Beijing time, July 16th, the third season of DOTA2 Western Europe DPC has concluded the regular season this week. Due to the tie-point situation, two extra games were held yesterday. The first extra game was between secret and Entity. Secret and Entity both achieved 4 wins and 3

2024/07/0309:15:33 game 1429

Beijing time on July 16th, the third season of DOTA2 Western Europe DPC has ended the regular season this week. Due to the situation of tied points, two extra games were held yesterday. The first extra game was between secret and Entity. Secret and Entity both achieved 4 wins and 3 losses in the regular season and tied for fourth place. The winner of this game will get the last major ticket in the Western Europe region. In this game, secret's misha selected Parker Tianxiu in the first game to lead secret to the first victory. However, in the subsequent two games, Entity performed perfectly in team battles and finally defeated secret in one chase and two to qualify for the major. The following is the detailed battle report of this game.

Beijing time, July 16th, the third season of DOTA2 Western Europe DPC has concluded the regular season this week. Due to the tie-point situation, two extra games were held yesterday. The first extra game was between secret and Entity. Secret and Entity both achieved 4 wins and 3  - DayDayNews

The first game:

Beijing time, July 16th, the third season of DOTA2 Western Europe DPC has concluded the regular season this week. Due to the tie-point situation, two extra games were held yesterday. The first extra game was between secret and Entity. Secret and Entity both achieved 4 wins and 3  - DayDayNews

In the first game, Entity is on the Radiant side and secret is on the Dire side. In terms of lineup, Entity picked Bane, Xiao Xiao, Doomsday, Mystery, and Xiao Qiang, while Secret picked up Clockwork, Phoenix, Monkey King, Parker, and Hammer Girl. At the beginning, secret opened the fog and actively invaded the wild area to catch Xiao Xiao and gain first blood. The head was taken by Parker. During the laning phase, the two teams did not have many heads. Secret started with a 4-0 and gained advantages in both the middle lane and the off lane. However, Monkey King was targeted by Entity and his development was relatively bleak. After the laning period, Xiaoxiao made a jumping knife to kill Phoenix in two consecutive waves in the first wave, but secret support quickly arrived and took away , Xiaoxiao, and Xiaoqiang. After that, Parker led the team to play a perfect rhythm to catch people continuously. Successfully puts Entity at a disadvantage. In the mid-term, although Entity was very powerful in single control and team control, Parker's agility left Entity helpless. Although Entity won the team battle through four-person buying and selling in the 43rd minute, got the Roshan Shield and bulldozed the secret to hit the high ground, but in the 50th minute the team The battle mystery was refreshed, but Parker dodged and launched a wave of fatal air attacks. Secret counterattacked and killed the three Entity players. Secret took advantage of the situation and flattened the base to end the game and take the lead.

The second game:

Beijing time, July 16th, the third season of DOTA2 Western Europe DPC has concluded the regular season this week. Due to the tie-point situation, two extra games were held yesterday. The first extra game was between secret and Entity. Secret and Entity both achieved 4 wins and 3  - DayDayNews

html In the 0th game, Secret is on the Radiant side and Entity is on the Dire side. In terms of lineup, Secret picked up Ice Dragon, Little Y, Timbersaw , Puppy, and Big Fish, while Entity picked up Bane, Blood Demon, Parker, Hammer Girl, and Zeus. In the first 4 minutes, the puppy relied on the speed bonus of the straw sandals to chase the hammer girl all the way to draw A and successfully get first blood. At the same time, the blood demon also took away the little Y on the other side and returned the favor. During the laning phase, there were still not many kills between the two sides. While the middle lanes were mutually enriching, the two teams' disadvantaged laners, Hammer Girl and Big Fish, were suppressed by their opponents and suffered from poor growth. After the laning period, the Timbersaw made a brilliant move to catch Zeus and then obtained the first-generation Roshan Shield. However, due to the poor equipment of the big fish, Secret's first mover only managed to trade heads in two consecutive waves. Although they relied on Xiao Y's ultimate move and Big Fish's lighting secret to obtain two Roshan Shields, Timbersaw was killed twice in team battles, allowing Entity to gradually widen the economic gap. In 45 minutes of the third-generation shield team, Secret took the lead and was killed by Entity. Secret handed over all the buy-in allin and was still no match for Entity. After a wave of five people all killed and unable to buy-in, secret could only play after the team battle. GG, Entity regained the game.

The third game:

Beijing time, July 16th, the third season of DOTA2 Western Europe DPC has concluded the regular season this week. Due to the tie-point situation, two extra games were held yesterday. The first extra game was between secret and Entity. Secret and Entity both achieved 4 wins and 3  - DayDayNews

The deciding game, Secret is on the Radiant side and Entity is on the Dire side. In terms of lineup, Secret picked up Ice Dragon, Clockwork , TB, Xiao Xiao, and Timbersaw, while Entity got Bane, NEC, Parker, Night Stalker, and Squirrel. In the first few minutes of the game, the two sides were peacefully developing, but no first blood broke out. It was not until the 7th minute that Xiao Xiaokaiwu came to the top lane to catch NEC and got the first kill in the warehouse. During the laning period, both sides had fewer kills. Development is basically 50-50 and there is no economic gap. After the laning period ended, NEC performed well in the early team battles. Although the two sides fought back and forth in several waves of team battles, NEC's continuous success in team battles greatly affected the secret rhythm. At 28 minutes, Entity launched an attack and killed the Ice Dragon first. Then Entity continued to chase TB and forced the Ice Dragon to buy the work. TB was thrown by Xiaoxiao and turned around to activate the BKB transformation and take away NEC. However, NEC also handed over the buy work and killed the Ice Dragon again. With Clockwork, secret could only release the meat mountain to Entity. At 40 minutes, NEC took the first step with a jump knife without vision and was immediately defeated. However, Entity also used buying and selling to surround and eliminate several other people in secret except TB. In the end, TB was unable to save the situation and fell to the ground.In the 42nd minute, TB was beaten to death by Entity. Entity used Roshan to easily break through the high ground in the middle. Although secret, which had lost its core, defended the base very tenaciously, it was eventually defeated by Entity one by one and could only play GG. Entity defeated secret 2-1.

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