My daughter, who is in junior high school, writes Chinese homework. The text is "A Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas". The after-school homework requires reading "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and finding the "nine-headed snake", "three-legged bird" and "one-legged

My daughter who is in junior high school is writing Chinese homework. The text is "Ah Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas". The after-school homework requires reading " Classic of Mountains and Seas " and finding "nine-headed snake", "three-legged bird" and "one-legged cow". .

After consulting the book, I realized that the "Hydra" is called "xiangliu". It is a very tall animal that can block the sky and the sun when it stands up. The one-legged cow is called " Kui Niu ". It shines with light and brings violent storms every time it appears. The three-legged bird is called " Quru". This bird looks strange. Not only does it have three legs, it also has a human face.

After seeing the pictures, my daughter was immediately attracted by the magical animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. She said that there used to be descriptions of animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas in elementary school textbooks, but she didn’t feel much when reading the text. Today, she read it with the pictures. , only then can I feel the magic and shock of these animals.

This set of books is "Magical Animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas" published by Guangxi Normal University Press . I have to say, this version is too exquisite and explosive.

This set of books has a total of 6 volumes, all of which are large format. Opening the picture book, one after another exquisite pictures of magical animals come into view, and the visual effect is shocking. On the left are hand-drawn animal pictures + the original text of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" + translation, and on the right are travel stories + scientific interpretations of animal knowledge, as well as additional small pictures, such as detailed pictures of hands, anatomical diagrams, etc.

In addition to the beautiful pictures, the story design and editing themes of this set of books are also very interesting and very suitable for children's reading situations.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas" is known as an ancient book. On the one hand, it is all-encompassing and has a large capacity for knowledge; on the other hand, it is vast, bizarre and imaginative. Children can use "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" to enter the boundless space-time universe, let their imagination run wild, increase their knowledge, develop their intelligence, and cultivate their creativity.

The book "Magical Animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas" is specially divided into themes according to the categories of zoology and . According to the development characteristics of the children and taking the children's interests as the entry point, it uses the method of visiting the "Shan Hai Jing Safari Park". Come and help children get closer to "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", learn about the magical animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, and expand their knowledge of zoology.

1. Divide the subject by zoological categories

It is different from the classification program of modern zoology. This set of books borrows from the ancient Chinese theory of Pentaparata, and is based on the "hairy feathers and scales" in "The Book of Great Dai Li" Classification, representing five animals respectively.

"Mao" refers to animals with long hair, "Yu" refers to birds with wings and feathers, "Kun" refers to animals with shells, and "Scale" refers to animals with scales, mainly fish. "胃" is not pronounced as "yíng", but as "luǒ", which refers to animals with no hair, scales, and exposed skin, such as frogs and humans. In addition to the above five categories, there is also an added category of "Yu", which is a monkey with great magical powers.

In this way, this "Shan Hai Jing Wildlife Park" is divided into 6 venues: the Yumen Pavilion where birds gather, the Yumen Pavilion where monkeys are the main species, the Maomen Pavilion where many wild beasts appear, and the where turtles and snakes appear. Kunmen Pavilion, Zhuanmen Pavilion filled with the sound of frogs, and Linmen Pavilion focusing on fish. The book introduces a total of 170 species of animals, which are gathered in various museums according to different classifications and living habits, waiting for discovery and exploration by young readers.

The catalog of each volume is also designed to be very interesting, just like a zoo tour map. There are nearly 30 kinds of animals in each pavilion. Children use the pictures as a guide, as if they are really visiting the zoo. Unknowingly, they Entered the wonderful world of Shan Hai Jing.

2. The story is interesting and very easy to read.

It is the nature of every child to like animals and read stories. This set of books not only uses animals as the starting point to attract children's interest, but the story setting is also very interesting.This set of books takes the brother and sister Daqi and Xiaoyu visiting the zoo as the main story line, and introduces the magical animals in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" in sequence:

Daqi and Xiaoyu are a brother and sister who love animals. One day, their parents took them to visit Wild Zoo , unexpectedly, they accidentally walked into the "Shan Hai Jing Wild Zoo" and met the big-eyed teacher and two children from ancient time and space-Xiao Shan and Xiao Hai. They take the sightseeing car and can observe those magical animals up close. During the observation process, the children also raised many related questions, and the big-eyed teacher would explain them in detail. This kind of story situation is very suitable for children's lives, just like children visiting the zoo together and learning knowledge together, with a strong sense of situation.

It is worth mentioning that the names of Daqi, Xiaoyu, Xiaoshan, Xiaohai, and the big-eyed teacher put together are the theme of this book: Adventures in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. This kind of character setting will also make children feel interesting.

