Summer vacation, no vacation for safety! As the weather gets hotter, the annual summer vacation is approaching. How to spend a safe and happy summer vacation? Keep the following summer safety tips handy. *Prevention of drowning incidents High temperatures in summer are a period o

2024/05/1601:14:33 education 1485
Summer vacation, no vacation for safety! As the weather gets hotter, the annual summer vacation is approaching. How to spend a safe and happy summer vacation? Keep the following summer safety tips handy. *Prevention of drowning incidents High temperatures in summer are a period o - DayDayNews

is on summer vacation, but it’s safe! As the weather gets hotter, the annual summer vacation is approaching. How to spend a safe and happy summer vacation? Keep the following summer safety tips handy.


Prevention of drowning incidents

High temperatures in summer are a period of high incidence of drowning incidents. Parents are requested to fully understand the dangers of drowning accidents, earnestly perform their guardianship duties, and educate their children to remember the "six don'ts and two meetings" to prevent drowning: do not go swimming privately without the guidance of parents or entrusted guardians; do not swim privately with classmates without authorization; Swim in unsafe waters; do not go into rivers, ponds, play, or fish on the way to and from school; do not risk crossing bridges, rivers, or wading pits; students who are not good at water should not go into the water to rescue without authorization. If they are found swimming privately or in danger, they will remind, dissuade, and report each other; they will learn basic self-protection, self-rescue, and life-saving methods to prevent drowning.


Pay attention to traffic safety

Parents are requested to remind their children to strictly abide by traffic rules when going out, do not run red lights, pay attention to passing vehicles when crossing the road, and do not drive parallel, reverse, cross, chase or fight on the road. Do not play on the road or around parked vehicles, do not look at mobile phones or listen to music while walking or riding, and do not ride on motor vehicle lanes. Do not ride on unlicensed, unlicensed or illegally overloaded vehicles and vessels, and pay attention to personal and property safety. Students under the age of 12 are strictly prohibited from riding bicycles, and students under the age of 16 are strictly prohibited from riding electric vehicles. As guardians of their children, parents should keep the car keys and not allow minors to drive motor vehicles.


Strengthening epidemic prevention and control

In principle, teachers, students and employees of schools in various places will not leave the country during the summer vacation, and avoid going to domestic medium- and high-risk areas and the counties (cities, districts, and banners) where they are located. Unnecessary travel to other places in the city where medium- and high-risk areas are located County (city, district, banner). Reduce unnecessary social activities, take personal protection when going out, and maintain a safe social distance in public places; consciously develop basic hygiene habits such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, gathering less, and "one-meter noodles" to ensure your own health and safety , do a good job in self-health monitoring, and report any abnormalities related to the epidemic in a timely manner.


Pay attention to food safety

Parents are requested to pay attention to the food safety of their children. When the weather is hot, let your children eat less cold drinks and avoid overeating; eat less fried, smoked, and barbecued foods; strictly implement good hygiene habits such as portioning meals and using public chopsticks and spoons, and advocate a healthy lifestyle; Process cooked foods separately, cook the food thoroughly, and do not eat wild animals; strictly prevent the spread of epidemics through items, be careful when contacting cold chain foods and overseas online shopping products, and enhance self-prevention awareness and protective capabilities.


Pay attention to fire safety

It is hot and dry in summer. Parents are requested to urge their children not to play with fire in fields, mountains, or wild areas, or to barbecue or use open flames in places with lush vegetation, piles of leaves and other flammable materials, or where there are fire prevention instructions; Do not touch electrical appliances and other live facilities and equipment with wet hands; escape immediately if you find a fire and call 119 in time.


Pay attention to network security

Parents are requested to teach their children not to indulge in online games and not to meet netizens; do not disclose information about yourself and your family to strangers you meet online; be careful when posting information online and do not forward information that has not been officially announced Information; beware of online fraud, do not click on unknown links, and be more vigilant against various forms of fraud such as online shopping fraud, lottery winning fraud, and impersonating acquaintance fraud.


Pay attention to mental health

Please schools and parents pay attention to the mental health of their children. We should continue to pay attention to students' psychological state, communicate more with children, communicate in companionship, understand in communication, and guide in understanding. Guide children to actively participate in healthy and lively group activities, communicate more with teachers, parents, classmates, relatives and friends, and create and record happy moments and experiences for themselves, their families, and their peers. Close cooperation between home and school, create a harmonious, harmonious and warm environment, and effectively provide psychological counseling for children.

In 2022 Xiangcheng District Private Compulsory Education School

Computer allocation random number generation

Random number generation method

According to the enrollment plan, the schools that exceed the planned number in the first year and need to draw numbers include Zhangzhou Foreign Languages ​​School and Zhangzhou Yingcai School.

According to the online registration and application process of logging into the Zhangzhou Education Bureau website " Zhangzhou Enrollment Management System (access address Compulsory Education School Enrollment Information Management Platform" Based on the actual number of students in the school (subject to the registration deadline), each school's student volunteer computer allocation random number will be determined through "twice randomization".

first randomization: the computer randomly numbers the serial number (i.e. random number). Each school first had five people, including school representatives, student parent representatives, media representatives, Municipal People's Congress representatives, and CPPCC members, to draw out five versions of the random numbers for student volunteer computer allocation on site.

second random: random lottery to determine the version. Deputies to the Municipal People's Congress will draw out one version from these five versions of random numbers for student volunteer computer allocation, which will be used as the determined version of the random number for student volunteer computer allocation, which will be announced to the public and used as the basis for lottery admission.

Check your own random number

Students participating in the lottery can log in to the Zhangzhou City Enrollment Management System ( to check the random number of their chosen application. Each application corresponds to a random number. After personal inquiry Please pay attention to the one-to-one correspondence with the application you have filled out.

admission method

At 9:00 am on July 6th, computer random allocation will be held, that is, lottery admission to , using the "on-site lottery + computer continuous random number admission" method, that is, the first winning number will be picked on site, and the steps will be direct is 1, and the consecutive random numbers after the winning number are the admission numbers until the enrollment plan number is completed.

Summer vacation, no vacation for safety! As the weather gets hotter, the annual summer vacation is approaching. How to spend a safe and happy summer vacation? Keep the following summer safety tips handy. *Prevention of drowning incidents High temperatures in summer are a period o - DayDayNews

Fill up the vacancies

The vacancies generated by private schools can be filled up from the consecutive random numbers that have been drawn until the quota is full.

Multiple school admissions

Multiple school admissions for public junior high schools in the six sub-district offices of Xiangcheng District will be held in early August.

Enrollment schedule

Summer vacation, no vacation for safety! As the weather gets hotter, the annual summer vacation is approaching. How to spend a safe and happy summer vacation? Keep the following summer safety tips handy. *Prevention of drowning incidents High temperatures in summer are a period o - DayDayNews

Source: Zhangzhou Education Weiyan, Straits Herald Da Zhangzhou

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