Today, I saw an article that Zen Master Shi Yongxin was appointed as the general manager of Kaiyuan Temple in Zhengzhou. The socialist market economy has been established for many years. In this general environment, the development of religious capital in accordance with the laws

Today, I saw an article, Zen Master Shi Yongxin Zen Master Shi Yongxin is appointed as the general manager of Zhengzhou Kaiyuan Temple. I think it is very consistent with the current environment of " focusing on economic construction ". It is a great attempt of Buddhist capital operation.

Pictures come from the Internet.

The socialist market economy has been established for many years. In this environment, the development of religious capital in accordance with the laws of market economy is a good thing that keeps pace with the times.

Our country’s laws allow freedom of belief. There is also no prohibition on the reinvestment of the capital of religious organizations. Therefore, what Zen Master Shi Yongxin did not only complied with the laws of the country, but also did not violate the essence of Zen life in the present.

There is no reason to doubt the re-preservation and re-appreciation of the funds of religious groups, as long as it promotes economic development and complies with national laws and regulations.

In the war years, The eminent monks of Shaolin Temple mounted their horses to kill the thieves.

In peaceful times, the Shaolin Temple presided over fishing for gold from the sea.

Warrior monks emerged in war years, and Buddhist merchants emerged in peace years. This is a great pioneering work of Master Shi Yongxin! Chinese society has been accustomed to Confucian businessmen for a long time, but Buddhist businessmen why can't they contribute to society? Many Buddhist believers cannot always light wax and kowtow at home. If things go on like this, how can religious undertakings prosper when there is no money left for incense?

Other religions also have the same problem. In this era, what if there are a few more "Buddhist businessmen", "Taoist businessmen", or other "** businessmen"?

Therefore, the establishment and development of religious economics is an urgent matter.

If investment promotion can revitalize the stock of religious capital, it will be a great blessing for the whole society.

Dayu controlled floods , with the priority being diversion. To revitalize religious capital, we should not just increase or prohibit religious capital business activities. If religious capital pays taxes according to regulations, why should religious capital be shut out? Is it a good thing that religious capital has no way to serve the motherland?

Religious capital invests in society and gives back to society, which is to promote traditional culture, promote positive energy and contribute to society. You should have the right to continue to increase in value.

We should not carry out such a kidnapping: the money donated by believers should rot in the donation box.

Such a concept is a blasphemy against the legitimate circulation of capital. In the farming era, capital operation efficiency was low, and cash donated by believers could be deposited anywhere after the donation box. Now, in an era where capital is king, if religious philanthropic capital accumulates for a long time or is used by a few people, it will constrain the efficiency of capital operation in the whole society. Rather than letting religious capital settle or serve a few people, it is better to fully activate it to serve the masses!

Of course, revitalizing religious capital does not mean allowing them to develop wildly without a bottom line. With a well-controlled cage, every beast will become a cute cat. Without good control, every cage will be lifeless. Moreover, if the gods worshiped by each religion do not have the desire to benefit all people, they will not be supported by people for a long time in the world.

Therefore, it is urgent to actively establish religious capital economics, organize experts and scholars, conduct systematic, fair, and legal research on religious capital operations, and provide good advice and strategies for national construction.

Pictures and texts are from Internet intrusions and deletions

Today’s headlines reported from another angle on Master Lu Wenrong’s “Building Business with Taoism”. This model is similar to Zen Master Shi Yongxin’s “Building Business with Buddhism”, and there is something worthy of in-depth study by scholars.

No religion can survive in the world for a long time without the donations of cash from its followers. Because every religion follows the basic laws of economics: there are costs, inputs, and outputs.

Although religion is for non-profit purposes, their own capital must have exits and entrances in order to develop healthily.

Universities should establish a specialized discipline of religious economics and vigorously cultivate high-level talents in this field.