A news about children suffering from food poisoning has exploded in the mother group. Not long ago, more than a hundred children in a kindergarten in Xi'an suffered from collective poisoning. These children successively developed high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and one child even

A piece of news about children suffering from food poisoning has exploded in the mother group again.

A while ago, more than a hundred children in a kindergarten in Xi'an suffered from collective poisoning. These children successively developed high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and one child even had blood in his stool. Within 3 days, 8 children were hospitalized.

Although the source of infection has not been officially announced, it can be preliminarily confirmed that the collective food poisoning incident was caused by "Salmonella" infection.

is Salmonella again!

As an industry insider, I still vaguely remember that the "chocolate crisis" and "milk powder shortage" outbreaks in European and American countries in the past two months were all related to this bacteria.

In March and April this year, the production line of children's chocolate of a well-known international brand was contaminated in of Belgium, causing the outbreak. Some batches were even sold to China.

As soon as the news came out, a lot of parents were frightened.

Who is the Salmonella that has caused so many troubles? What's the harm?

Today Bao Ma will explain it clearly to you all at once, be sure to read it with patience~

"Salmonella" "kills" nearly 300,000 people every year

Salmonella Among the bacterial food poisoning incidents in the world, Salmonella has always been at the top of the list. .

In our country, 3 million people suffer from food poisoning every year.

According to WHO statistics in 2015, approximately 180 million people suffer from salmonella-related diarrhea every year, and .298 million people die .

▲ Salmonella, I would like to ask you if you hate it.

The main symptoms of poisoning are: vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, etc.

Mild cases usually get better on their own after a few days without sequelae.

However, in severe cases, dehydration, shock, and even death may occur.

Those most at risk are: the elderly, children and people with immune deficiencies.

The scary thing about Salmonella is that food contaminated with Salmonella cannot be distinguished by the naked eye. Maybe we don’t know when we are infected.

Where do salmonella hide?

These three types of food are the most susceptible to salmonella infection.

, milk (including milk powder), raw eggs, etc.

Parents who have followed me for a long time should know that I have written about many incidents of foreign milk powder contamination, which are basically caused by Salmonella or Enterobacter sakazakii contamination.

Not long ago, the " milk powder shortage " in the United States was also due to this reason. It can be seen that milk and milk powder are the hardest hit areas by salmonella contamination.

. Raw meat, undercooked meat.

The chicken, duck, and beef we eat most often can easily carry salmonella, so try to eat less medium-rare meat.

. Meats and vegetables with substandard sanitary conditions.

Do you always feel that it is easy to have diarrhea when eating in summer? This may also be caused by salmonella.

html The temperature range of 14℃~60℃ is very conducive to the reproduction of harmful bacteria in food.

Cooling food gives bacteria an excellent opportunity to multiply. If you leave it at room temperature for half an hour, harmful bacteria may be spread all over the world.

Food left at room temperature for an extra minute will become "dirtier" Some.

Also, if you go to a meat stall with substandard sanitary conditions to buy deli meat and eat it directly when you come back, you may be poisoned by salmonella.

How to prevent salmonella?

The meat, milk, cheese, etc. that babies eat every day are all living petri dishes of salmonella.

. Milk powder is best brewed with water above 70℃.

The "Guiding Principles for Infant Formula Milk Powder" compiled by WHO in 2007 clearly stated that milk powder is not completely sterile and needs to be sterilized by soaking in water above 70°C.

Many parents may wonder why WHO recommends brewing milk powder in water above 70℃, while many experts and milk powder manufacturers recommend brewing temperatures between 40 and 50℃?

There is also a certain scientific basis for using blister powder at 40~50℃, which can retain the active ingredients of milk powder to the greatest extent. But the prerequisite for feasibility is that the milk powder must be sterile, and the brewing process and environment must meet hygienic requirements.

If sanitary conditions do not allow it, it is safest to brew it with water above 70°C. Although high-temperature brewing of milk powder may cause the inactivation of some ingredients, it is nothing compared to the health and safety of the child.

. It is very important to handle meat properly.

When handling raw meat, for the sake of safety, you can refer to the following methods: Small portion packaging method

Meat will easily deteriorate if it is thawed repeatedly. Therefore, if you store meat for a long time, it is recommended to cut it into portions according to the portion you want to eat each time, seal it into small portions, and put it in the freezer.

If it is cold fresh meat bought in supermarkets, which has been acidified at 0℃~4℃, it is not recommended to use this method to freeze. Use the following cutting method, or directly seal and refrigerate it and eat it within 3 days. Complete .

Method of shredding raw meat

Cutting raw meat is safer and more convenient than putting raw meat directly in the refrigerator.

Partitioning Tips

In addition to the common pork, beef and mutton, raw fish, shrimp, crab This type of seafood is also prone to listeria . It should be sealed with a fresh-keeping bag or vacuum treatment, and then placed in a separate compartment. Remember to be sure Keep it away from cooked food!

Eggs also carry a lot of bacteria and should be placed in separate egg boxes and can be stored for 8 weeks. But be sure not to wash them. There is a protective film on the surface of eggs, which will easily deteriorate if washed off.

Finally, I would like to emphasize: don’t wash your meat! Don't wash the meat! Don't wash the meat! The cutting boards for cutting meat and vegetables must be separate.

There are a lot of bacteria in meat. When washing, it is easy to splash the bacteria-laden juice onto other kitchen surfaces. If you feel the meat is dirty, blanch the meat in a pot under cold water first.

. If the food is not finished, put it in the refrigerator immediately, and warm the leftovers thoroughly before eating.

The biggest weakness of Salmonella is that it is not resistant to high temperatures.

Remember, there is no need to let the unfinished meals cool before putting them in the refrigerator. The refrigerator is not that fragile.

(PS: It is best to put hot meals in the refrigerator some distance away from other ingredients)

Leftovers taken out from the refrigerator must be thoroughly heated before eating!

Pasteurized fresh milk should be thrown away if it is not finished after opening. Do not put

in the refrigerator and continue to drink it for your children.

Refrigerators are not omnipotent

Many mothers have complained to me about the elderly’s refrigerators, which are always full of various ingredients. Sometimes they don’t like to use plastic wrap, and they don’t want to throw away the leftovers after four or five days...

Aren't refrigerators like this the hardest hit by various bacterial contaminations?

Only by using the refrigerator correctly can germs get away completely!

Separate raw and cooked food, meat and vegetables

Those who are not familiar with each other should not stay together if they are not from the same world. This is true for people and the same is true for food.

The refrigerator is only 70% full

There should be space for food in the refrigerator to facilitate the circulation of cold air and ensure that the temperature reaches the standard.

Clean the refrigerator regularly

Clean the refrigerator thoroughly at least every 3 months, wipe it clean inside and outside, especially the dead corners, and don’t forget to remove the odor.

The refrigerator that has not been cleaned for a long time

is dirtier than the toilet

Quickly throw away the leftovers

Clean it up~