When it comes to monks, the image in people's minds is mostly indifferent and open-minded. Although they are outside the world of mortals, they have the wisdom to see everything. As a monk who believes in Buddhism, the largest sect in the world, it can be said that he has a long

Speaking of monks, most of the images in people's minds are indifferent and open-minded. Although they are outside the world of mortals, they have the wisdom to see everything.

As a monk who believes in Buddhism, the largest sect in the world, it can be said that he has a long history in our country.

Since the sixth to fifth centuries BC, Sakyamuni founded Buddhism in India, the number of his followers has greatly increased. In layman's terms, this is the earliest group of "monks".

Since its establishment, Buddhism has been radiating to surrounding areas and was introduced to our country around the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

As a symbol of great wisdom, monks have always been regarded as pure-hearted and devoid of human desires in the eyes of ordinary people. Among them, the most profound impression is that they do not eat meat.

If we take it literally, monks who do not eat meat should generally be a relatively thin group. However, you can observe the monks in the surrounding temples. In addition to the "thin monks" in the traditional impression, the number of "fat monks" has begun to increase.

What is the reason for this? Let’s start with the fact that monks don’t eat meat.

What exactly does "not eating meat and fish" mean?

In fact, at the beginning of Buddhism, it was allowed to eat meat.

At that time, people's lives were very simple, and the food monks received when they went out for alms was very limited. If the common people can donate a little food, it is already very good, let alone being picky about the type of food.

Therefore, at the beginning of Buddhism, it was still possible to eat meat.

But monks don’t eat all kinds of meat. The Buddhist classic " Summary of the Surangama Sutra " has a strict explanation of the types of meat that monks eat.

This book describes that the meat eaten by monks must be "five pure meat".

The so-called "five pure meat" means " do not see killing, do not hear the sound of killing, do not kill for myself, die by oneself, and kill birds."

Specifically, it means that the meat that monks eat cannot be related to themselves, nor can they eat meat that is "suicidal". They cannot eat the meat of the "weak" that are produced by the survival of the fittest in the natural environment. kind.

Therefore, the statement that "monks do not eat meat and fish" is not true at the beginning.

However, since Buddhism was introduced into our country, especially during the and Northern and Southern Dynasties periods, the scope of Buddhism's influence has become wider and wider, and even the emperor at that time believed in Buddhism.

Under the strong advocacy of Emperor Xiao Yan, practitioners were prohibited from eating meat. Finally, the saying that monks did not eat meat gradually came into being.

The image of "ascetic monks" in ancient times

In ancient times, most of the images of monks were poor and thin.

On the one hand, people's livelihood in ancient times was difficult. Ordinary people were still struggling to have enough food and clothing, and they were unable to provide nutritious food to the monks who made alms.

Moreover, ancient monks practiced asceticism and advocated a spiritual attitude of struggling to save all sentient beings. Therefore, they often hurriedly prepared three meals a day amidst the fatigue of traveling and traveling.

For example, Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang traveled westward alone to obtain Buddhist scriptures. After seventeen years, he finally arrived in Tianzhu, India. From this experience, we can know that most of the images of ancient monks were poor.

On the other hand, after the Northern and Southern Dynasties, ancient monks ate vegetarian meals for three meals a day and rarely ate meat. For a long time, due to the lack of protein and meat nutritional supplements, ancient monks were emaciated and even suffered from various diseases.

In ancient times, because monks did not eat meat for a long time, they were more likely to suffer from various diseases, such as anemia. Therefore, ancient monks rarely had fat heads and big ears.

The "fat head and big ears" image of modern monks

In modern times, although monks do not eat meat, their living conditions today have been greatly improved compared to ancient times.

In terms of food, monks have more choices than before.Rice, noodles, steamed buns, steamed buns, soy milk, there are more than a dozen choices for breakfast, not to mention lunch and dinner.

Therefore, the consequence of this is that monks are prone to overnutrition.

In addition, although the monks all eat vegetarian food. But what they often eat are carbohydrate products. Although this kind of food does not contain meat, it can easily make people gain weight. It is no wonder that monks gain weight easily even if they do not eat meat.

In addition to the dietary structure of modern monks, their lack of exercise is also a problem.

Nowadays, with the development of science and technology and the progress of society, more and more people are choosing convenient means of transportation when traveling, and monks are no exception.

There are flights and high-speed trains for long trips, and cars for shortcuts. Compared with ancient times, people's travel methods are simpler and simpler. Places that could not be reached in ten days and half a month in the past can now be reached in less than half a day.

