Many young people who are new parents, as well as young people who have never been exposed to newborns, will have the impression that babies' heads are soft. But are newborn skulls really soft?

Many young people who are new parents, as well as young people who have never been exposed to newborns, will have the impression that babies' heads are soft. But are newborn skulls really soft?

In fact, this is not the case. The structure of a baby's head is different from that of our adults. There are a lot of gaps and holes in the baby's skull. This is when we humans evolved to ensure that newborns can pass through the birth canal smoothly and avoid birth injuries As a result of evolution, the skull structure of our newborns is unstable, so we feel that the skulls of babies are soft.

What other questions do we have about the head shape of newborns?

We can all see a very soft place on the top of the baby's head, and sometimes we can see it beating. It is called a blubber gate in medicine. Fontanelle (xìn mén) refers to the bone gap formed by the loose jointing of the cranial bones of infants and young children, and is divided into anterior fontanel and posterior fontanel: the bregma is in the front of the head, and usually closes at 1 to 1.5 years old; the other A cyst is usually small or closed at birth and closes at 2 to 4 months at the latest.

The sooner or later the halogen door closes is an important criterion for measuring the development of the baby's skull. If it closes too early or too late, it will affect the normal growth and development of the child's brain. As parents, we must pay more attention to the growth and changes of our children, and we must not take it lightly!