A few days ago, a mother said in the group: Her 3-year-old child always blinked and rubbed his eyes. She suspected that it was caused by watching too much electronic screens. She immediately stopped letting the child look at mobile phones and computers. However, after observing f

A few days ago, a mother said in the group:

Her 3-year-old child always blinked and rubbed his eyes. She suspected that it was caused by watching too much electronic screens. She immediately stopped letting her child look at mobile phones and computers. However, after a few days of observation, I found that it didn't get better, but my blinking became even worse.

Later, he was rushed to the hospital for examination, and it was discovered that it was caused by " allergic conjunctivitis ". In addition, the symptoms were aggravated by excessive use of his eyes.

In reality, many parents think that their children's blinking and rubbing their eyes are minor problems. They are nothing more than sleepiness or eye fatigue, which can be recovered by taking a nap or relaxing.

But as everyone knows, there are many reasons that can cause blinking and rubbing of the eyes, and may even become more serious in the future.

Why do children blink and rub their eyes frequently?

There are too many factors that cause children to blink and rub their eyes excessively. Today I will introduce you to several common reasons:

Visual fatigue and dry eyes

Around children in the new era There are a variety of electronic products, such as mobile phones, computers, Ipads, etc., with rich and interesting content, which often easily lead to children becoming addicted. Watching for a long time will cause visual fatigue and even dry eyes.

Normal people blink more than 10 times per minute. When using electronic products, the number of blinks of children will be reduced to about 4 or 5 times. A small number of blinks will affect the abnormal quality and quantity of tear secretion, which will lead to dry eyes, that is, Dry eye symptoms.

When visual fatigue or dry eyes occur, children usually have a strong soreness and foreign body sensation in their eyes, and may also be photophobic or red-eyed, so children will blink or rub their eyes to relieve it.


For example, some children do not pay attention to hygiene and often rub their eyes with dirty hands, which can easily carry bacterial and viral infections and develop stye, or they can develop after eating spicy or irritating food.

Allergic conjunctivitis

For young children, allergic conjunctivitis is more likely to occur. Children's immune systems are imperfect and their immunity is low. Some babies are exposed to dust, pollen or mites fungi and other substances. Can cause allergic conjunctivitis.

This type of eye disease is prone to redness and itching, and children will often blink or rub their eyes to improve it.


Trichiasis is mainly for babies. It refers to the abnormal growth direction of the eyelashes, which will touch the eyeballs.

Because some babies are obese and have underdeveloped nose bridges, the epicanthal folds or lower eyelid folds can easily cause the eyelashes to scratch the surface of the eyeball, causing scratching discomfort and causing constant blinking and tears.

Refractive error

Refractive error is mainly caused by genetic factors or acquired irrational use of eyes, which causes blurred vision. For example, some children may suffer from eye fatigue due to reading too close to a book, incorrect writing posture, or poor lighting, etc. Refractive error .

At the beginning, children will automatically adjust to see objects clearly by squinting. If things go on like this, the eyes will easily become overtired, and children will blink or rub their eyes to relieve it, which will improve vision.