Due to work adjustments and working hours, it is temporarily unable to send articles, and has been adjusted to publish study notes. (The content of the notes comes from: books, public accounts, Zhihu, Weibo, paid communities, and does not represent personal opinions) 1. In the fi

is temporarily unable to send articles due to work adjustments and working hours, and has adjusted to publishing study notes. (The content of the notes comes from: books, public accounts, Zhihu, Weibo, paid communities and does not represent personal opinions)

1. The cause of all conflicts in interpersonal relationships

In the final analysis, parents parasitize their selfish desires on their children, which is nothing more than It's just for adults to satisfy their own pleasure in controlling their children's lives.

To give the simplest example, there is a topic in " Roundtable " that discusses why most parents in China always like to tease their children by picking them from the trash can?

Dou Wentao said that this is essentially the desire for control hidden deep in the hearts of parents, that is, [I will make you afraid, and I will make you laugh]

In the book "The Courage to Be Disliked", the author shows no mercy This kind of parent-child relationship is exposed comprehensively:

All interpersonal conflicts are caused by interference in other people's issues, or by others' interference in one's own issues.

Unfortunately, conflicts among family members are often caused by overly worried parents who always like to interfere in their children's subjects.

In fact, many times, parents are not really doing it for their children, but for their own face, vanity and desire for dominance.

2. You are the person who does great things.

I often say to myself, "You are the person who does great things."

When you are lazy, say to yourself, "You are the person who does great things."

When you are jealous, say to yourself Say "You are a person who can do great things."

When you are greedy, say to yourself "You are a person who can do great things."

When you are afraid, say to yourself "You are a person who can do great things."

Impetuous When I feel inferior, I say to myself, "You are a person who can do great things."

When I feel inferior, I say to myself, "You are a person who can do great things."

This sentence actually reminds me of my expectations and requirements for myself. It cannot be lower.

At the same time, I am strengthening my beliefs and encouraging myself.

If you think that you are destined to be mediocre, then it will be difficult for you to become strong mentally.

If you want to be a strong person, you can get closer to the strong now, demand yourself according to the standards of the strong, and live like a strong person.

3. Create for yourself

All the big mistakes I made were from trying to please my audience or guess their tastes.

When I create something more self-centered, the quality of it is always stronger.

————British rock star David Bowie

Always remember the reason why you started creating in the first place is because you feel deep down that if you can excavate and show something, you will understand yourself better or relate better to other people in society. coexistence.

It is very dangerous for an artist to conform to the expectations of others, and often when they do so, they only produce their own worst work.

I don't feel like I need anyone to judge my creations in any way.

That's the kind of person I am, I create for myself.