Putuo Mountain in Zhoushan Islands, Zhejiang is an island in the East China Sea. The world-famous and popular Putuo Mountain Fayu Zen Temple is located on this island. It is also the only sea temple in China, so it is called the "Haitian Buddhist Kingdom".

2024/06/1908:44:32 buddhism 1398

Putuo Mountain in Zhoushan Islands, Zhejiang is an island in the East China Sea. The world-famous and popular Putuo Mountain Fayu Zen Temple is located on this island. It is also the only sea temple in China, so it is called the

Putuo Mountain in Zhoushan Islands, Zhejiang is an island in the East China Sea. The famous and popular Putuo Mountain Fayu Zen Temple is located on this island. It is also the only sea temple in China, so it is called the "Haitian Buddhist Kingdom". A glimpse of the boundless sea, a compassionate and solemn Buddhist resort.

The road that leads to Fayu Temple on foot is called " Xiangdao ", also known as "Yutang Street". This road was originally a sand road and was inconvenient to walk. Monk Ruke of the temple built a stone road with stones collected from all directions. In order to commemorate him, later generations named it "Yutang". Every few stone slabs are paved with a lotus carved on them. The lotus shapes are different. Similarly, it is said that 48 lotus stones were originally planned to be laid, but later only 47 were laid, and one was removed, which means that nothing in the world is perfect, and nine out of ten things in life will not be as expected.

Walking into Fayu Temple, you can see the mist and fragrance, and pilgrims from all over the place are crowded shoulder to shoulder. The Zen courtyard is green with pines and cypresses, quiet and solemn, with only human movement but no human sound. It’s really a good place to cultivate your mind and become enlightened. Fayu Temple has a history of more than 400 years. It was first named "Haichao Temple", then "Haichao Temple" and "Huguo Zhenhai Zen Temple". In the 38th year of the Qing Dynasty, the temple was extended and renamed "Tianhua" by Emperor Kangxi. The plaques of "Fayu" and "Fayu Zen Temple" are still there.

Putuo Mountain in Zhoushan Islands, Zhejiang is an island in the East China Sea. The world-famous and popular Putuo Mountain Fayu Zen Temple is located on this island. It is also the only sea temple in China, so it is called the

Fayu Temple is a grand temple with a macroscopic atmosphere. There are 294 temples located near the mountains and the sea. The nine-dragon wall of the mountain gate is made of 60 bluestone reliefs of 70 cm square. The whole wall is full of nine dragons, with exquisite carvings and inlays. The Heavenly King's Hall, the Jade Buddha Hall, the Kowloon Guanyin Hall, the Royal Stele Hall, the Mahavira Hall, and the Abbot's Hall are all six-story platforms with increasing levels. The Kowloon Guanyin Hall is the most spectacular in the temple. The Kowloon arches, glazed tiles , and caissons were all built in the Qing Dynasty. The Main Hall was built in the Ming Dynasty. I have heard in the past that Bodhisattvas from all over the world, such as Fayu Temple in Putuo Mountain, Puji Temple , Huiji Zen Temple, Nanhai Guanyin , appear to save people in distress. Good men and women from all over the world come from thousands of miles to burn incense and worship Buddha, praying for health and wealth. Every year, countless pilgrims come to fulfill their wishes.

The great eminent monk Yin Guang lived in Fayu Temple for thirty-seven years. He studied Buddhist scriptures without leaving home and made great contributions to Buddhism. He was highly respected in modern Buddhism and was one of the four eminent monks in the Republic of China. He was respected as the tenth Patriarch of three generations.

The reclining Buddhist scriptures of Fayu Temple have gone through the vicissitudes of the times and witnessed the turns of feng shui for centuries. It still stands tall and shining with the light of Buddha. If you are destined, you can come to Fayu Temple on Mount Putuo to experience the Bodhisattva's dojo in the holy land of Buddhism.

Putuo Mountain in Zhoushan Islands, Zhejiang is an island in the East China Sea. The world-famous and popular Putuo Mountain Fayu Zen Temple is located on this island. It is also the only sea temple in China, so it is called the

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