The economic situation in the past two years has been severe. Finding a good job is simply a luxury. Although the country attaches great importance to the employment of fresh graduates and provides a large number of jobs, there are so many job seekers. This year, the number of fr

2024/05/1617:38:33 education 1714

The economic situation in the past two years has been severe. Finding a good job is simply a luxury. Although the country attaches great importance to the employment of fresh graduates and provides a large number of jobs, there are so many job seekers. This year, the number of fr - DayDayNews

The economic situation in the past two years has been severe. Finding a good job is simply a luxury. Although the country attaches great importance to the employment of fresh graduates and provides a large number of jobs, there are so many job seekers. The number of fresh graduates this year has exceeded There are 10 million people. There are many people who have not found jobs in the past. Under the current economic situation, how can there be so many jobs!

In addition, undergraduates are everywhere nowadays, there are as many graduate students as dogs, and college students are not uncommon at all. Most jobs require a bachelor's degree or above, so it will be more difficult for college students to find a good job. It’s harder than climbing to the sky, unless your family has a mine and you can go back and inherit the family property, but most people still have to choose to go to the factory to tighten screws!

Due to the current situation, has three branches and one support. is indeed a good choice. Although it has to go to the countryside, is very training for newly graduated college students and can increase their experience. Generally speaking, it is very meaningful. , which will be of great benefit to future life. Moreover, the competitive pressure is relatively small and the salary is good. It will be of great help in the future whether it is postgraduate entrance examination, public examination, or starting a business!

The economic situation in the past two years has been severe. Finding a good job is simply a luxury. Although the country attaches great importance to the employment of fresh graduates and provides a large number of jobs, there are so many job seekers. This year, the number of fr - DayDayNews

Competition is relatively small

"Three supports and one support" Only fresh graduates can apply, and the number of applicants for will be much smaller. . Nowadays, most civil service and career examinations require a bachelor's degree or above, and "three supports and one support" college students can also apply for . Many undergraduates and graduate students do not want to go to villages and towns, and have too high expectations and disdain to apply for the "three supports and one support" , so the competition will be much smaller. As long as you prepare well, you will have the opportunity to go ashore.

Moderate wages

Let’s first look at a set of salary data shared by a “Three Supports and One Support” netizen:

Position salary: 1,490 yuan a month

Salary grade: 369 yuan a month

Retention allowance: 129 yuan a month

Townships Work subsidy: 200 yuan a month

Performance: about 2,000 yuan a month

The total income is about 4,000 yuan!

In most places, the salary can be maintained at more than 3,000 yuan per month, with living and transportation subsidies. In some developed areas, the salary can even reach 5,000 yuan or 7,000 yuan per month, which is much higher than the local average salary level. In most towns and villages, the salary is guaranteed. Housing is cheap, so there is no pressure in life at all.

The economic situation in the past two years has been severe. Finding a good job is simply a luxury. Although the country attaches great importance to the employment of fresh graduates and provides a large number of jobs, there are so many job seekers. This year, the number of fr - DayDayNews

Follow-up is guaranteed

After the two-year service period of , if you want to stay, can generally be directly converted to to compile . can also apply for civil servants, and can take the examination for the targeted recruitment of civil servants from grassroots service personnel. If you apply for or master's degree and further study, 10 points will be added to the total score of the preliminary test. Priority will be given to admission under the same conditions. and even some places have preferential policies for starting their own businesses after the service period expires. also has preferential policies.

The economic situation in the past two years has been severe. Finding a good job is simply a luxury. Although the country attaches great importance to the employment of fresh graduates and provides a large number of jobs, there are so many job seekers. This year, the number of fr - DayDayNews

"Three Supports and One Support" does not work in the village, but in the town, and the work will not be very busy. It is a very good transition period for newly graduated college students. During this period, you can plan well. For your future life , choose the direction you want to work on, and use your free time to study hard so that you can have the ability to move towards a new life after your service period expires.

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Stop worrying about "what to make up for", study like this during the summer vacation from primary school to junior high school, and the top five students who are promoted to junior high school from primary school to junior high school must pay attention to these two things! When - DayDayNews

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