participate in paid make-up lessons organized by off-campus training institutions and other organizations;

3. Participate in other teachers, parents and parent committees, etc. Organized paid make-up classes;

4. Introducing students to off-campus training institutions and other personnel engaged in extracurricular training for students and providing student-related information;

5. Organizing, recommending and inducing students to participate in paid off-campus make-up classes;

6. Recommending off-campus training institutions and others to students Relevant information on extracurricular training;

7. Organizing and participating in any other form of paid tutoring;

8. Working or part-time in off-campus training institutions and unlicensed institutions. How does

In order to thoroughly implement the

deal with illegal teachers?

If a teacher violates the rules and pays to make up lessons once, depending on the circumstances, he or she will be given a warning, a serious warning, a demerit, a downgrade of the position, a transfer from the teaching position, and a suspension of performance pay, etc.

Teachers who make up classes in violation of regulations twice or more will be dismissed. If the circumstances are particularly serious, their teaching qualifications will be revoked in accordance with the law and their teaching practices will be strictly controlled.

The impact period of warning punishment is 6 months, the impact period of demerit punishment is 12 months, and the impact period of downgrade or dismissal is 24 months.

Other treatments include disqualification in awards and merit evaluations, job promotions, professional title evaluations, job recruitment, salary promotions, and talent plan declarations. The execution period for canceling relevant qualifications shall not be less than 24 months.

In order to thoroughly implement the

How to deal with schools where teachers violate regulations and make up lessons?

School leaders who are responsible for failing to implement the school's paid make-up lessons, failing to supervise the work, and failing to deal with teachers who violate regulations will be suspended from their posts, in-depth inspections will be made, and party and government disciplinary sanctions will be imposed.

If the nature of the problem is serious and the circumstances are egregious, or if two or more problems occur in the same school, the principal of the school should be removed from the position, party and government disciplinary sanctions should be imposed, and the school's leadership team and leading cadres should be disqualified from the selection of the best for the year. How does

deal with county (city) and district education departments where teachers violate regulations to make up classes?

For problems that are frequent, repeated, severe in nature, and have a bad impact within the jurisdiction of each county (city) or district, or if there are problems in three or more schools, the superior education administrative department will interview the principal of the county (city) district education department Leaders, and recommended that the local government hold the main person in charge of the Education Bureau and those in charge responsible for party and government discipline, and cancel the county (city) district's education target management responsibility system assessment and evaluation qualifications. How does

deal with training institutions that hire in-service teachers in violation of regulations?

Off-campus training institutions at all levels and types in Changchun City that illegally hire on-the-job teachers will have their school licenses revoked, and the legal persons of the training institutions will be banned from the teaching and training industry in Changchun City for life.How to start the governance work of

In order to thoroughly implement the

? Who is responsible?

(1) The school assumes the main management responsibility

Carry out regular warning education, create a high-pressure management situation, and link teachers' paid make-up lessons with teacher ethics evaluation, job promotion, professional title evaluation, and evaluation priority. Every school year, all teachers in the school are organized to sign a letter of commitment to strengthen their awareness of self-discipline, guide teachers to self-discipline, and consciously resist paid make-up lessons. Members of the school leadership team should regularly carry out heart-to-heart talks with teachers to make teachers aware of the dangers of participating in paid make-up lessons, organize teachers to conduct self-examination and self-correction, and build a solid ideological defense line. Establish smooth communication channels between home and school, use WeChat platforms, work groups, etc. to issue notices to students and parents, publish reporting hotlines and reporting platforms, actively accept social supervision, and build supervision that involves schools, teachers, students, parents, and society. system.

(2) Counties (cities) and districts bear territorial management responsibilities

The education administrative departments of each county (city) district and development zone are responsible for the comprehensive management of schools in their respective regions (including schools in central, provincial and municipal districts). All functional departments, streets and communities must establish an effective linkage mechanism to manage on-the-job teachers and implement grid management; education instructors and grid leaders must play an early warning role and report problems and clues to the education administration department in a timely manner; in accordance with national regulations According to the requirements of “whoever approves is responsible” and “whoever is in charge is responsible”, the education administrative departments of each county (city) district and development zone should play a leading role in special governance work and implement the main responsibility for inspection and handling.

(3) The municipal education department assumes overall coordination responsibilities

The Education Working Committee of the Changchun Municipal Party Committee will establish a coordination mechanism to deal with violations of regulations by in-service teachers and paid make-up lessons. A leading group will be headed by the Secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the deputy mayor in charge. It will consist of The office is located in the Municipal Education Bureau. The director of the office is concurrently served by the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau. Clarify the division of responsibilities of each unit to ensure the effectiveness of special governance work.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Planner: Jiang Zhongxiao

Editor: Ma He

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