Not everyone is suitable for natural delivery. Now that pregnant mothers are well-nourished, the fetus generally grows larger, causing the fetus to exceed the actual scope of the pelvis or birth canal.

" children born by natural birth are smart",

"recover quickly after natural birth",

but caesarean section you can choose the day you like,

you can eat whatever you want during pregnancy, and you are not afraid that the fetus will be too big to give birth...

Expectant mothers are confused:

Should I choose a natural birth or a caesarean section?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural Childbirth

1. Two elements of natural childbirth:

1. Maternal physical condition

Natural childbirth is what doctors call natural childbirth. Not everyone is suitable for natural delivery. Now that pregnant mothers are well-nourished, the fetus generally grows larger, causing the fetus to exceed the actual scope of the pelvis or birth canal. If you still insist on natural delivery at this time, there will be double life safety risks for the fetus and the pregnant mother.

In addition, if the fetal position is incorrect or the pregnant mother has certain diseases and cannot adapt to natural delivery, she should follow the doctor's advice for cesarean section .

2. Safety status of the fetus

In addition to the physical requirements of the pregnant mother, if the production process will cause the safety of the fetus to be unable to be guaranteed, the doctor will also recommend a cesarean section.

2. Advantages of normal delivery:

1. Accelerate postpartum recovery

Generally speaking, mothers who have a normal delivery can get out of bed and move around on the same day. You can be discharged from the hospital in 3 to 5 days, postpartum recovery is quick, and the cost is relatively low under normal circumstances.

2, less harm

Compared with caesarean section, the injuries caused by normal delivery are mainly perineal wounds such as side incisions, which are generally less harmful and easy to recover.

3. Fewer complications

There may be more clinical complications complications during caesarean section, but under normal circumstances, there are relatively few natural births. This is also a major reason why most mothers choose natural births.

4. Conducive to abdominal recovery

Many mothers have problems with large abdomens after childbirth. Natural delivery can stimulate the mother's body to secrete oxytocin . This hormone can ensure the contraction of the uterus and help restore the flatness of the abdomen.

5. Conducive to uterine recovery

Vaginal delivery can greatly expand the birth gate , which is conducive to the discharge of postpartum lochia and the postpartum uterine recovery faster.

6. Benefits to newborns

For fetuses delivered vaginally, the respiratory center of the brain has more benign stimulation. After the contraction and expansion of the uterus, the fetal lungs are exercised, which provides a good foundation for the baby after birth. Automatic breathing creates favorable conditions, which is conducive to their lung activity and gas exchange after birth, and is conducive to preventing neonatal aspiration pneumonia;

Babies delivered vaginally can establish a normal environment by contacting the mother's birth canal and the flora of the delivery environment. In the microbial environment, the colonization rate of intestinal beneficial bacteria is higher, so it can exert better immune regulation function.

3. Disadvantages of normal delivery:

  • Prepartum labor pains , but painless delivery can be done to avoid the trouble of labor pains.
  • Sudden situation during vaginal delivery.
  • Vaginal laxity can be avoided by postpartum exercise.
  • Sequelae of pelvic uterine bladder prolapse.
  • Vaginal postpartum will damage the perineal tissue and even cause infection or vulvar hematoma.
  • Postpartum bleeding will occur due to poor uterine contraction. If postpartum bleeding cannot be controlled, emergency caesarean section is required. Severe cases require hysterectomy, which may even be life-threatening.
  • Postpartum infection or puerperal fever occurs; especially those with early water rupture and prolonged labor.
  • emergency labor will occur (the labor process takes less than two hours). Especially for multiparous women and patients with loose cervix.
  • If the fetus has dystocia or the mother's energy is exhausted, forceps or vacuum suction are required. When assisting in delivery, the fetus' head will swell.
  • An overweight fetus can easily cause shoulder dystocia, clavicle fracture, or brachial plexus injury in newborns.
  • Meconium is produced in amniotic fluid, causing neonatal meconium aspiration syndrome.
  • Accidents occur to the fetus in the womb; such as the umbilical cord wrapping around the neck , knotting or prolapse.
  • Amniotic fluid embolism , happens without warning. Even a caesarean section cannot be avoided.

Advantages and disadvantages of caesarean section

1. Elements of caesarean section

In the past, caesarean section was a surgery that doctors recommended to pregnant women after discovering problems. Cesarean section has now become the birth method chosen by pregnant women.

2. Advantages of caesarean section

1. Mothers who cannot give birth naturally can choose

Due to reasons with the fetus or the expectant mother, some expectant mothers cannot give birth through vagina, or when natural delivery may pose a threat to the safety of the expectant mother or newborn (fetus), such as If the fetus is in an abnormal position, the fetus is asphyxiated, the fetus is too large to be delivered, or the expectant mother suffers from pregnancy complications, caesarean section should be given priority.

2. You can avoid the labor pains during childbirth.

3. Combined treatment of other diseases

When a caesarean section is necessary, if the expectant mother has other diseases in the abdominal cavity, such as ovarian tumors or subserosal uterine fibroids, It can be treated together to reduce future surgical treatment.

4, ligation surgery by the way

If there is no plan to have another child, ligation surgery can be done by the way

5. Combined hysterectomy

This situation is relatively rare, mainly for expectant mothers who are not suitable to retain the uterus, such as severe infection or incomplete uterine rupture. , multiple uterine fibroids , etc., the uterus can be removed at the same time after caesarean section.

6. Reduce the harm to mother and child

If you suffer from pregnancy and other complications, caesarean section can reduce the harm to mother and child.

3. Disadvantages of caesarean section

  • Increased bleeding and complications.
  • affects normal eating and activities.
  • Hospitalization costs increase.
  • The probability of neonatal wet lung is increased.
  • Cesarean section is an interventional delivery. There is no active participation of the fetus. It is completely passive and delivered quickly in a short period of time. Babies born by cesarean section have not adapted to experience the stimulation test of uterine pressure and the birth canal, and tactile exercises will make them prone to in the future. Sensory integration disorder , prone to ADHD.
  • Surgical trauma leads to blood vessel rupture, increasing the probability of amniotic fluid embolism.

Childbirth is a natural process. If you have the conditions for vaginal trial delivery, please actively choose natural delivery. Experience the painful and joyful delivery process and complete the first intimate contact with your baby. When you do not have the conditions for vaginal delivery, you must not blindly advocate natural delivery. You must follow the doctor's instructions and make a prompt decision to choose cesarean section.