Xuzhou Mental Health Service Station: How to relieve prenatal anxiety? Prenatal anxiety refers to the anxiety of pregnant women before giving birth or in the third trimester of pregnancy, which is called prenatal anxiety. According to surveys, 98% of pregnant women will experienc

Xuzhou Mental Health Service Station: How to relieve prenatal anxiety? Prenatal anxiety refers to the anxiety of pregnant women before giving birth or in the third trimester of pregnancy, which is called prenatal anxiety. According to surveys, 98% of pregnant women will experience anxiety in the third trimester of pregnancy. Some people are good at regulating their emotions and will reduce their anxiety, while some people are not good at regulating their emotions and their psychological anxiety will become more and more serious. So, how should new mothers who are about to welcome a new life ease their late pregnancy?

The first way to relieve prenatal anxiety: self-psychological adjustment

Pregnant women who have just been admitted to the hospital, especially first-time mothers, are lonely, unfamiliar, and panicked because they are not familiar with the hospital environment and are afraid of dystocia. Medical staff should receive warm reception, patiently do ideological work, and carefully explain the knowledge about labor and delivery, so that they can understand the labor process and explain that delivery is a normal physiological phenomenon. For fear, use kind words, a gentle attitude, patient explanations, and sincere compassion to comfort. Let them feel supported, fully mentally prepared, understand the whole process of childbirth, have stable emotions, and enhance their confidence in childbirth. If the uterine contractions are not strong, you should stay in the ward to avoid mutual influence and vicious stimulation between expectant mothers. Encourage high-calorie, high-vitamin easily digestible foods. Make the body have enough energy, shorten the labor process and reduce pain. Understand that uterine contraction and pain are normal physiological phenomena. Distract attention and relieve pain. During contractions, she is required to cooperate with her breathing and ask her family members to help massage her abdomen. During contractions, close your eyes and rest.

The second way to relieve prenatal anxiety: understand the fertility situation.

makes it clear that childbirth is a natural physiological phenomenon. If you are aware of labor from the beginning and deal with it calmly, the pain will not be so severe. You can also check out parent-child websites and forums, communicate with some mothers, and ask for some experience. One of the major causes of prenatal stress and anxiety is ignorance about the birth process and fear of the “unknown”. It is recommended that pregnant women study more, such as taking time to attend the hospital's "pregnancy class" and read more relevant popular science books, newspapers, etc. , and knowing what the main signs are before labor and what labor is like can go a long way in relieving nerves.

Method three to relieve prenatal anxiety: practice breathing in advance.

Correct breathing is very important for production. Practice should be started in the third trimester of pregnancy. For example, when you inhale, try to make your ribs expand to both sides, and when you exhale, let your belly button move toward the back. This breathing method helps to strengthen the contraction function of the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor. During the exercise, pregnant mothers can sit on the floor mat, cross their legs in front of the body, keep the waist straight, and inhale through the mouth. As long as the upper part of the lungs is inflated, the upper part of the chest and shoulder blades will rise and expand. Breaths should be full and short, with lips slightly open. Breathe in air through your throat. This shallow breathing can be used when uterine contractions are at their peak. If you keep practicing every day, you will be more comfortable during childbirth and reduce the pain during childbirth. And you can relax and stay calm during labor, and even control your body during contractions.