1-2 years old is the stage when children's abilities develop the fastest. During this period, babies begin to walk upright, and children's cognition begins to develop explosively, gradually becoming independent. Characteristics of motor ability development (1) At 13 to 14 months

1-2 years old is the fastest developing stage for children's abilities. During this period, babies begin to walk upright, and children's cognition begins to develop explosively, gradually becoming independent.

Characteristics of motor ability development

(1) When 13 to 14 months old, children mainly sit in baby chairs and can start to walk alone, but their center of gravity is unstable and their body balance ability is poor. Fences and standing beds can be set up in childcare institutions. The furniture in the classroom should be well wrapped with corner guards and dados should be made of soft-packed walls. Able to walk backwards and go up and down stairs while holding on to railings. Able to walk on a wide balance beam with adult care. Can run fast and throw the ball.

(2) From 18 months to 2 years old, children will gradually become more stable when walking, can climb stools and sofas, and jump down from objects with a height of 20 cm, but they will not land with both feet and will come down with one foot first. Another foot down. When childcare institutions lead children aged 18 months to 2 years old to go out for activities, they often let them walk on a rope one by one; the height of the small chair they sit on is 35 cm, and it is advisable to choose a small chair with armrests.

(3) likes to play with sand and water; imitates origami, can stack 6-10 building blocks, and put together 1-3 puzzle pieces; imitates housework (such as moving a small stool for adults, learning to knead pasta). Can open and close ordinary zippers. Ability to wash and wipe hands by oneself.

Language ability

Children under 18 months will consciously call "Dad, Mom", will say "goodbye" and "bye" according to adult instructions, and will point to the light and say "bright", etc.; between 18 months and 2 years old , the vocabulary of young children has increased the most. This is because after they learn to walk, their contact range expands and their thinking ability begins to develop; by the age of 2, they can use short sentences to express their needs. Loves nursery rhymes, songs, short stories and finger games. Able to turn pages of a book.

Cognitive ability

Children of this age develop rapidly in cognitive ability. They know some small animals and vehicles, and they can complete simple tasks according to adult instructions. For example, adults say "go get dad's shoes" and "go get the car." "Bring it here", he can do it all very well. When eating, know how to choose foods you like and reject foods you don't like. When he sees his mother's backpack and knows that her mother is leaving, he will immediately pester her. In a daycare institution, I can communicate with my peers. Although I don’t communicate much verbally, my body language is very rich. If I want to play with a certain toy, I will grab it from my peers.

O Able to pronounce the names of various parts of the body with hands and mouth

O Ability to actively express the desire to urinate and defecate

O Know and use one's own name.

The focus of education during this period is to improve children's gross movements and cultivate fine movements, such as guiding them to build blocks, pinch beads, button buttons, and drink water by themselves. During language training, we guide them to recite children's songs, tell stories, and imitate adult speaking behaviors. In terms of training, we need to help them establish a good sense of order, such as eating on time, playing games, sleeping, etc.

development warning

has the following conditions, parents need to pay attention to it and see a doctor if necessary: ​​cannot walk independently; does not try to speak or repeat words; does not understand some common words; cannot use "yes" or "yes" or "yes" to simple questions "No" answer; unable to recognize myself in the mirror; fontanelle not closed.

I am a father and an early childhood educator. I share more scientific parenting methods to influence all those who can influence children.