At present, with the opening of the three-child policy and the rapid economic development, there are fewer and fewer places for children to play in the city. Due to the epidemic, people are now paying more attention to a healthy and free lifestyle. Interesting outdoor unpowered t

With the opening of the three-child policy and the rapid economic development, there are fewer and fewer places for children to play in the city. Due to the epidemic, people are now paying more attention to a healthy and free lifestyle. Interesting outdoor unpowered theme parks have gradually become a good choice for parents to take their children out to play. While strengthening the relationship between parents and children, it is also conducive to cultivating children's emotional intelligence. Responsibility and creativity.

Nowadays, a variety of electronic products are quietly endangering children's physical and mental health. Most families have only one child and have few playmates. Over time, it may affect the child's personality, such as not liking to communicate and share with others, lack of Interpersonal skills, etc. Outdoor unpowered theme parks can solve this problem very well. Children's paradise is a place where children play with other children. Here, children can get to know more friends and learn how to get along with others.

When designing equipment for outdoor unpowered theme parks, designers should focus on the needs of the audience, and then incorporate some related themes or cartoon images. Children are more interested in bright, bright, and novel things, and boldly use contrasting colors. , forming a bright, warm and warm color style, which will make children very excited visually.

takes these aspects as the starting point to design equipment that most children will like, allowing animated characters to accompany children in a place full of laughter and joy, and experience the joy of an outdoor unpowered theme park while also getting close to nature.