A video of a father who was dissatisfied with his children watching TV and smashed the TV in anger has been widely circulated on the Internet. The brief video, which lasted for more than one minute, revealed the father's anger and gaffe, and also showed the innocence and helpless

2024/06/2305:25:32 education 1272

A video of a father who was dissatisfied with his children watching TV and smashed the TV in anger has been widely circulated on the Internet. The brief video, which lasted for more than one minute, revealed the father's anger and gaffes, and also showed the innocence and helplessness of the two children. Some comments on the Internet compared breaking a TV to beating a wife, and lamented that when will domestic violence end? The

video shows a boy watching TV at home in Qujing, Guizhou on July 10. After trying to persuade him to no avail, the father smashed the TV in anger in front of the child. Seeing this scene, the boy sat Bewildered on the couch. After hearing the sound, my sister walked out of the room, and then my father turned around and walked into the room. Seeing the smashed TV, the two siblings were silent. Then, the elder sister and the younger brother discussed together and moved the TV back to its original place.

A video of a father who was dissatisfied with his children watching TV and smashed the TV in anger has been widely circulated on the Internet. The brief video, which lasted for more than one minute, revealed the father's anger and gaffe, and also showed the innocence and helpless - DayDayNews

The strong contrast between the angry father and the silent child can easily make us, the melon-eaters, lose control of our emotions. Many netizens have accused the father of improper education, which is another form of domestic violence.

But what I saw was the helplessness of a father at the moment when his mood broke down. There was no verbal or eye contact between father and son in the whole process. The father was trapped in his own emotions and could not extricate himself. At this time, he could not calm down. Only by doing something can you calm the tsunami inside you. At the beginning of the

video, the father slapped the child for talking back, but the father had not completely lost his mind. Although his emotions became extremely explosive later and when he needed to vent, he did not take all the anger out on the child, but just smashed the TV. .

Some people say that the father and son should communicate well at this time. In fact, communication is no longer possible in this situation. Any eye contact may very well become a tragic domestic violence scene.

The father did not have any verbal or eye contact with the child throughout the whole process. Maybe he was trying his best to control himself. Maybe the child's silence saved each other.

Looking at the angry father, the child was undoubtedly nervous, so he sat there the whole time without daring to move. He only dared to step out of the sofa after his father left. When facing parents and adults, children are in a very weak position.

A video of a father who was dissatisfied with his children watching TV and smashed the TV in anger has been widely circulated on the Internet. The brief video, which lasted for more than one minute, revealed the father's anger and gaffe, and also showed the innocence and helpless - DayDayNews

Many times, we cannot understand why children will obey without resistance in the face of violence and injury. Maybe we simply don’t understand the fear and despair in the child’s heart at that moment. Faced with absolute authority and coercion, the child is really powerless to resist .

When we were young, whenever we saw our parents picking up brooms, we would run away, or grandma would yell at us to run, because your father would beat you. When your neighbors see your dad beating you, they will rush over to persuade you, and your dad can take advantage of the situation.

But we don’t have such conditions now. I remember that the window of my daughter’s room faced the downstairs, and sometimes she would often hear the crying of children and the angry roars of men. My daughter said, this child is so pitiful, and sometimes she could hear the child say , if you force me like this, I might as well just die.

I am very fortunate that although my daughter's grades are not very good, her mentality is very healthy in all aspects. This summer's extracurricular classes also allow her to make her own decisions. The two most important cores in family education are love and respect. Parents never lack or be stingy when it comes to giving love to their children. On the contrary, they only have more. But what about respect?

A video of a father who was dissatisfied with his children watching TV and smashed the TV in anger has been widely circulated on the Internet. The brief video, which lasted for more than one minute, revealed the father's anger and gaffe, and also showed the innocence and helpless - DayDayNews

Do we really respect our children? Do we really treat him as an equal being first? Instead of putting all kinds of shackles on the children in the name of love, and then desperately encouraging the children, you fly, why don't you fly? He's so stupid, he only knows how to play and watch TV.

At the end of the video, the boy and his sister silently moved the TV back to its original place, which makes people feel very sad. The child's world is so innocent and simple, thinking that the broken TV will be restored to its original position, everything will return to its original place, and the TV can be reset. , one can even imagine that soon, a new one will replace the broken TV, but can the anger, the fear, and the memory of that slap be completely eliminated from the heart?

A video of a father who was dissatisfied with his children watching TV and smashed the TV in anger has been widely circulated on the Internet. The brief video, which lasted for more than one minute, revealed the father's anger and gaffe, and also showed the innocence and helpless - DayDayNews

Who can guarantee that the next storm will not come, and who can guarantee that out-of-control parents will not turn their fists on their children.

Every summer when the summer vacation comes, there will be more and more dramas between children and their parents falling in love and killing each other. On the one hand, there are parent-child dramas such as Dad, where are you going to take me this summer? On the other hand, there is suddenly more free time. , the time we spent together suddenly increased, and there was a cat-and-mouse game of you looking at me, and me watching you nervous, and the situation would be constant every day.

Some time ago, a child in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province was dragged by his mother to pick up garbage under the scorching sun because he only watched TV instead of doing homework. It seems that this summer vacation has made parents and children really sad!

You have to live through sadness. This is a common problem that life poses to parents and children. It requires both parties to work together to solve it. Of course, parents have a heavier responsibility.

Parents are the originals and children are copies. All the words and deeds of the parents will be copied into the inner world of the children. Inappropriate emotions and behavior will eventually backfire on the parents and the children themselves.

A teacher once said that you should love and care for other people's children with the heart of a parent, and educate your own children with the wisdom of a Bodhisattva. In fact, what he is talking about is love and respect.

When a child feels love, he will have a smile, energy, and confidence, because he knows that no matter what, he will not lose his source of motivation, because his parents are his last support.

When a child is respected, he will be responsible and responsible. Otherwise, everything has nothing to do with him, because he cannot realize his mission and the value of his life. Everything is the requirements and indoctrination of his parents, and he cannot True self-awakening.

Awakening is the beginning of growth . As parents and children, if you can detect the moment when emotions rise, it is the beginning of awakening and the beginning of growth. I wish all parents and children can reconcile and have love and love in their hearts. respect.

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