No.: 202206302059 On the way home from get off work, I saw a child who was crying and looking for his family. He was only a little over two years old. He couldn’t express himself because he was too sad! The moment I got out of the car and squatted down, he grabbed my finger tight

Number: 202206302059

On the way home from get off work, I saw a child who was crying and looking for his family. He was just over two years old. He couldn't express himself because he was too sad! The moment I got out of the car and squatted down, he grabbed my finger tightly, and this was probably the life-saving straw.

I took him to ask around, and someone said that he saw an aunt frantically looking for her child a few minutes ago. It seemed that she had indeed become separated from her family. I calmed down his little mood, and then I realized that his eyes were full of panic, and that little hand was always holding my finger tightly!

I took him to the property service center and found him water. He drank a lot like a calf, and then I hugged him for a while, and his mood eased a little.

learned that his family was calling for surveillance, and the property staff immediately contacted the family to come. The person who came must be the child's grandmother. It could be seen that she had indeed suffered a lot of emotional fluctuations. Her face was full of panic at the moment when she couldn't find the child, and then she thanked me repeatedly.

I saw a lot of cute videos of children on her phone, and when I saw her holding the child tightly, I actually wanted to cry.

Watch the kids! I don’t want this scene to happen again!