Let’s first understand how addictive behavior is formed. First, we need to understand two hormones. The first hormone is called endorphin. It is a compensatory hormone. When you achieve something, you will feel a sense of satisfaction. A particularly good sense of happiness is co

A few days ago, a child was angrily taken away by his mother when his mother called him to eat and ignored him several times. As soon as the child turned around, he jumped out of the window on the 18th floor...

When the child asked, "I "Why can't you play with mobile phones?" Parents say it hurts their eyes. This kind of answer is particularly feeble. How can we explain to children the reasons for mobile phone addiction, instead of being covert and avoiding the important and perfunctory.

Let’s first understand how addictive behavior is formed. First, we need to understand two hormones. The first hormone is called endorphin . It is a compensatory hormone. When you achieve something, You will feel that there is a particularly good sense of happiness to compensate you, making you feel very happy, so his key word is delayed gratification. After doing these things, you will have a feeling of relaxation and tranquility. Another hormone is called dopamine . Dopamine is a reward hormone. When your desires are satisfied, you will feel a sense of pleasure, and this satisfaction is instant gratification. For example, if you play games or watch short videos , there will be a particularly exciting feeling. So what is the relationship between these two hormones and addiction?

Let’s imagine, for example, you perform a certain behavior, let’s say you smoke. When you smoke, your body secretes a large amount of dopamine, which makes you feel so satisfied. However, after you finish smoking, dopamine will drop rapidly. disappear. At this time, you will feel very empty. At this time, you really want more, so you will repeat this behavior and continue to smoke. As you smoke for a long time, you will have a sense of tolerance, and you will smoke more and more, and the pleasure brought by smoking will become less and less, so you have to continuously increase the dose. At this time, you know that it will affect my physical health, but as for myself, I can't control myself. I always have a physical and mental desire. This is addiction.

Classification of addictive behaviors, the first type of behavioral addiction, some people like to bite their nails, some like to pick their noses, and some like to steal women's underwear... This type of behavior can be classified as addictive behavior. The second type is addiction to items, such as mobile phones, dependence on other items, etc. The third type is drug addiction, which is mainly related to endorphins. We will not discuss it here.

We now want to focus on understanding the effects of mobile phone addiction on the body, and what changes will occur in your brain? The first one is immune response. There will be an addiction circuit in your brain. This addiction circuit will make you feel uncomfortable if you don't do it for a while. For example, if you stop doing things like smoking, you will feel so uncomfortable and always want to go. Do things like that. Second, your brain will have a desensitization reaction, which means that your brain nerve cells will be numb, your ability to feel happiness will be reduced, and you will feel that other things are boring, and other things will make you feel bored. You feel unhappy, and only the things that make you addicted can make you feel a little happy. The level of happiness will gradually decrease. The third is the degeneration of frontal lobe function, which will gradually reduce your self-control and become worse and worse. He became irritable and irritable, often getting hysterical and angry at his parents.

This is the brain development value of a 16-year-old girl in the third grade of junior high school. Functional degradation has already occurred.

So how can we get rid of addictive behaviors? We need to understand that the key point is to improve self-control. Let me first talk about how to avoid it when you are not yet addicted. The simpler way to is to avoid trying it for the first time. For example, when you are unhappy and have never tried smoking to relieve yourself, then there is a high probability that you will never smoke again in this life. Then when you are bored, you don’t use mobile games to make yourself feel interesting. Then there is a high probability that you will not become addicted to mobile games.

So what should you do now that you are addicted? We have to find a way to adjust the addictive circuit in our brain into a normal circuit, that is to say, make this addictive circuit disappear. What should we do? Reduce the frequency of this behavior, or even prevent it from occurring at all. How can we reduce or prevent it from occurring at all? It depends on these two aspects. One is to improve self-control. Find ways to improve self-control. For example, the pictures of lung cancer patients printed on cigarette boxes by major tobacco companies are a method of withdrawal. Let's say I have a serious addiction to . I was also very distressed. I couldn't control myself. My self-control didn't seem to be strong enough. So what should I do? I set the screen saver of my mobile phone to a picture of lung cancer. Then I visited the hospital and communicated with doctors and patients, which made my brain strongly feel the impact of these serious diseases on my life. What an impact. At this time, our self-control suddenly improved, we gradually reduced the number of cigarettes, and slowly made this addiction circuit disappear. Then when we ourselves feel that our ability to improve self-control is still limited, we can rely on the outside world. For example, let the outside world give us an extreme consequence. There was a classmate who also wanted to study hard, but she was very troubled. He couldn't resist the temptation of his mobile phone. When he saw the mobile phone, he always wanted to play a few games first. Then he asked his mother for help. His mother said let's make an agreement. If you play for more than 20 minutes each time, I will slap you. If this situation still doesn't help you, let's increase the intensity of the punishment to let your brain know that if you do that, the consequences will be very, very serious. The child agreed. Later, the mother and her discussed together and used this external assistance model to gradually reduce the number of repetitions. This situation is like your parent becoming a coach, assisting you. To improve your self-control. This method draws on a psychological experiment on monkey emotions in the United States. If you are interested, you can go to Baidu. Another way is to try to increase the values ​​of several other neurotransmitters that control emotions, motor functions, learning and memory, to reduce dependence on dopamine and reduce dopamine's control of desires.

Now you should understand why some parents never let their children have access to mobile phones, or strictly control the number of times you use mobile phones. You should also understand why some people are addicted to mobile phones, which is particularly serious, so their parents . He chose to eliminate the mobile phone directly from his life. This is a way to block the loop. However, in these methods, the child must not be aggressive or irritated. Addiction withdrawal is a long-term process. As long as his attention is diverted by other neurotransmitters, half the battle is won.