In addition to the story setting, the inner page design is also very careful. This set of books compares and arranges the original text and the translated version of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". Difficult words to read are all phonetic notations, which greatly reduces children's reading difficulty and helps children find the joy of reading.

3. Combining ancient magical animals with modern animals to increase knowledge

Let’s first look at a group of names: Luo Luo, Corpse Dove, Rat, Elephant Snake, Quercus, White Han. Which of these animals are birds? Woolen cloth?

At first glance, I feel that many of the names are unfamiliar, and some of them can't even be read. After a second look, I feel that they are mixed with animals from other museums, such as rats and elephant snakes. Aren't these mice and snakes ?

Actually these are birds.

In this way, not only children, but also adults will be inspired to read and want to find out.

It is recorded in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas": "It is called like a snake, and its cry sounds like a snake." It turns out that this bird, which looks like a pheasant, hermaphrodite, can make a cry similar to "like a snake". From this Got its name.

This is not over yet, children will definitely have questions about "male and female". The big-eyed teacher is ready to explain: Do hermaphrodite birds really exist? The answer is yes, and the phenomenon of hermaphroditism is reflected in many types of organisms, such as clownfish in the ocean, but only under certain environments and circumstances.

The book also draws a diagram of the internal organs of the elephant snake to help explain this phenomenon.

Another example is the corpse dove, a bird. Because of its unique call, it is also called a cuckoo. The big-eyed teacher made an extension outside the classroom, which is the idiom "the dove occupies the magpie's nest", which refers to in life. The cuckoo bird will put its eggs into the nests of other birds, and the cuckoo chicks will push the chicks of other birds out of the nest to seize resources and fly away when they grow up.

70+ ancient magical animals, all with knowledge of modern zoology. Through such explanations, children can learn and understand the magical birds and beasts of ancient times and the animals that can be seen and felt in reality, and stimulate their interest in reading.

Of course, there is another benefit of connecting imagination and reality, that is, when children observe the animals around them, they can generate rich associations and sigh, "Isn't that some kind of mythical beast from ancient times?"

This association is very important. Nowadays, many people use "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" as a cultural treasure house to create art. For example, in the once popular movie " Monster Hunting ", the prototype of Huba is The mythical beast " Dijiang ", and Dijiang is a chubby bird with six legs and four wings, chaotic and faceless, but it can sing and dance.

Psychologists have concluded through research: imagination comes from knowledge. It is only after understanding the causal relationship between things that children's imagination becomes possible.

This means that children’s imagination is not just random thoughts and fantasies. It is because they see birds in reality that they imagine that they can fly. A child's knowledge reserve determines the height and width of his or her imagination. The magical animals in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" are a treasure trove of knowledge for children. One day in the future, the books they have read and the pictures they have seen may become golden ideas that lead the trend of the times. .

4. Exquisite pictures cultivate children’s aesthetic sense from an early age

Lu Xun once “complained” in “A Chang and the Classic of Mountains and Seas” that the book A Chang bought for him was very rough, but he still couldn’t put it down, even later I also collected other versions to read and collect.

Indeed, there are many pictures of mythical beasts on the Internet, some of which are in comic style and very exaggerated; some of them are cartoonish and cute to cater to children's aesthetics. However, when I opened this set of "Fantastic Animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas" published by Guangxi Normal University Press, I was really shocked. Because the pictures in the lesson "Jingwei Reclamation" in the primary school textbook are almost the same as the characteristics and style of the pictures in this set of books.

Pictures accompanying the text.

The illustrations in this book

do not have weird and exaggerated modifications. Some of them are based on the rigor of the original text and are in line with the Chinese classical aesthetics of the ancient book itself. In addition to the grown-up Jingwei , this set of books also includes pictures of Jingwei's tail feathers and images of young birds, which are really exquisite and delicate to the extreme.

In addition to imagination, children's aesthetic sense is also very important. They have been accustomed to seeing beautiful things since childhood. When they grow up, they are willing to get close to beautiful things and create beautiful things. We have reason to believe that children who have been immersed in beautiful things since childhood will have eyes that can discover beauty and a gentle and kind heart.

"Magical Animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas" uses animals as the entry point and stories as clues, which can greatly stimulate children's interest in reading. My daughter said: "I didn't want to read "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" before because most of it was text, but now I realize that "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" is so interesting." As parents, we all know that "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" is constantly being selected. It appears in primary school textbooks and even in the test questions of and of Beijing primary schools, which shows the importance of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" as an ancient classic. The most important thing is to make children want to read, be willing to read, be able to read, and gain something.

I am very glad to have bought this set of books. I think: curiosity is the seed of learning. Now that children have developed an interest in reading "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", the next reading path is left to the children to explore by themselves. The book "Magical Animals in the Classic of Mountains and Seas" is like a key that opens the door to "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and is highly recommended to everyone.