Recently, the European Commission announced that it has approved the payment of a total of 12 billion euros in EU recovery funds to Spain for economic recovery measures such as Spanish labor reform and public pension system reform.

2024/06/0302:03:34 migrant 1144

Recently, the European Commission announced that it has approved the payment of EU recovery funds totaling 12 billion euros to Spain for economic recovery measures such as Spanish labor reform and public pension system reform.

Spain has also become the first EU member state to be approved to receive the second tranche of EU recovery funds. Previously, Spain had received an advance payment of approximately 9 billion euros in recovery funds from the EU and the first official payment of 10 billion euros. So far, the EU has approved the payment of 31 billion euros in recovery funds to Spain, accounting for 44% of the funds allocated to the country.

Recently, the European Commission announced that it has approved the payment of a total of 12 billion euros in EU recovery funds to Spain for economic recovery measures such as Spanish labor reform and public pension system reform. - DayDayNews

Spain itself is a European country with better welfare, and it is still reforming the public pension system. The environment in Spain is also very good, so many people go to Spain to retire.

These retired people, whether they are domestic citizens or foreigners who have immigrated to Spain and obtained the right of residence, can enjoy free medical care and receive unemployment benefits, retirement pensions and other benefits. For immigrants, Spain is not only an ideal country for immigrants, but also a country that is extremely tolerant of immigrants in the world.

Recently, the European Commission announced that it has approved the payment of a total of 12 billion euros in EU recovery funds to Spain for economic recovery measures such as Spanish labor reform and public pension system reform. - DayDayNews

Old people in Spain who are over 65 years old and have no conditions for retirement can apply for a pension no contribution without insurance if they have no other financial income. The specific conditions are: Spanish citizens or expatriates from other countries with legal residence permits in Spain :

(1) does not have sufficient financial income;

(2) is over 65 years old;

(3) has lived in Spanish territory for more than ten years between the age of 16 and the age of pension, and , you must have continuously resided in Spain within two years before applying. Disabled persons under the age of 65 but over 18 who have lived in Spain for more than five years and have lived in Spain continuously for the two years before applying can also receive this kind of subsidy.

(4) Application location: Each regional social welfare department or social insurance bureau office, or through the post office.

Recently, the European Commission announced that it has approved the payment of a total of 12 billion euros in EU recovery funds to Spain for economic recovery measures such as Spanish labor reform and public pension system reform. - DayDayNews

It should be said that the welfare of the elderly in Spain is good. The helpless elderly, or those whose income is less than the minimum standard, can receive a small amount of subsidies to maintain a minimum standard of living, or they can be sent to nursing homes for care.

We can often see nursing homes in Spain on the road. Some of these are public, just like our country's nursing homes, and some are private residences for the elderly. Some of the elderly living in these places are lonely elderly people, and some are elderly people with children. Either the children are busy with work and it is difficult to take care of them, or the elderly are willing to enter nursing homes.

Recently, the European Commission announced that it has approved the payment of a total of 12 billion euros in EU recovery funds to Spain for economic recovery measures such as Spanish labor reform and public pension system reform. - DayDayNews

Elderly people who do not want to enter nursing homes can also go to elderly activity centers. Social welfare departments in various districts have set up activity centers for the elderly to organize various interest activities for the elderly, such as painting, dancing, gymnastics, etc. These activities are free.

In addition to organizations and activities in this area, financial institutions such as Caja de Madrid and La Caixa have also assisted various autonomous regions in establishing many elderly activity centers. People who participate in these activity centers must at least be depositors of the bank, or pay a small fee. In addition to organizing interest groups and tourism, the activity center also has bars, TVs, computers, etc. for everyone to use.

Recently, the European Commission announced that it has approved the payment of a total of 12 billion euros in EU recovery funds to Spain for economic recovery measures such as Spanish labor reform and public pension system reform. - DayDayNews

There are also some more common benefits, such as discounts on public transportation fares, discounts on attraction tickets, etc. Spain has made great efforts on the issue of elderly care. The elderly have material security and a rich spiritual life. It is no wonder that many people After retirement, he went to Spain to retire.

Recently, the European Commission announced that it has approved the payment of a total of 12 billion euros in EU recovery funds to Spain for economic recovery measures such as Spanish labor reform and public pension system reform. - DayDayNews

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