Teacher Huang Yonghong of "Education for Love" has been working for 30 years. With full enthusiasm and whole-hearted devotion, he has been recognized by leaders, colleagues, students and parents in his work, and has been rated as outstanding in many years of assessment. Since 200

2024/05/1711:52:33 education 1755

Nurture for love through thick and thin

Teacher Huang Yonghong of

Teacher Huang Yonghong has been working for 30 years. With full enthusiasm and whole-hearted devotion, he has been recognized by leaders, colleagues, students and parents in his work, and has been evaluated as a With excellent grades, he has served as the school grade group leader since 2003. He has successively served as the chairman of the school trade union, director of the teaching department, director of the school safety department, member of the third and fourth CPPCC committees in Shushan District, etc. He has been awarded the title of Outstanding Communist Party Member, Outstanding CPPCC Member, Outstanding Class Teacher, and Representative of the Association for Science and Technology in Shushan District. Nanqi Street Voter Representative Presidium member. He has tutored students and won awards at the municipal level and above for many times. He was awarded the title of "National Outstanding Science and Technology Counselor" by the Chinese Geographical Society and the title of "Excellent Anti-drug Counseling Teacher" by the Hefei Anti-Drug Committee. .

As an educator, Teacher Huang always follows this sentence: to educate people before studying, and to put morality first in everything. In the teaching process, pay attention to the life and study of each student, gradually understand and know them through contact, and then slowly become familiar with them, and finally prescribe the right medicine. In particular, we will conduct meticulous observation and communication with "double difference students" to find the shining points in them to find the focus of education. In daily work, Teacher Huang not only cares about students' learning, but also does not relax in life. Some parents of students pay little attention to their children's learning and do not supervise their children enough. In order to solve this problem, Teacher Huang dedicated a lot of his time to evening self-study, constantly urging them to study and giving them guidance. At that time, some children may still complain that Teacher Huang’s classroom and evening self-study were too strict and too much. Now, when I sometimes talk to these students about what happened back then, someone will always say: “Teacher, if it weren’t for you, I can’t get into this university either.” Hearing such a sentence makes all the hardship and fatigue worth it.

Teacher Huang Yonghong of

"Virtue is the foundation of human beings, and filial piety is the first of virtue." Filial piety and respect for the elderly are the cornerstone of human ethics and the essence of the thousands-year-old splendid culture of the Chinese nation. In 2013, when the school organized students to carry out the " Mid-Autumn Festival Send Love and Care for the Elderly" activity, Teacher Huang mobilized the students and all students participated in the activity. In this activity, although we only got along for a short time, a spiritual bridge was built between the students and the elderly because of their sincere care. Not only were the elderly deeply moved, but the students also felt that they had benefited a lot. After coming out of intense study, I enriched my extracurricular life, experienced the joy of labor, and understood that it is happier to give happiness than to receive happiness. At the same time, it also promotes students' understanding of society, pays attention to this large and special group, and enhances students' sense of social responsibility.

Teacher Huang Yonghong of

Since starting work, Teacher Huang has always devoted himself to the education career he loves with full enthusiasm. Always take the overall situation into consideration at work and never do anything special. Under the guidance of school leaders, I can keep in close contact with parents and coordinate all aspects of the relationship. I work regardless of internal or external duties and never complain. I can unite my colleagues in school and learn humbly from all the teachers around me.

As the grade leader of the school, I consciously take the lead in strengthening the study of professional knowledge and theoretical knowledge, constantly "charge" myself, improve teaching and management levels, and enhance professional capabilities. I can use my spare time for a long time to engage in research on geography education and teaching, and insist on writing teaching experiences. This will make it easier to use advanced teaching concepts and scientific teaching theory to lay the foundation for teaching students in accordance with their aptitude. The school's grade group work is a systematic and complicated job, but in the actual operation process, Teacher Huang can always grasp the key points, grasp the practical links, accumulate small experiences, and gather large results, so that his work can be done well. impressive. Over the past 30 years, Teacher Huang has worked hard and never slackened off. He has won the title of Excellent College Entrance Examination Marking Teacher and National Outstanding Science and Technology Counselor.

Teacher Huang Yonghong of

After decades of hard work and decades of growth, Teacher Huang has gained a lot through sweat. Achievements are not enough, reputation is inspiring.As a teacher, Teacher Huang always feels that he must practice the way of being a person and being a teacher. Teacher Huang has stood on this three-foot podium all his life, using his knowledge to water these flowers, making them worthy of the present and hopeful for the future.

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