On the playground, we watched the five-star red flag rising slowly, with mixed feelings in our hearts - like red clouds, like a torch, it is the soul of the nation and symbolizes the majesty of the motherland. On this solemn and sacred morning, all teachers and students of Ideal

On the

playground, we watched the five-star red flag rising, with mixed feelings in our hearts - like the red clouds, like the torch, it is the soul of the nation and symbolizes the majesty of the motherland.

On this solemn and sacred morning, all the teachers and students of Ideal Kindergarten gathered on the playground to start the flag-raising ceremony every Monday.

Ideal Kindergarten & Flag Raising Ceremony

Ideal Kindergarten carries out a weekly flag raising ceremony, infecting children with patriotic education content through a specific environment, atmosphere, and a way acceptable to them, germinating their patriotic emotions and behaviors, and allowing them to I received education subtly during the activities.

Class 1 of Xiaoyue was responsible for the flag-raising ceremony. At the moment when the bright five-star red flag was rising along with the national anthem, all the teachers and students solemnly paid attention. After the flag-raising ceremony, the little flag-raisers said in their childish voices: Us, even though they are small, they are great! Let’s review it with the editor below!

The class responsible for this flag-raising ceremony is Xiaoyue Class 1. The flag-raising ceremony will begin soon ~ babies are ready!

The flag-raising ceremony kicked off, and the little flag-raisers and flag-guards were already ready to go. When the little host said the first item of "raising the flag", the flag raiser and flag guard walked toward us with sonorous steps. The five-star red flag looked particularly bright red!

Accompanied by the loud national anthem, the five-star red flag rose slowly. Pay attention to the national flag, sing the national anthem together, and pay tribute to the great motherland!

Speech under the National Flag - The theme shared by Teacher Wu from Xiaoyue Class 1 is "Speak Mandarin and Be a Civilized Person"

Our country is a multi-ethnic, multi-lingual and multi-dialect country, with 56 ethnic groups in the country and a large population. If each local dialect has its own Integrated into one, then this not only affects people's normal interactions, but also greatly affects economic development. To this end, the promotion and popularization of mandarin will help enhance exchanges among various ethnic groups and regions, maintain national unity, and enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation. Therefore, we must vigorously promote Mandarin and make every classroom in kindergarten a window for Mandarin promotion. Let us all become civilized messengers in comprehensively promoting in Mandarin Chinese. Let us all work together to form the conscious habit of speaking Mandarin, let Mandarin become the language of campus, the language of life, let Mandarin become the main communication tool for our study and life, let us use Mandarin to welcome guests from all over the world, and let us use Mandarin to integrate into this open world. In a rapidly developing society, today I am here to propose to you:

1. In kindergartens, teachers and children should use Mandarin more when communicating;

2. After children go home, speak Mandarin with their parents and bring the elders at home together. Promote Mandarin;

3. In daily life, we must develop a good habit of speaking Mandarin and pay attention to civilized language.

Speaking Mandarin well is the responsibility of every Chinese. Let us take action, supervise each other, encourage each other, speak Mandarin, use civilized language, and be civilized people. I believe that all of us can use beautiful language to express our patriotism!

Collective oath

We must love the motherland, study diligently, be strong and brave, be polite to others, respect the elderly and care for the young, unite classmates, respect teachers, abide by the rules, cooperate happily, and grow up healthily..." The oath was loud and neat. , represents the little Chinese children’s reverence for the motherland!

The flag-raising ceremony every Monday is an important way for kindergartens to educate children about patriotism. Ideal Kindergarten insists on carrying out the flag-raising ceremony every Monday, and takes this as an opportunity to inspire children. patriotic emotions, enhance children's awareness of loving the national flag, allow children to subtly receive patriotic education during activities, and sow the seeds of patriotism in young minds
