Polygonatum lily herbal cream, escort your body!

2020/12/2415:50:14 car 2741

At present, the level of the national economy is increasing day by day, and people's food, clothing, housing and transportation are more abundant, but everything has a "degree". If it is too "degree", it will cause many problems. For example, some people have an unusually rich daily nutritional intake, but their physical fitness is still low. This is what Chinese medicine calls "weakness of the spleen and stomach."

Polygonatum lily herbal cream, escort your body! - DayDayNews

Related manifestations of "spleen and stomach weakness"

Specifically, spleen-qi deficiency, spleen failure to control the blood, spleen-yang deficiency, and depression of the spleen and stomach all belong to weakness of the spleen and stomach.

Deficiency of Spleen Qi: The ability to eat and digest is relatively poor, often indigestible or abdominal distension, etc., do not think about eating, the complexion is yellow, and the cheeks are thin.

The spleen does not control the blood: This phenomenon can be summarized in the deficiency of spleen qi, and the concentrated manifestation is blood loss. For example, women may experience excessive menstrual bleeding during their menstrual period, while men may experience anemia.

Insufficiency of spleen yang: chills and fear of the cold, can't touch cold things, like to eat hot things, or sometimes have loose stools or rush to the bathroom when eating less.

Subsidence of mid-air: generally manifested as sagging internal organs.

Polygonatum lily herbal cream, escort your body! - DayDayNews

The specific conditioning method of "spleen and stomach weakness"

"spleen and stomach weakness" is mainly caused by insufficient spleen Qi, blood and body fluid. When judging the above-mentioned different phenomena, traditional Chinese medicine usually adopts the method of syndrome differentiation. If

appears "weakness of the spleen and stomach" and other phenomena, it must be actively adjusted to improve the function of the spleen and stomach. Traditional Chinese medicine often says that medicine is three-point poison. Nowadays, there are many dietary methods for health preservation, such as some medicated diets that can regulate qi and blood, strengthen the spleen and stomach.

Chinese medicine believes that maintaining proper exercise can reduce body pressure and promote the normal operation of body organs, thereby accelerating the excretion of moisture from the body. Among all kinds of daily fruits and vegetables, snap beans can significantly improve the function of spleen and stomach transportation, so you can eat more snap beans to promote healthier body.

Polygonatum lily herbal cream, escort your body! - DayDayNews

Polygonatum and Lily Herbal Ointment

Generally, Chinese medicine practitioners recommend that people with weak spleen and stomach take more corn, red dates and yam and other spleen and stomach ingredients in their daily diet. However, it seems difficult to insist on mixing the above-mentioned beneficial ingredients with each meal in the daily diet, because many professionals have short meals and irregular schedules. People with weak spleen and stomach can try to take the Polygonatum odoratum and lily herbal ointment introduced by Yupin ointment formula every day. This ointment formula is an extremely scientific and reasonable nutritional food.

Polygonatum lily herbal ointment, the main ingredients include Polygonatum odoratum, which calms the mind and strengthens the heart, nourishes yin and moisturizes dryness, lily which calms the heart and calms the air, nourishes the skin, and almonds (sweet) which moisturizes bowel movements and protects eyesight, relieves phlegm and relieves asthma Perilla seeds for laxative intestines, Platycodon grandiflorum for promoting lungs and pharynx, mint for strengthening stomach and choleretics, and licorice for invigorating spleen and qi.

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