# punch-in challenge bureau# Xiaoxiao is looking for laughter. There is a child, his name is Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao is very happy every day and laughs when he has nothing to do. However, one day, Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped laughing. Oh, why can’t I laugh? Where did my laughter go? So,

2024/07/0220:04:32 baby 1151

# punch-in challenge bureau# Xiaoxiao is looking for laughter. There is a child, his name is Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao is very happy every day and laughs when he has nothing to do. However, one day, Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped laughing. Oh, why can’t I laugh? Where did my laughter go? So, - DayDayNews

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What the story tells us: Life is colorful, and it is inevitable to encounter unhappy things. In the face of setbacks, we need to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude and scratch our "armpits" when there is nothing wrong. Preview of the next issue of

: Children, are you good at observing? Next time I will tell you a story about the observant Coco.

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