English has always been a "long-standing difficulty" for many students to learn, and there are endless voices of canceling the status of English as a major subject. With the announcement of the new curriculum standards for 2022, it seems to have given students a cool breeze.

2024/05/1614:07:33 education 1237

English has always been a "long-standing difficulty" for many students. There are endless voices of canceling the status of English as a major subject. With the announcement of the new curriculum standards for 2022, it seems to have given students a cool breeze. But careful parents have discovered that the idea that English has been kicked out of the main subject may be just a misunderstanding. From the perspective of curriculum arrangement, English class hours have indeed been reduced, which means that the time for teachers to teach has been shortened, and the knowledge that children can learn and consolidate from class has been compressed. However, the difficulty of the exam has not been reduced, the question types have become more diverse, and the learning content is closer to practical applications. To achieve good results, hard work is definitely indispensable. Some students lamented that it would be better to learn it in school.

English has always been a

So, after the new curriculum of is changed to , how to learn English? Are the new concepts we have been using for decades worth learning? Because my daughter is about to enter third grade and is about to start learning English systematically. To this end, I specifically asked a front-line English teacher from a popular middle school in Zhengzhou to hear his thoughts.

English has always been a

First, let’s talk about what are the advantages of the New Concept textbook?

1. The grammar system is perfect, which is conducive to systematic learning. The first big advantage of

new concept textbook is that its grammar is relatively systematic. It takes ten years to learn English from the third grade to the third year of high school, but there are only four books on new concepts, so you In terms of grammar system, the new concept textbook is leading.

2. The application time is long and the teachers are experienced, which is conducive to knowledge output.

What is the second advantage? Because it has been around for a long time, he has accumulated a large number of experienced teachers in China who can explain new concepts to children very well. There are also a large number of classic teaching materials and peripheral materials, which are conducive to children's supporting learning.

English has always been a

What are the disadvantages of the new concept? The specific differences between New Concept English and Cambridge English can be analyzed from the following aspects:

New Concept English has a higher grammatical difficulty and is more suitable for older students. What about Cambridge English? It is customary to use the method of subtle acquisition to let students master grammar.

The first point is from the perspective of new concepts and the publishing and positioning of Cambridge English.

new concept is a set of English teaching materials jointly published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and Pearson Education Publishing China Co., Ltd., which is suitable for our Chinese teaching system. The new concepts are divided into four volumes. In primary school and junior high school, they are mainly for learning the first and second levels of new concepts. Cambridge English is a system specially designed by the Cambridge Examination University Committee for students from non-native speaking countries. After this system was introduced to China, it added a preparatory level, that is, preparatory level one, two, and three, that is, Cambridge Children's English . After a child completes Level 3 content, he or she can generally master a vocabulary of about 2,500 words. The goal of Cambridge English learning is to promote vivid and exciting language use, and the accurately measured English proficiency is generally more vivid in study and examinations. The assessment content is divided into three parts: listening, reading and writing, and speaking.

English has always been a

The second point is about reading. Cambridge English’s reading stories are more mind-expanding, interesting and easy to understand, while New Concept English is a short story.

The third point is that regarding listening, Cambridge English uses life scene conversations or English songs, so you will feel the experience and fun when learning. The listening of new concept English, especially the listening training of second English, is more difficult for children who do not have a language immersion environment.

The fourth point is about writing. In terms of writing, Cambridge English requires children to be able to write some practical articles, while New Concept English requires children to improve their general writing skills and develop on the basis of learning sentences or writing.

English has always been a

The fifth point is that in terms of spoken language, it can be said that it is more practical to make English. He proposed that children should be able to conduct oral topic training one by one, which is very close to life. New Concept English speaking is a basic English speaking training.


Generally speaking, Cambridge English is more practical, more interesting, and closer to life, while New Concept English is more suitable for exams. In the new era of learning, especially in the high school and college entrance examinations, the proportion of oral test scores is gradually increasing. It is recommended that you choose an English study that is more suitable for you.

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