Lecturer: Teacher Toli EarlyBird Headquarters Teaching Supervisor Shenyang Normal University Preschool Education Major Senior Nursery Teacher Beijing Normal University Early Childhood Teacher Growth Lecturer Beijing Chaoyang District Education Committee Early Childhood Food Educa

Lecturer: Teacher Toli

EarlyBird Headquarters Teaching Supervision

Shenyang Normal University Preschool Education Major

Senior Nursery Teacher

Beijing Normal UniversityPreschool Teacher Growth Lecturer

Teaching researcher of the Early Childhood Food Education Project of Beijing Chaoyang District Education Commission

is engaged in 0- 6-year-old preschool education for 15 years

Trained nearly a thousand teachers across the country

Supervised hundreds of school districts

Hello everyone, welcome to the EarlyBird Family Growth Research Center, I am teacher Toli. It's my honor to be here with you all to talk about parenting. Today we will share the topic "Parents are children's best playmates":

In life, parents all realize and know that they should accompany their children more, play and communicate with their children more, but there are still many parents who don't know how to do this. How to do it, how to make children like to be with their parents. We all know that "companionship is the best gift for children." Parents often spend time and energy playing with their children, but sometimes the children don't like it, and the children seem unwilling to participate in their games with us. How should we change in the face of such a situation? Why can teachers in daycare institutions play better games with children? Are children also willing to actively participate in games?

Today we will talk about how our teachers lead children to play group games together. How group time teaching techniques can be practically applied in family play. We use the following methods to teach our parents how to play with their children. Let’s make our children’s best toys our own.

1. Use various methods to allow children to participate in interaction

Whether it is one child or multiple children, the child's attention must be firmly grasped during the group game, because the teacher will always use various methods during the group game. Involve the child in the interaction rather than letting the child sit and listen to others. For example, at home, whether telling stories or playing with toys with their children, most of the time it is the parents who tell or lead the children on what to do, and the children can only follow blindly, thus losing the initiative to learn and the sense of play. pleasure. Be sure to let your children participate in the game. For example, when telling a story, you can look at the story pictures with your children and discuss the content in the pictures. Don't rush to read the words in the story book. Everyone can express their thoughts. Describe the characters and plots in the story with your children and even act them out to make them feel that they are the protagonists in the game.

2. Always pay attention to the status and reaction of children

In the collective teaching games in the kindergarten, teachers will pay attention to the status and reaction of each child. Teachers will have eye contact, look at each other and smile with the children from beginning to end. . They observe while playing teaching games, remain sensitive to children's reactions, and can respond to children's needs in a timely manner. Many times at home, our parents only focus on what they want to teach their children and tell their children the knowledge points they think of, thus ignoring the state of their children.

3. Make good use of changes in sound to make the scene interesting.

In collective teaching games, teachers are good at using sounds. It is important to grab children's attention through changes in sounds. For example, when showing new toys or pictures, the way of speaking will be changed, and scales of different lengths will be used to arouse children's curiosity. The length and height of the sound are the most effective ways to attract children. Although many parents feel that our own voices are not so friendly, our voices are too flat and lack the cadence of , and listening to them for a long time will easily make people tired and distracted.Changing the sound more often will bring unexpected surprises.

4. Controlled choices

When giving children choices, let them have a sense of participation and control, but they can control the choices when choosing. For example, when choosing a story, we can choose one from three instead of choosing at will. Give children the right to choose, really allow them to choose, and respect their choices. This is what we parents need to pay attention to. Ask them a very open question and let the children express their thoughts. We parents will find that it exceeds the essence of our question or is unrealistic, so we reject the children. This is self-defeating. Not only do the children lose the sense of control, they also feel If your own ideas are not respected, you will no longer believe in the sincerity of your parents.

5, Positive Behavior Management

When accompanying group games, children should be reminded of the rules in advance: For example, "You can speak, sing, and express loudly during games, but you cannot scream loudly." When establishing rules, you can use exaggerated gestures to remind your children. This is very worthy of our parents' attention. Reaffirm the rules in advance to clarify the requirements and expectations, and actively believe that the child can do it, instead of blaming the child when the activity cannot be carried out and then reminding the child of the rules.

6. Negative behaviors should be appropriately ignored

No matter how good the teacher is, it is inevitable that children will be unable to sit still, become distracted and talk casually during group teaching. Because it is also the nature of children at this age. In group games, negative behavior should be dealt with naturally, without being overly harsh or overly indulgent. When the child chooses an option that is not in the rules, we can simply ignore his choice and continue our game. When children disobey the rules or break the game, we can use movement gestures to remind them. Or pause the game to remind your child of the rules. Pause and reiterate the rules when it's time to stop, rather than ignoring them in order to play the game.

7. Sincere involvement state

In the game, what children like most is the state of sincere involvement of the companion. Do not regard accompanying games as a task, and play games with your children. Interactions with children in games must be real. For example, the "high fives" used to encourage each other must truly feel the strength and joy. Enjoy the current activities with the children, infect the children with behavior, and praise must come from the heart. To encourage the child to do the action or expression at the moment, describe the objective facts of what he did, rather than simply saying you are awesome! very good! When we face children’s heartfelt smiles and sincerity in their eyes, we should never underestimate this power.

8. Game process design that combines movement and stillness

When playing with children, all links must be combined with movement and stillness, interspersed together. Even if it is only ten or twenty minutes, there are constant opportunities for the children to stand up, move, and sit down again. Quiet operation. No matter what you are playing, don’t operate in one place, position, or posture. You must be able to combine movement and stillness.

OK! That’s it for today’s sharing. In the process of accompanying your children, parents should learn more about their physical and psychological development characteristics. At the same time, they should also understand that children will have different development characteristics at different ages, so as to reduce our misconceptions about parenting. , we use professional and scientific parenting knowledge to accompany children to grow up healthily happily. More parenting knowledge is waiting for you to share at the EarlyBird Family Growth Research Center!