As we all know, life lies in movement. If you want to lose weight, you must first keep your mouth shut and open your legs.

In ancient times, monks ate simply and plainly, and it could even be said that their nutritional value was not high. Moreover, due to the inconvenience of transportation in ancient times, monks had to walk on both feet when traveling. As the amount of exercise increased, their weight naturally decreased.

In addition, ancient monks believed in "suffering to save all sentient beings", which means that they would rather endure hardships to save the world's lives of peace. It is because of the blessing of such faith that ancient monks enjoyed the hard work, and the physical fatigue was not worth mentioning.

On the other hand, modern monks’ daily activities are within the temple, and they do not need to go out for alms. Usually I only need to meditate, chant sutras, and clean the courtyard. Without excessive physical exertion, I will naturally become more relaxed and gain weight.

Due to lack of exercise, fat accumulates quickly. In addition, with the advanced technology, monks do not need to travel under the stars to practice, so more and more "fat monks" appear.

and above are only external factors. In addition, there are also psychological factors.

Although modern monks eat vegetarian food every day, they do not have the pressure that ordinary people have to endure.

Modern monks do not need to consider going to school or work, nor do they need to consider mortgage or car loans, nor do they need to consider supporting the elderly and raising children (except for monks who have returned to secular life). Therefore, although their spiritual life is very simple, they also live a very prosperous life.

As the saying goes, a debt-free life is light. Modern monks do not need to consider the "debts" that ordinary people need to bear, and they can naturally live in a comfortable mood and without stress.

Without any mental pressure, I started to gain weight naturally.


Although monks practice in temples, they actually need to consider life, old age, sickness and death just like all living beings.

In fact, the life of a monk is not so "far away" from the mundane world, but compared to ordinary people, it is relatively poor in some aspects.

However, as long as the mind is calm and stable, and mental pressure is reduced, even light meals can have a different taste. This is what modern ordinary people need to learn.

Rice, noodles, steamed buns, steamed buns, soy milk, there are more than a dozen choices for breakfast, not to mention lunch and dinner.

Therefore, the consequence of this is that monks are prone to overnutrition.

In addition, although the monks all eat vegetarian food. But what they often eat are carbohydrate products. Although this kind of food does not contain meat, it can easily make people gain weight. It is no wonder that monks gain weight easily even if they do not eat meat.

In addition to the dietary structure of modern monks, their lack of exercise is also a problem.

Nowadays, with the development of science and technology and the progress of society, more and more people are choosing convenient means of transportation when traveling, and monks are no exception.

There are flights and high-speed trains for long trips, and cars for shortcuts. Compared with ancient times, people's travel methods are simpler and simpler. Places that could not be reached in ten days and half a month in the past can now be reached in less than half a day.

As we all know, life lies in movement. If you want to lose weight, you must first keep your mouth shut and open your legs.

In ancient times, monks ate simply and plainly, and it could even be said that their nutritional value was not high. Moreover, due to the inconvenience of transportation in ancient times, monks had to walk on both feet when traveling. As the amount of exercise increased, their weight naturally decreased.

In addition, ancient monks believed in "suffering to save all sentient beings", which means that they would rather endure hardships to save the world's lives of peace. It is because of the blessing of such faith that ancient monks enjoyed the hard work, and the physical fatigue was not worth mentioning.

On the other hand, modern monks’ daily activities are within the temple, and they do not need to go out for alms. Usually I only need to meditate, chant sutras, and clean the courtyard. Without excessive physical exertion, I will naturally become more relaxed and gain weight.

Due to lack of exercise, fat accumulates quickly. In addition, with the advanced technology, monks do not need to travel under the stars to practice, so more and more "fat monks" appear.

and above are only external factors. In addition, there are also psychological factors.

Although modern monks eat vegetarian food every day, they do not have the pressure that ordinary people have to endure.

Modern monks do not need to consider going to school or work, nor do they need to consider mortgage or car loans, nor do they need to consider supporting the elderly and raising children (except for monks who have returned to secular life). Therefore, although their spiritual life is very simple, they also live a very prosperous life.

As the saying goes, a debt-free life is light. Modern monks do not need to consider the "debts" that ordinary people need to bear, and they can naturally live in a comfortable mood and without stress.

Without any mental pressure, I started to gain weight naturally.


Although monks practice in temples, they actually need to consider life, old age, sickness and death just like all living beings.

In fact, the life of a monk is not so "far away" from the mundane world, but compared to ordinary people, it is relatively poor in some aspects.

However, as long as the mind is calm and stable, and mental pressure is reduced, even light meals can have a different taste. This is what modern ordinary people need to learn.