The leaders of the college visit the freshmen to enter the journal to guide the orientation work

2021/09/0422:43:02 education 2874

College leaders visit freshmen to enter the journal to guide the orientation

Source: Wen/News Center Zhang Qiantu/Chen Lan News Center Ye Jinyuan Deng Rulian Benlu

Southwest Jiaotong University Hope College 2021 It is proceeding like a raging fire. From orientation preparations to orientation work drills to actual orientation, the college orientation work leading group has conducted overall arrangements and careful deployment, and has held multiple coordination meetings and mobilization meetings to study and deploy the orientation work. The college has made concerted efforts to promote the smooth progress of the orientation work. According to the college's epidemic prevention and control plan, the orientation work of this semester adopts the method of reporting in installments and batches. On the morning of August 28, continuous drizzle on the scene brought multiple difficulties to the orientation. To ensure the smooth progress of the orientation, Dean Chen Yemei, accompanied by Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Dean Wang Yan, and Assistant Dean Yang Qing, Under the rain, went to the college's orientation work points for on-site guidance.

The leaders of the college visit the freshmen to enter the journal to guide the orientation work - DayDayNews

Dean Chen and his party went to professional consultation points, information review points, green channels, and welcome registration points of each college to learn more about the registration of freshmen. She encourages volunteers and on-site staff to increase their work enthusiasm, and use warm and thoughtful, safe and orderly services to let students and parents who report in the rain feel the warm care of the college. She also mentioned that the orientation staff must do their work carefully and practically to ensure that every freshman can complete the entry into the journal in an efficient and orderly manner.

The leaders of the college visit the freshmen to enter the journal to guide the orientation work - DayDayNews

On the afternoon of the 28th, Chen Shangyun, the secretary of the Party Committee of the College, was accompanied by the heads of relevant departments to inspect and guide the preparations for the welcome. Secretary Chen and his party successively inspected the registration points of the secondary colleges, the party member pioneer service office, the dormitory registration office, the parent rest area, and the off-campus professional consultation point to fully understand the progress of the welcome from inside to outside the campus. Secretary Chen asked one by one about the registration status of the freshmen who were promoted to the junior college.I affirmed and expressed condolences to the on-site staff and volunteers, and expressed cordial greetings to the freshmen and their parents who reported on the spot, and encouraged the freshmen to be successful in their studies in the college. Secretary Chen said that each welcome point must clarify the service process, ensure the quality of service, and provide effective service content for new students and parents. Secretary Chen also noticed that the long-term continuous rain has caused the tents to have different degrees of water accumulation, and there is a risk of collapse. He urged the welcome points to deal with the water in time to avoid safety accidents.

The leaders of the college visit the freshmen to enter the journal to guide the orientation work - DayDayNews

At the orientation site, Wang Yan, deputy secretary of the party committee and deputy dean, emphasized that we must pay great attention to safety issues, and the nucleic acid report inspection points must strictly follow the epidemic prevention requirements to manage the school personnel and guard the campus epidemic safety position . Due to the continuous rain on site, the equipment that needs electricity needs to be waterproof, and always pay attention to the problem of slippery roads and easy falls. He said that safety is no small matter. We must always be vigilant at all orientation points, promptly resolve potential safety hazards at the site, and continuously improve the orientation work based on years of experience to provide a perfect orientation environment.

Through the on-site inspection, the leaders of the college fully affirmed the orientation work of the orientation points, and expressed cordial condolences and gratitude to the front-line orientation staff and volunteers. At the same time, they encouraged everyone to further improve their service awareness. The departments cooperate closely to provide high-quality services for new students and parents, and advance the orientation work in an orderly manner.


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