1. After failing the exam, which one is better, "working part-time to keep up with vocational high school"? The teacher’s point of view has awakened many parents! Most parents hope that their children can have a bright future and development. The best development path after the h

2024/05/1719:21:33 education 1870

1. After failing the exam, which one is better,

1. After failing the exam, which one is better, "working to keep up with vocational high school"? The teacher’s point of view has awakened many parents!

Most parents hope that their children can have a bright future and development. The best development path after the high school entrance examination is to successfully enter a good high school, enter a good university after the college entrance examination, and find a stable job after graduation. However, not all students can enter high school. After failing the high school entrance exam, students and parents must make other choices. Faced with such a problem, most parents will be in a dilemma .

1. Some people think that children are too young to integrate into society well. First of all, they are not willing to let their children run around and work at a very young age. Secondly, they do not have enough knowledge and experience , so how can they find a stable job?

1. After failing the exam, which one is better,

2. Some people think that you can’t learn any real skills in vocational education. If you let your child go to vocational high school to continue learning, but feel that the nature of vocational high school is similar to a technical school, then even in vocational high school, your child will not learn any real skills, and it may just be a waste of time. The two choices

do not seem to be the best choices . At this time, both parents and students will be confused. Faced with this dilemma, a high school teacher said to parents: "Children would rather work than go to vocational high schools."

Such a decisive answer awakened many parents. Relatively speaking, teachers must have a deeper understanding of the school. If teachers do not recommend children to go to vocational high schools, it means that there may not really be much point in going to vocational high schools.

1. After failing the exam, which one is better,

2. What is the current situation of vocational high schools?

Vocational high school is a type of education in our country. We all know that our country implements education diversion. After passing the high school entrance examination, some people go to high school and then to university to cultivate high-quality talents. Some people go to vocational high school to learn a skill and cultivate technical talents. The two complement each other, provide all kinds of talents to the society and promote social development.

At present, due to the existence of various problems, there is a big gap between the reality and the ideal of vocational high schools.. Vocational high schools are not as popular as regular high schools. Many even sneered at the mention of vocational high schools. Obviously, the country has proposed a general 5:5 diversion policy for general vocational schools, but vocational high schools are still ignored, and the development of vocational high schools has made society increasingly dissatisfied.

1. After failing the exam, which one is better,

Some people even laugh at what they can do in vocational high schools besides smoking, drinking and falling in love. Therefore, vocational high schools do not have a good reputation in society. Many parents and students will face this question, that is, should their children work or go to a vocational high school?

You can make money by working, but the children are still young and are afraid of being deceived, and they can't learn anything in vocational high schools. This can only be a waste of time. From here it is not difficult to see the status of vocational high schools in people's minds. Although there are a large number of vocational high schools, there are no good vocational high schools. Many parents will be dissatisfied with vocational high schools and feel that the level of education is too low.

1. After failing the exam, which one is better,

3. Many parents are unwilling to send their children to vocational high schools. Why is this?

First, society and relevant departments do not pay enough attention to vocational high schools. Compared with ordinary high schools, vocational high schools are even more miserable.On the one hand, they have to run the school , on the other hand, they have no support . Although they have the same status as ordinary high schools, they receive less support than ordinary high schools. Therefore, vocational high schools have always been in a state of half-death..

Second, the positioning of vocational high schools is inaccurate. Vocational high schools need to cultivate technical talents, which means that they are technology-centered, but in vocational high schools, they still learn cultural courses such as Chinese and mathematics, and rarely have the opportunity to participate in skills training and other courses. This Resulting in poor performance compared to high school and poor performance compared to technology. Many units will not recruit students from such schools after they graduate. Because they are not good at their jobs.

1. After failing the exam, which one is better,

Third, the management system is imperfect. Some vocational high schools do not pay attention to the management of students, resulting in many vocational high school students developing bad habits such as smoking and drinking during school. Vocational high schools, especially in terms of management, are in sharp contrast to ordinary high schools. The loose management of vocational high schools has also been criticized by many people.

In fact, there is nothing to worry about whether to go to a vocational high school or go out to work. Mainly parents and students should plan for the future. If they really want to learn a technology, they go to a vocational high school. Furthermore, students need to study hard and not waste time. If they want to work, let them work .

1. After failing the exam, which one is better,

After the 5:5 split between ordinary vocational schools and is implemented, the relevant departments will definitely pay more attention to vocational high schools. After all, half of junior high school students need to study in vocational high schools, so vocational high schools will definitely usher in adjustments and achieve better development by then. In fact, vocational high school students can also choose to take the college entrance examination. As long as they have excellent grades, they can also go to college, but only if they study hard.

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