Shi Zhiding's original name was Shi Aiwen, the "most daring" nun in history: she was greedy for charity, lived in a mansion, and married a monk. At the age of 26, despite the opposition of his family, he ran to Hong Kong and got married to a taxi driver. However, he found that he

Shi Zhiding’s original name was Shi Aiwen, the “most daring” nun in history: greedy for charity money, living in a mansion, and marrying a monk.

Before going to Hong Kong, she was just an ordinary girl from a rural family in Northeast China. He worked hard to escape his fate. At the age of 26, despite the opposition of his family, he ran to Hong Kong and got married to a taxi driver. However, he found that he would have to work part-time after marriage, so he got the right of abode seven years later and got rid of the driver and got divorced. He saw that the nuns in the temple lived a comfortable life without worrying about food and clothing. , she decided to become a nun. In order to achieve her goal, she began to come to the temple every day to chant sutras and worship Buddha, pay homage and communicate, and actively communicated with the monks. Everyone had a good impression of her. When the time was right, Shi Aiwen found Master Chuhui in the courtyard and expressed her desire to be ordained and turn to Buddhism. In 2002, Shi Aiwen officially became a nun and took the Buddhist name Shi Zhiding. She knew what she wanted and did everything she could to please her master. Finally in 2002, on the recommendation of the resident master, Shi Zhiding took over the position of abbot in charge of the temple Dinghui Temple. During the day, she is a Buddhist master who speaks Buddhist scriptures, talks about compassion, eats fasts and chants Buddha's name; at night, when she takes off her monk's robe, she is a greedy and indulgent madman. She discovered that fake marriages were being made to make money. In 2006, she married Liu Jianqiang, a monk from the Mainland, who came to Hong Kong through the fake marriage and successfully obtained a Hong Kong household registration. Seven years later, the two divorced. Later, Shi Zhiding secretly married again and was still a monk of Baolian Temple, with the Buddhist name Shi Zhiguang. But this is highly rebellious in Buddhism.

In 2015, Shi Zhiding finally paid the price for his "double-sided life of power and sex". This is all thanks to the whistleblower Weng Jingjing . Weng Jingjing was born as a wealthy businessman and was once a Hong Kong actor. However, her first husband, director Lau Ka Leung , died young, and Weng Jingjing was said to be a "kefu". Feeling depressed, she often went to the temple. As she went back and forth, she got to know Shi Zhiding. After getting acquainted with her, Shi Zhiding knew that she had connections, so he complained about how difficult it was to run the temple. Weng then found someone to raise funds, and the amount of donations once reached 27 million. But for so much money, the appearance of the temple is still dilapidated, with no trace of repairs at all. Other staff members are also complaining. Weng Jingjing became suspicious. She accidentally saw the temple's account book and found that in addition to donations, Dinghui Temple's annual income was about 2 million. After so many years, the temple's deposits were only 700,000. They began to investigate and found out that Shi Zhiding used his apprentice's name to buy himself a villa and a luxury car. The price of the house was about 40 million. The decoration is very luxurious, with all kinds of expensive clothes and jewelry. There are also a large number of wigs and black stockings in the bedroom. Weng Jingjing also found out the information about Shi Zhiding's marriage to the monk, and she was extremely angry. Angry, Weng Jingjing directly reported all her actions to the relevant departments. In 2015, relevant authorities arrested Shi Zhiding.

puts on the cloak of a nun and turns pure Buddhism into his own fame and fortune.