Modern society is a society that places equal emphasis on IQ and EQ. Having a higher IQ does not mean that one's life will be perfect or successful. In the increasingly fierce modern life, it has become an inevitable trend of social development to equip children with social commu

Modern society is a society that places equal emphasis on IQ and EQ. Having a higher IQ does not mean that one's life will be perfect or successful. In the increasingly fierce modern life, it has become an inevitable trend of social development to equip children with social communication skills that can adapt to society. For autistic children living in another world, the training of social skills is particularly important.

Social impairment is the most significant characteristic of children with autism and one of the most troublesome problems for parents. They turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the world, and lack the most basic social interactions. Even their parents sometimes regard them as strangers. They cannot stare at each other to express their feelings and requirements, nor can they take the initiative to be with their friends. Playing, and sometimes even doing some things that are not suitable for social interaction, thus hindering the integration of children into school and society.

shares the following 5 intervention tips to help autistic children enhance their social communication skills. Parents can train them with their children in daily life.

Teach children to look at others

Autistic children rarely look at other people's faces. When you talk to them, they look around. When you ask them to look at you, they don't seem to hear you.

In order to change this situation, parents can try to gently hold his head with your fingers, follow his gaze, and attract his attention.

can also use games to do this kind of training. You can make faces, turn your eyes, etc. This kind of funny visual effects will make children find it interesting, thereby achieving the purpose of attracting children's attention.

Learn gesture language

If a child does not have oral language, but he can use gesture language, then he can also have certain interactions with the outside world. However, children with autism have great deficiencies in understanding and using gesture language. They do not know how to nod and shake their heads to express agreement or disagreement; they do not understand that hugging and kissing are expressions of care and affection; they do not know how to use these actions to express their thoughts or emotions.

At this time, in addition to gently holding the child's head to teach him to kiss or guide him to open his arms to respond to other people's hugs, etc., you can also use cards or real objects to teach the child to learn to nod and shake his head.

For example: take out a toy car ,

ask the child: "Is this a car?"

then demonstrates the answer "yes" and nods;

asks again: "Is this an airplane?",

answers: "No' and shake his head;

requires the child to imitate.

Repeat the training until it can be mastered.

Learning of expressions

Children with autism can use photos and mirrors to express friendship. Wait for more training.

For example, let him see pictures of people with different expressions and tell him the names of the corresponding expressions. The child will find it funny and it will be easier to remember.

In addition, the child can imitate and practice various expressions in front of the mirror.

Focus on the training of language skills

Focus on the training of language communication skills. This can be integrated into daily life for training, such as encouraging children to express their wishes or requirements in language.

When the mother wants to tell the father something, the child can be used as a "passer". "Microphone", improving language communication skills is very helpful to improve children's communication skills.

Use games for social interaction

As mentioned earlier, adults first play with children to establish a close relationship , gradually let other people participate in the game, and after the children can play on their own, the adults will exit.

During the game, gradually increase the content of daily activities such as shopping and riding, so that the children can play various roles and learn from them. Various social norms.

It should be noted that when children play, parents should pay attention to proper supervision, firstly, to prevent the children from attacking others, and secondly, to prevent the occasional normal children from bullying the children, which will make the children shrink back. .

Parents should be the first teachers and first trainers of autistic children. They should be able to correct their behavioral deviations at any time and effectively, provide appropriate stimulation and effective communication opportunities, and persist in We believe that our children will be able to successfully integrate into and adapt to society by training their autistic children’s social communication skills.