Text/Xiaoxue’s mother When summer vacation comes, it is definitely the most troublesome time for parents, because parents usually have to go to work and cannot leave their children at home alone, so everyone will take their children to the elderly. When the children arrived at th

Text/Xiaoxue’s mother

Summer vacation is definitely the most troublesome time for parents, because parents usually have to go to work and cannot leave their children at home alone, so everyone will take their children to the elderly.

When the children arrived at the old man's home, they began to let themselves go. Because the old man doted on the children and the parents could not control the children in time, they became "little bullies in the village".

The children had fun, but the old man was tired. Not only did he have to take care of the children, but he also had to clean up the children's messes. This is the case for the grandfather below.

The two grandsons spent the summer vacation at their grandfather's house, and they were "expelled" by the grandfather.

Every summer vacation, the old man came with his children in his arms, but the enthusiasm at the beginning would gradually become too much as the children "frustrated" them. Anhui There was a grandfather who issued an "expulsion order" to his two grandchildren because his two children were too "noisy". The ban lasted for 15 years. The two children were not allowed to come back until they were 20 years old.

In fact, children of this age are noisy and playful. usually "controls" them too strictly at home, but when they get to the elderly, they let them play freely.

The two children made a mess in the house, and the cotton was all out of the pillows. It was more trouble than raising a " Erha ". The old man was quite happy to see the two grandchildren at first, and it lasted for a while. Finally, the old man couldn't bear it anymore.

So the two children were given an "expulsion order". Of course, it wasn't that the old man was really heartless, it was just a joke. In the old man's heart, the children were still "treasures", even though they had a sharp mouth and a soft heart.

Later, after getting to know each other, I learned that there were two daughters in my grandpa’s family. They were both married out of town and had little chance to go home. It happened that this time both children returned to their grandpa’s house, so I decided to let the two children be companions.

I didn’t expect these two children to be so troublesome at grandpa’s house. They were so angry that the adults took out their “broomsticks” to intimidate them. However, these two children are also “human beings” and are not afraid at all. They are just two children. He is still very sensible and cleans up the mess he made himself.

Of course, parents are also reminded here that if their children spend the winter and summer vacations at the elderly’s home, they should also teach them some good habits. Don’t make the house a mess every time. You can’t ask the elderly to clean it up every time. After all, the elderly are old. Yes, it will be too much.

Spending the summer vacation at an elderly person’s home is a beautiful memory of a child’s childhood.

Not only now, I believe many parents also spent their childhood in an elderly person’s home. Looking back on that memory now, it must be beautiful, including fields, dragonflies, ponds, and catching cicadas. , these are the impressions of our childhood in that era.

Of course, we also did a lot of work at home at that time, picking corn, feeding chickens and ducks. We all worked together without feeling too tired.

Therefore, sending children to their hometown is actually a good thing. It not only reduces the pressure on parents, but also allows the children to enjoy their childhood. However, parents must also ask several things when sending their children back to their hometown.

First, it is appropriate to let children help the elderly with work and enhance their hands-on ability.

Many children go to the elderly’s homes and spend every day “eating, drinking and having fun”. The elderly not only have to take care of the children, but also clean up the housework and take care of the children all the time.

In fact, children can help the elderly with some work, which will make the children's holidays more fulfilling. Children can help with some farm work, and also let the children know what the crops look like, enriching the children's experience.

Secondly, children must learn to respect their elders.

Like my neighbor Aunt Pang, every time her grandson comes home, the elder spoils the child and spoils the child rotten. He reminds the child to watch less TV, and the child curses. , the parents heard it and ignored it, they simply became "little bullies".

Regarding this situation, parents must educate their children well from an early age to respect the elderly and not talk back to them, let alone speak rudely. If children do not respect the elderly now, can they still expect their children to respect themselves in the future?

Third, do a good job in educating children about safety.

Like many rural areas, there are ponds and reservoirs where children have to play secretly. There are not a few accidents due to this kind of thing every year. Don't let tragedy happen to your family. , so we must do a good job in safety education for children.

Finally, do you think it is better for children to spend summer vacation in the country or in the city?

I am Xiaoxue’s mother, a mother born in the 1990s. Follow me and share scientific parenting knowledge every day!