#nursingoffice# Click on the upper right corner to follow and reply to [Enlightenment Music] via private message to receive 1,865 nursery rhymes, light music, batamu, Qiaohu educational children's songs, and Chinese and English enlightenment music for free! When is the best time

The first is that the baby’s ability to feed himself has obviously become more proficient. means that through his own food intake and chewing, this process feels very casual and natural. At this time, the conditions for weaning have been met.

The second one is that during the day's play, the baby can play happily with the mother for a whole day, or he can play with the mother occasionally.

Or because the baby is particularly interested in certain games or toys, he can be very involved in the atmosphere and environment of play. At this time, the mother's presence or absence will not affect the child's play process. At this time, it seems that I forgot about my mother.

has also developed a mature condition at this time.

The third one is that the baby is very affectionate with his mother every day in his daily life, but when it is time to eat, he is particularly greedy and his interest in eating is stronger than before. This is also a mature condition for the baby to be weaned. .

At night, it is easy to get distracted by occasionally taking a mouthful of breast milk, or while breastfeeding.

Combining the above two situations, we parents can consider weaning.

Of course, when weaning a baby from , the age of the baby should be about one and a half years old. At this time, the baby's various abilities have basically stabilized.

At the same time, when choosing a season, it is generally better to choose autumn!

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