How many days can I wash my hair after giving birth? Not earlier than this time

Pregnant in October, as soon as delivery, do you think everything will be fine after unloading? There is also confinement waiting for you! Confinement, as an important stage of maternal body recovery, has many taboos, such as not being able to eat raw or cold food, not being able to blow air, etc. These are minor problems that can be tolerated, but it also prevents washing hair and bathing for a month, which makes many lovers clean Of women can't accept it anymore.

You can’t wash your hair during confinement, which is actually not scientific. In ancient times, you could not wash your hair during confinement because the conditions at that time did not allow it. At that time, it was all well water, which contained more bacteria and was inconvenient to boil hot water. It was easy to catch a cold after washing, which was not conducive to the recovery of the uterus. But now it’s different. Now there is air conditioning and 24-hour hot water. As long as you pay a little attention, you don’t have to be afraid of catching a cold.

How long can I wash my hair after the delivery?

This is to be judged based on the mother’s own recovery. If you can get out of bed and the wound is not so painful, you can wash your hair early, but it is not advisable to wash your hair within three days at the earliest. It is not advisable to bend over too early. So as not to pull the wound.

But Baoma who gave birth by caesarean section had a large wound. Shampoo will irritate the wound when you bend over, so it is necessary to postpone the time to wash your hair, at least about 14 days after delivery. If there are conditions at home and there are chairs for washing your hair, you can also wash your hair in advance according to the situation.

What should I pay attention to when washing my hair during confinement?

1. Keep warm. This is the most important thing, because during the confinement period, the puerpera's qi and blood are weak and the body is relatively poor. If you accidentally catch a cold and catch a cold, it will definitely affect the overall recovery of the body, so you must do a good job of keeping warm when washing your hair. The water temperature and room temperature should be appropriate. After washing, dry your hair with a towel or use a hair dryer to avoid cold.

2. It is not advisable to bend over for too long. Do not wash your hair for too long, so as not to bend over for too long, it will not only squeeze the wound, but also easily cause dizziness and even fall.

You can wash your hair during the confinement period, and you don’t have to bear with it for a month, just pay attention to keeping warm!

Yunyun senior nursery teacher, focusing on children's early education, infant care, baby psychological development, parent-child growth and other fields. From preparation to pregnancy, to the safe landing of your baby, Yunyun will accompany you and your baby all the way to grow together.