Children who "mouth breathe", pay attention!

Children who "mouth breathe", pay attention!

Parents found that

changed teeth, how could the once beautiful child

suddenly become "ugly"

suddenly become "ugly"

the face is getting longer

the cheek muscles are stiff and full

Due to the impact of airflow on the oral cavity,

after the chin starts Shortened,

formed what we often call a "small chin"

How did the once proud pointed chin

suddenly turn into a "bun" face

Not only that,

the impact of the airflow,

will also cause the child's palate Getting narrower and more arched,

directly limits the space for tooth growth,

the teeth also become uneven,

at the same time,

the child's lips also begin to become thick. Children like

are very sluggish! The eyes are dull!

Oh, my god!

I didn’t expect that

mouth breathing would bring so many “terrible” changes.

Let’s not talk about the appearance becoming poorer, let alone

affecting temperament,

long-term mouth breathing,

will cause changes in the child’s developing mandible.

It is impossible for a child to look good!

The small "mouth breathing"

has a huge impact on growing and developing children.

Children between the ages of 6 and 12 years old are the golden age of human facial bone development.

Once this golden period is missed,

skeletal development is completed,

Simple dental correction ,

can no longer change the stereotyped appearance.


found that the child has mouth breathing,

should be corrected in time.

If it cannot be changed on its own,

please go to a regular dental institution in time,

find a dental doctor for timely treatment,

the dental doctor will according to different bad habits,

provides reasonable diagnosis and treatment suggestions and measures.

When necessary, we also need to cooperate with the otolaryngology department for treatment.

html The tooth replacement period between the ages of 26 and 12 is the golden period of orthodontic treatment for children.

Beauty is in the bones but not in the skin

Seize the opportunity that can change your appearance in a lifetime

Take action!