Many young couples lack common sense in contraception. If they make a mistake accidentally, it may lead to an unexpected pregnancy. If the woman does not want to give birth to a child, she will take drugs to terminate the pregnancy.

Many young couples lack common sense in contraception. If they make mistakes accidentally, they may lead to unexpected pregnancy. If the woman does not want to give birth to a child, she will take drugs to terminate the pregnancy.

Multiple artificial abortions and medical abortion are very harmful to the body. Once the uterus is damaged, the thickness of the endometrium is not up to standard, and subsequent fertility declines, it should not be treated as a minor problem. You need to understand the methods of unintended pregnancy clearly and don’t make the same mistake again.

1, Can’t go in

Many people have misunderstandings. They think that if a man can’t go in, it won’t cause a woman to get pregnant. Sometimes they use external ejaculation as a contraceptive method. They think that if the semen doesn’t stay in the woman’s vagina, naturally it won’t happen. The result of the union of sperm and egg.

In fact, for healthy men with sufficient sperm motility, the prostate fluid secreted during sexual intercourse also contains sperm, which can still make women pregnant even if there is no internal ejaculation. And if you rub it outside the vagina, you will also secrete prostatitis when you are excited.

2. Tear open the condom packaging bag with your mouth

Some men are clearly wearing condoms, but still women get pregnant unexpectedly, so they are very confused and do not know why. It may be that the method of opening the condom is inappropriate. This detail is ignored , leading to unwanted pregnancy in women.

Especially when tearing open the packaging bag with your mouth, sometimes the biting part is not appropriate, which may cause damage to the condom during the process of tearing the packaging bag, resulting in a small gap, which is equivalent to not having a complete condom to achieve good contraceptive effect. . During sexual intercourse, if a man ejaculates and some of the semen flows out, he may become pregnant unintentionally. It is best to tear it apart by hand.

3, Safe period Contraception

Most women think that during the safe period, they will definitely not get pregnant unexpectedly. As long as they have sex during the safe period, it does not matter even if they do not take contraceptive measures. In fact, the safe period is just a time period when the probability of pregnancy is smaller than the ovulation period, but it cannot be used as a method of contraception.

Some people calculate the safe period incorrectly, and the safe period may be delayed or come earlier due to their own reasons. The calculation is inaccurate, and the possibility of unexpected pregnancy is high. In addition, sperm has a long survival time, so this method cannot be used to prevent pregnancy.

4. Use birth control pills at will

As long as you take birth control pills after having sex, you can achieve a good contraceptive effect without worrying about unwanted pregnancy. This is also a misunderstanding among some people.

Contraceptive pills must be taken at the appropriate time . Of course, you must also choose the appropriate type of drug according to your own needs. There are short-acting contraceptive pills, long-acting contraceptive pills, etc. If there is no clear distinction, it is possible to take the pills after a long interval after living. Moreover, short-acting contraceptive pills are used, which have a very short effect, and if they are taken at an inappropriate time, they can make women pregnant.

Therefore, those who do not plan to have children must be fully prepared. In order to have a harmonious married life and be responsible for the female body, even if they need to use drugs to prevent pregnancy, they must master relevant common sense in advance. #媯 Zero Zero Plan#