Come on! They urgently need "fresh blood"丨ULSUM

2020/12/0723:30:08 beauty 1067

Come on! They urgently need

Today we

are already in an era of "information big explosion"

all kinds of messy information

across the screen, rushing to you

but under the massive information

big data will bring people around you , Things, and things are becoming more and more homogeneous.

wears similar clothes, says the same things,

does the same things,

if you don’t want to be so “banal”

then I recommend you a place

is the bluestreeter street culture community Platform

This is the platform

created by adidas Originals. It brings together "truckers" in many fields such as fashion, street, photography, music, talk shows, etc.

They have stars, KOLs, and real grassroots and passersby

. Street culture as the theme, the image as a medium

is not famous? It's ok!

has nothing to do with the fashion industry? It doesn't matter!

abandon the original ``halo''

everyone will be arranged on the platform with the same size and the same format

and stars and KOL bloom together

brand through different content forms

and bluestreeter cooperation

presents high quality to consumers street culture-related content

and this month, we have become one of the ring

invited to eight bluestreeter like to introduce

part of their "street culture by":

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Come on! They urgently need

Well, that's all the Q & a you, in fact, adidas Originals I have been operating the bluestreeter platform as a long-term project. I believe that some readers have heard of this platform more or less, but in my opinion, this is just a proportion of what adidas Originals has done for street culture communication. A very small part.

In fact, adidas Originals has always been active on the street. Although it was born out of a sports brand, its various products are favored by Hip-Hop singers. Run DMC wore a classic "three bars" suit and directly used a song " "My adidas" connects the brand with street culture closely. After that,

, a brand that has incorporated street blood, has accumulated enough experience and experience in cooperation with many street brands in many years of operation, so such a brand that has been deeply cultivated in street culture has come up with this A platform with a street-like atmosphere is indeed not surprising.

So, after reading the answers of the above, you should stop "handling" it. It is better to hurry up on the platform and show your unique style with KOLs in various fields, in the wave of information Before engulfing you, jump and show yourself.

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