South Koreans support Samsung, Chinese people line up to buy Apple, accusing Huawei of expensive phones?

2021/10/1118:36:02 digitals 671

What about these issues? We can make a basic analysis one by one so that you can learn and communicate with the officials. As for your own ideas, I cannot decide and will not forcefully change it, but we can expand our analysis and understanding of things through communication. Know. If everyone thinks it is right, please give me support and recognition at the end. I would like to thank you first.

Question 1: Koreans support Samsung!

First of all, South Korea, as a single nation country, has a very strong sense of national identity, and has a huge trust and nationalist feelings for its own brands, especially well-known domestic brands. Perhaps in the eyes of us Chinese, buying domestic products does not mean being patriotic, and buying foreign products does not mean not being patriotic! However, in South Korea, both sellers and Korean consumers are more inclined to buy domestic brand products, even if sometimes the performance is not necessarily the best, the price may be higher than foreign brands, but Koreans are more interested in domestic products. The degree of recognition and pride is indeed high, even if foreigners buy Korean brand products, they will also have this sense of happiness and pride.

Second, South Korea’s IT and semiconductor industries have indeed experienced rapid development over the years, so Koreans have a lot of confidence in their products. Coupled with the rapid development of the Korean economy in recent decades, technological advances in shipbuilding, electronics, automobiles, and machinery have spawned a large number of powerful Korean brands, such as Samsung, Hyundai, and LG among the world’s top 500 Wait. Although in our knowledge, we all know that HP, Sony and other established companies still have to surpass the late-star South Korean Samsung and LG in terms of overall technical strength, but in the eyes of Koreans, they are more competitive Better foreign products.

Third, the long-term national education and the national characteristics of South Korea determine the thinking of South Koreans. Buying domestic products is the best way to support the development of South Korea’s industry. If you want Korean brands to compete in the world, you need to let Korean brands fully occupy South Korea. market. In addition to the daily basic living materials imported due to national conditions, the rest of the technology manufacturing products, even if the world brands are in South Korea, are difficult to compete with Korean brands.Because the market sales and space are very small.

Summary: Therefore, in such a big thinking, it is not difficult for Koreans to support Samsung. Moreover, Samsung is indeed a rising brand in South Korea, the backbone of the economy, and how much South Korea’s industry and social economy have been promoted, so Koreans In the process of supporting domestic brands, I also enjoy the benefits brought by the economic development of South Korea. South Korea understands this principle from top to bottom, and South Korean companies have no worries about the future, and strive to compete for the share of the world market and bring more overseas dividends to South Korea.

Question 2: Chinese people line up to buy apples !

First of all, the iOS operating system and A-series processors of Apple mobile phones do perform well. In terms of the stability of the system and the aesthetics of the operation interface, there have been almost no major problems. In addition, because iOS is developed by Apple itself Relatively speaking, it is worthy of the trust of private users in terms of security, especially in the ID lock function. Once it is lost, personal information can still be perfectly protected, unlike the Android system, which can be unlocked easily. .

Second, Apple's marketing system is indeed very powerful, at least he knows what I want to express every time he presses! Especially in the study of customer situation analysis and self-decision-making responses in the large consumer market. At present, many domestic companies cannot do this. The research and development of technology is important, but the understanding of a specific market is a coup to win sales. As long as you do this well, even if your product is not perfect or backward in some respects, you will still be happy as a consumer.

Third, Apple, which has relatively good brand value and reputation, can also do well in this regard. The overall positioning is mid-to-high-end, and a feeling that makes users stand out is that those who own the latest iPhone or Apple products are tasteful or rich, and their income is in the upper-middle stage, and they have a good identity. The other is to maintain a relatively stable price stage for the price of Apple products for a long time, until the delisting price does not fall a lot, giving people a sense of value and trust, unlike most Android phones, which are released within a few days.Start the price war, even if the performance is doing well. Because of the decline in sales in the auction market, they started to cut prices crazily, making buyers instantly feel that they were losing money and being cheated of money, and the product was not worth it. You know, scalpers like to resell Apple products and recycle them, because they can make money once they are dumped. This is value shaping.

Question three: accuse Huawei of expensive mobile phones!

First of all, the reason why Huawei products are expensive in the entire mobile phone industry is also related to their product positioning and excellent performance. For example, before the first half of 2020, Huawei mobile phones once led the iPhone in the field of high-end phones in the Chinese market. So far, no Chinese company can do this, and it is rare in the world market. In the proportion of mid-range machines, many domestic manufacturers in the Android camp have doubled the pressure, and both marketing and profits are out of balance. That’s why the US sanctions and bans can keep Apple’s market share in the high-end device market. The mid-to-low-end segment makes life easier for and Qualcomm. However, manufacturers using Qualcomm chips and other equipment will not be able to produce much.). Just imagine, if Huawei's products are not good, then how could such a result be achieved.

