Looking for GTD productivity tools? Why not try OmniFocus mac version, which helps you easily schedule tasks, write notes and clip information from Mail, Messages, Safari and any other third-party applications. You can quickly and easily convert action lists into polished project

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Looking for GTD productivity tools? Why not try OmniFocus mac version, it can help you easily schedule tasks, write notes and clip information from Mail, Messages, Safari and any other third-party applications. You can quickly and easily convert action lists into polished projects, reevaluate priorities, mark tasks, mark deadlines, and more.

Looking for GTD productivity tools? Why not try OmniFocus mac version, which helps you easily schedule tasks, write notes and clip information from Mail, Messages, Safari and any other third-party applications. You can quickly and easily convert action lists into polished project - DayDayNews

OmniFocus Mac version features introduction

1. Reliable and easy-to-use project manager and task organizer

Because Omnifocus seamlessly integrates with your operating system, you can write down ideas, check your schedule, or review one of your projects every time you need to time to summon it. With Omnifocus's intuitive interface, you can quickly and easily transform action lists into polished projects, reevaluate priorities, mark tasks, mark deadlines, and more. After creating a project, you can add sub-projects or parallel projects, define goals, add deadlines, schedule recurring tasks in clearly defined contexts, and easily clear your inbox when checking for complete actions.

2. Create custom perspectives and inspect projects

Omnifocus comes with a range of convenient features that you can use to plan and focus on the tasks you need to accomplish to accomplish your goals. With the Review function, you can fully understand the project requirements and work on the project's terms. Color-coded highlighting and marking system prevents oversight and allows you to focus on important tasks. This, combined with the forecast perspective, allows you to easily check your schedule as the information is provided based on your plans and projects.

3. Quickly sync your plans with other computers and mobile devices

What's more, Omnifocus allows you to keep your data synchronized across your Mac and iOS devices via Omni Sync Server. You can also use a compatible WebDAV server to sync your data with your desired computers and mobile devices. The top toolbar helps you synchronize your data, find entries, clean up, add new actions, and hide or show a sidebar that switches from your inbox to projects, context, predictions, flags, reviews, or anything in just a few keystrokes Other custom perspectives you create.

software download address: OmniFocus for Mac (GTD efficiency tool) Chinese version


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