Parents all hope that their children can become dragons and phoenixes. Even when their children are full of ideals and say what they want to do when they grow up, parents will be very happy, especially civil servants, engineers, teachers, etc., who are considered relatively stabl

Parents all hope that their children can become dragons and become phoenixes. Even when their children are full of ideals when they are young, parents will be very happy when they say what they want to do when they grow up, especially civil servants, engineers, teachers, etc. are so popular among parents. I think it's a more stable job and it's more respectable.

But maybe the children are still young and don’t understand the specific industry they want to work in. Maybe a certain point in life triggers the child’s idea of ​​​​wanting to work in a certain industry. However, some parents can take advantage of the opportunity just right. Educate your children, guides them correctly.

A child on the Internet said: "I want to be a cleaner when I grow up." After hearing this, some parents may feel that their child is too "promising", but actually just wants to be a cleaner. But the next answer given by the father of his second child was textbook-like and attracted praise from netizens.

I saw him holding his second child in his arms and answering gently and patiently: "Why?" He wanted to hear his daughter's reasons.

The daughter said: "Because the cleaners can sweep the floor, our earth will become cleaner."

Obviously the father is very satisfied with his daughter's answer. It can be seen that the child's thoughts are indeed very simple and very simple. Kind and loving.

So the father said: "So you want to be a cleaner, what are you going to do now?" The daughter said that she must be clean before she can sweep the floor.

After hearing his daughter's answer, the father continued: "The cleaner still needs a lot of strength. Do you have to eat actively? And the cleaner has to get up very early. Then don't you also have to get up earlier? "

After seeing such a conversation, it can be said that the father's answer is very clever. It not only respects the child's dream of becoming a cleaner, but also helps the child understand that the profession of cleaner is not easy. also helps the child develop Develop good living habits.

Children are still young, and some things do require the guidance of parents, but parents should not deny their children blindly. If parents hear their children say that they want to be cleaners, they start to criticize their children for being hopeless, or stop them, then when the children are young, A shadow will be left in the mind, and will begin to have a bias against careers, which is very detrimental to children's education.

Children’s views and perceptions of the world are beautiful, and parents should protect the beauty and innocence in their children’s hearts. After seeing this father's answer, many netizens said that this kind of education method is just right for having a second child, and it can educate the child very well.

In fact, parents are a mirror of their children. Every move, word and deed of their parents has a profound impression on their children. In other words, parents are their children's first teachers.

Although children do not have a mature understanding of things, will leave an impression in their hearts. hopes that parents can use good language when educating their children, pay attention to expressions, spread positive words, and make children better.

Discussion topic:

If a child says that he wants to be a cleaner when he grows up, how will parents respond? Welcome to communicate with everyone! For more information, follow @jiachuneducation.

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