The length of time it takes to have a baby varies from person to person, and there is no fixed time to refer to. I gave birth very quickly at that time. I suddenly had a stomachache around 11 o'clock at night, and gave birth at 9 o'clock the next morning. My sister-in-law gave bi

The length of time it takes to have a baby varies from person to person, and there is no fixed time to refer to.

I gave birth very quickly at that time. I suddenly had a stomachache around 11 o'clock in the night. I gave birth at 9 o'clock the next morning. My sister-in-law gave birth to my niece for the first time. She gave birth to my niece all night and was unsuccessful. In the end, I had to give birth to my niece. A normal birth was converted to , a caesarean section , and I gave birth to my nephew.

As someone who has been through this, let me share my experience of giving birth!

1. When you have sudden abdominal pain and frequent bowel movements, you must go to the hospital for examination in time. Don't delay.

The night before giving birth, I had sudden abdominal pain. When I told my husband about it around 11 o'clock at night, he thought I was just hungry and asked me to wait. She insisted with a calm face, "It can't be a baby. It's not the due date yet! You just ate so many cakes, maybe you have a bad stomach!"

Because of my husband's words, I was also afraid that I would make a wrong judgment. , just kept lying on the bed. But the abdominal pain became more and more frequent, and the frequency of going to the toilet became more and more frequent.

"I can't help it anymore! I can't help it anymore!" I insisted on going to the hospital.

My mother-in-law saw that I kept going to the toilet and said that frequent trips to the toilet were a unique symptom before giving birth. She also suggested that we go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Later, I went to the hospital for fetal heart rate monitoring and was left directly in the hospital. The doctor said, "I can't go home now. I have to be hospitalized immediately. Next time I go home, we will be two people!" The implication was that I was about to give birth.

2. During labor pains, a relative (preferably your significant other) must accompany you.

If I were asked to judge whether the pain during childbirth or labor pains is more painful, I would choose labor pains without hesitation. The labor pain was long-lasting and severe. It was truly the most painful experience in my life!

That night, I kept holding my husband's hand tightly, for fear that I would experience this pain alone! At this moment, you need your partner’s company the most.

Perhaps it’s because it hurts so much that the feeling of hunger is easily ignored. However, doctors recommend that pregnant women must eat more before delivery to replenish their strength, otherwise they are afraid that they will not have enough strength when giving birth.

After listening to the doctor’s advice, my husband hurried to the canteen and bought me two meat buns, but I couldn’t smell the meat at the moment, and I felt nauseous when eating solid food and couldn’t eat it at all.

Therefore, if you want to prepare some prenatal food, it is best to include milk and chocolate, which can quickly replenish energy for pregnant women.

3. Prepare straws and semi-liquid diet

When I just gave birth to my baby in the delivery room, the doctor immediately gave me a cup of hot preserved egg and lean meat porridge with a thick straw inserted in it. To be honest, I felt that the doctors in the hospital were really warm and caring.

Pregnant mothers have just given birth to a baby, and their physical strength is very high, so they must replenish their physical strength in time. However, because the wound needs to be sutured, I cannot sit down to eat for the time being, so it is most convenient to eat semi-liquid food through a straw.

If the hospital does not provide semi-liquid food and straws, it is recommended that the family bring their own!

The above is my experience sharing as a person who has been through it. I wish every mother a smooth and safe birth process!