Second, when the product performance is relatively good, why should I let low prices compete for the market and engage in dumping? This is not Huawei’s approach. You must know that Huawei's overseas products are basically more expensive than domestic prices, and the sales volume before the sanctions was very substantial, as can be seen from the proportion of overseas revenue. Therefore, Huawei makes everyone understand that domestic products can also be very expensive and have better performance. If it weren't for sanctions and cut-offs, Kirin processor + harmonyOS system and camera to optimize strength, this year's market would definitely be another day.

Third, the existence of Huawei has attracted a lot of people's annoyance, because in market competition, Huawei’s profit cake is too large, and the corresponding is that people’s cakes are reduced, because the market share in a certain period of time is only that much. Those who eat more and occupy more will be blamed (same as Li Yunlong in Liangjian is not enough to expand to 8 battalions + the regiment’s direct troops,Even old comrades Ding Wei and Kong Jie want to beat Li Yunlong's local tyrants)! Therefore, after Huawei was sanctioned, everyone wanted to try it out. Apple’s iPhone13 has been selling well. In the Android camp, you are still chasing after me. If you don’t like it, you can play price wars if the performance is not enough. Anyway, Qualcomm's chips are still being purchased at a premium and ready to be produced. In the past, Qualcomm dare not quickly come up with a solution to the fever problem? Now it's minor repairs and minor changes, lying down to make money. Even the sanctioned Huawei has to purchase other people's chips, and can only use 4G network solutions. But even so, Huawei still came up with its own harmonyOS system solution. Even if Android is not available, I will continue to stick to the day when I can rebirth. Therefore, today's Huawei products need more resources in the field of technology research and development. It is necessary to know that every technical output requires more resources, so an operating system is also in vain. It was made with talents and resources. Therefore, Huawei's products are expensive, which means that they are valuable.

Question 4: What do you think about this?

Summary: For accusing Huawei of being expensive, I think it is nothing more than the following aspects;

indeed some people say that it is expensive, that is compared to other Android phones, the overall hardware The configuration is compared.

Some people say that it is expensive. Those who have been using Huawei or glory products feel that it is expensive based on the general positioning of Huawei products in the past and the positioning of new products today.

The third part is that it is expensive. After the sanctions, Huawei’s products are basically 4G network phones. They believe that the price should be cheaper. As a result, the price is basically maintained at the original level.

The last part of people say that it is expensive, just to follow the "purposeful public opinion" manipulating group, this group is the most terrifying! Their purpose is to kill Huawei, fearing that if Huawei rises again, it will seriously affect their own interests. Such groups are the most hateful. It is to take advantage of the U.S. sanctions order to kill Huawei together.

The ultimate view: For Huawei and Chinese companies,Should we support it?

Huawei still needs to continue to strengthen the alternative development of localized shortcomings, and to properly control the premium rate. Of course, the profit that should be earned must be earned to achieve the limit of performance and all ranks. The corresponding sense of excellent experience can be. I hope that Huawei can also break through the technological limitations brought about by the blockade as soon as possible, realize the rebirth of Nirvana, and create greater value for the people you serve.

For other Chinese mobile phone companies and various Chinese companies, we still have to achieve technology replacement as soon as possible. It was Huawei who was sanctioned yesterday, and tomorrow it may be your turn! Therefore, for every company that wants to do a good job, we must have ourselves and core technology. We must know that science without borders has always been a false proposition! Let you use my technology today because I think you are still valuable. If you are not allowed to use it that day, then you may have a threat to the technology provider or your company is too mature, and I will sanction it. To tear you apart, let a new enterprise replace you! According to the news today, Apple's attitude towards the transfer of the industrial chain to India is very firm. Even if the Chinese market is profitable, I will reshape the supply of the industrial chain, which is to break the Chinese industrial chain enterprises in disguise. Regardless of the outcome, our Chinese companies must plan ahead. Who can guarantee that tomorrow's Qualcomm, , Microsoft , , Google and other foreign brands will not do this?

The final result is:

South Koreans support Samsung, Chinese people line up to buy Apple, accusing Huawei of expensive phones? - DayDayNews

No matter the price is high or low, Koreans’ consumption practices are worth learning for us Chinese to find the price and performance segment corresponding to our consumption, and I will buy Chinese brands. As long as he is self-motivated and breaks through his shortcomings one by one, we should support them to make Chinese enterprises bigger and stronger, and compete for world market share! For accessories that are not available for the time being, we also let them provide spare parts, but we still have to have localized alternatives and technical reserves and progress, so that the development of Chinese enterprises will benefit the Chinese economy and the people’s livelihood, and the overall national strength and industrial revitalization of China will be oriented towards Advance in the direction of higher quality. The reason is simple, we are all Chinese,Only if China is better, we can be better! Regardless of whether it is the media, social education, or various industries, and organizations, the Chinese people, the interests of Chinese enterprises, and the overall situation of China are important. You can make "similar to the Galaxy incident, , the crisis in the Taiwan Strait." The incident, the Yugoslav embassy incident, the Sino-US plane collision incident, the incident of Huawei being sanctioned, and the illegal detention of Meng Wanzhou, etc. occurred again.


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