I have always been very anxious. Later, I continued to study parenting knowledge, language development tips, and constant practice. When my child was 1 year and 9 months old, he ushered in the "language explosion period". Wow, that was really " A thousand miles a day” and “instan

Hello everyone, I am Oh Oh Mom.

To be honest, I am still quite proud of ! A few days ago, I took my son for a 2-year-old physical examination. All indicators in the developmental quotient test were very good. Especially the "language development" of that I have been worried about has also reached the 28-month level.

Fans who are familiar with me know that our child's language development has always been my "worry" , because he has never had a "language explosion period" and can only say some simple names, such as "Dad" , mom, grandpa, grandma", can't even say "eat, sleep".

I have always been very anxious. Later, I continued to study parenting knowledge, language development tips, and constant practice. When the child was 1 year and 9 months old, he ushered in a "language explosion period". Wow, That is really 's "quick progress" and "immediate results"!

Therefore, I am still very pleased and even proud to see that my son's language development results are so good.

Today I will share with you my parenting "tips":

1. One of the tips is "nagging"

As the name suggests, is to give children constant input, input, input. One of the reasons why experts do not recommend that children live with their grandparents is that the grandparents do not have enough energy. They are tired enough to see the children every day. Naturally, they do not have the energy to read, talk, or tell stories to the children.

Therefore, the first step in teaching children to learn to speak must be to let them "listen enough" . Only when the family keeps nagging will let the children have the "desire" they want to express.

Just like many children , the first words they learn to say are "calls", such as mom and dad. In the final analysis, this means that everyone usually "inputs" a lot, so you must give your children more "nagging".

2. Tip No. 2 "Let nature take its course"

The second step in teaching children to learn a language is to let nature take its course. When a child learns a language, the child's expressions are not clear at first. Even in the eyes of adults, may be difficult to pronounce. Don't deliberately correct the child at this time, as it will "dampen" the child's enthusiasm for speaking.

There are some, and even more excessively, they will scold the children loudly, and even think that the children are too stupid and can't even say a word, and "speak harshly". In this way, children no longer have the enthusiasm to express themselves. .

In addition, this is actually a kind of " negative reinforcement ", which will make children remember the wrong pronunciation and be unable to change it.

Of course, when children perform well, you can also give appropriate rewards and encouragement to stimulate children to express their enthusiasm.

3. Tip No. 3 "Lazy Mom Online"

Many people may think that the first step is not to ask the mother to force input to the child, but why does this step make the mother lazy?

The "lazy mother" here mainly refers to the child's When expressing needs on a daily basis, mothers should not "intervene too much" or "ruin" their children's opportunity to express themselves.

For example, a child wants to eat fruit.

Mother cannot say directly: My child, do you want to eat an apple?

but should let the child "hurry up for a while" when expressing, and then help the child express his needs, and take the opportunity to enter more "apple" to deepen the child's impression.

In reality, many mothers will ignore the real needs of their children before their children have clearly expressed their needs, and will choose "things" that they think are good for their children. In this way, the children will not have “opportunity to learn a language”.

4. Tip No. 4: "Making good friends is good"

There is only one child around our house, and they are around the family every day. My grandparents are old, so the way to take care of the children is to let them read books and watch TV , and I also take time out. To give children language help, but children need "playmates". does not have the "stimulation" of children of the same age, and will also affect the growth and development of children.

Later, I took him to play around the school every day, and let the child play for a while while others were out of school. Later, the children were sent to early childhood education classes to have more contact with children. Don't tell me, in addition to the significant improvement in language development in , children have also learned to share, know how to say hello to others, wash hands when going to the toilet and other civilized habits.

Therefore, we need to take our children out more often, "communicate" with other children, and let them interact more.

5. Tip No. 5 "Children's Songs to Help"

Parenting experts have repeatedly suggested: htmlChildren after the age of 21 should listen to and read more children's songs.

I am ashamed to say that I first bought this book "Three Hundred Children's Songs" for my child so that I could relax and let him play by himself. As a result, was unexpected.

He learned children's songs at school and really liked them. He also learned the movements and took the initiative to "perform" for me every time he came back.

Later, after I bought him this book, he would take the children's songs he learned at home to school and share them with his friends. Naturally, he got praise from the teacher.

Over time, the children became more fond of reading children's songs and sharing them with others. Friends. The key is that he can also identify some simple words by himself, such as day, day, month, etc.


Children's "language explosion period" really comes at any time, and parents must seize it. Although children's development has individual characteristics, the development characteristics of the corresponding month age of must also be paid attention to.

Everyone can try these tips today.

Good book recommendation - "Three Hundred Children's Songs"

The content is comprehensively close to life

The selected children's songs cover animals, life, nature, habits and other branches, allowing children to learn more while reading children's songs. Knowledge and skills .

In addition, each of its children's songs has a QR code in the upper left corner. can scan the code to listen to the songs, which is extremely convenient than .

Printing is clear and safe.

It uses soybean oil glue ink printing technology. is non-toxic and environmentally friendly printing. It will not fade and has no odor. mothers can buy it with confidence.

Highly targeted, professional and scientific

This children's book is the " Sunshine Baby " brand book. It is specifically targeted at the brain development, physiological and psychological characteristics of -6-year-old infants and young children. It is written and produced in to meet the needs of the baby's growth. Early education reading materials for different needs.

So, is more targeted and scientific .

Fun and interesting

Let me list two songs for you today:

1. The bus

The bus ran on the street,

stood upright as soon as it reached the platform.

Queue to get on the bus in good order,

Remember to be civilized when riding the bus.

2. The storm is coming!

The wind is coming, the rain is coming,

ants are hiding in their holes in a hurry,

birds are flying back to their nests one after another.

Why do the wheat seedlings clap their hands and laugh?

With enough rain, they grow taller.

In addition to letting children read children's songs, also allows children to find objects in exquisite pictures, allowing children to experience the fun of reading, which can be regarded as an early education enlightenment.

For example, our son will point out and say "bird", "flower", "moon", "hat" and other words. Kill multiple birds with one stone.

with pinyin, long-term companionship

it each character has the phonetic notation , even if the baby is in kindergarten or elementary school, he can play and accompany the baby for a long time.Of course, is also very convenient for children to learn characters. It can be said that one book has multiple uses.

Note: Although there are a lot of children's songs on the Internet, the quality of is uneven, and children have no concept and experience of , and reading more electronic products is not good for children's eyesight. , these are all paper books advantages, so when dealing with children, we still need to be more serious and cautious with .