When we cling to one thought, we will be trapped in that thought. Someone once asked Zen Master Huihai: "Zen Master, is there anything special about you?" Zen Master Huihai replied: "Yes." "What is it?" Zen Master Huihai said: "I eat when I feel hungry, and I eat when I feel tire

When we cling to one thought, we will be trapped by that thought.

Someone once asked Zen Master Huihai: "Zen Master, is there anything special about you?"

Zen Master Huihai replied: "Yes."

"What is it?"

Zen Master Huihai said: "I eat when I feel hungry. , sleep when you feel tired."

"What is the difference? Everyone is like this, what is the difference?" Zen Master Huihai said: "Of course it is different! When they eat, they always They are thinking about other things and not concentrating on eating. When they sleep, they always think about other things and have trouble sleeping. But when I eat, I eat, and when I sleep, I sleep without thinking about anything. This is how I relate to them. What makes the difference."

Many people are unable to do one thing at a time, let alone one at a time! can only shuttle between gains and losses, trapped in glitz, favor and disgrace, and his heart is as heavy as gravel.

We don’t know how to pour out the heavy sand and gravel in our hearts, and we don’t know how to empty out the things that are weighing on our hearts. We are obsessed with our current thoughts, words, and actions because we think everything will last. In fact, among the joys and troubles, happiness and pain of all living beings, which one is truly permanent? The rise and fall of the long river of history, the life and death of one generation after another, aren't they all transient and transient? The founder of Namu, Sambhogakaya Buddha, taught us to understand that life is a dream, and everything we are attached to is false. When we die, this dream will wake up. Nothing is yours, and you can’t take anything with you. Therefore, when we meditate on the concept of impermanence and truly experience the state of impermanence, we can naturally look past the entanglements of joy and anger and choose the correct direction and state.

Please remember that what you are now is the result of the causes you planted in the past; what you will be like in the future will be the result of the causes you planted in the past and present. Human life is extremely short, what we have to do is to put good karma into our heart that can continue to increase. Because everything you put in will eventually become you.