Question: These two milk powders are often considered by mothers to be foreign brands, but in fact they are both domestic brands. So, which one is better? Shengyuan Youborimu is a subsidiary of Shengyuan. Shengyuan was founded in Qingdao, Shandong, China in 1998. It was listed on

asked: These two milk powders are often considered by mothers to be foreign brands, but in fact they are both domestic brands. So, which one is better?

Shengyuan Youbo Ruimu is a subsidiary of Shengyuan . Shengyuan was founded in Qingdao, Shandong, China in 1998. It was listed on NASDAQ in the United States in 2005. It currently has its own milk powder in Qingdao and Brittany, France. factory. Many mothers asked me if Shengyuan is a French brand. No, it is a domestic brand.

Biostime Milk Powder is a series that is frequently asked by mothers in private messages. It is a domestic brand founded in Guangzhou in 1999. Then, through investment, acquisition, and self-built factories in France, we gradually realized the "importation of original cans" of milk powder.

Milk source raw materials

Biostime Star and Shengyuan Youbo Ruimu are all produced from French fresh milk. The nutritional retention and freshness of the milk powder are relatively ideal.

The ratio of Uborimu whey protein to casein reaches 9:1, which imitates the protein ratio of breast milk and colostrum, which reduces the chance of protein indigestion to a certain extent. Uborimu is the first protein on the market designed in this way. of milk powder.

Biostime Star 3 has added glucose syrup . Compared with lactose, the nutritional value of glucose syrup is not high. It does not have much nutritional value except for energy supply.

Uborimu 3 has added fruit powder. The purpose of adding fruit powder is very similar to that of essence, which is to enhance the taste of milk powder and improve the mouthfeel.

nutritional formula

I won’t talk much about the basic formula. Let’s mainly look at the enhanced formula.

Enhanced formula refers to important nutrients that are not strictly stipulated in the national standard, but some brands will specially add them.
DHA, ARA, taurine , nucleotide , choline, prebiotic , in terms of 6 conventional fortified formulas, Biostime Star 1 and 2 have added 6 conventional fortified formulas, 3 There are only 5 segments and nucleotides are missing. All 6 conventional strengthening formulas of Shengyuan Youborimu have been added.

Regarding DHA, which everyone is most concerned about, the DHA content in segments 1 and 2 of Biostime Paixing and Shengyuan Uborimu is higher than the average level of milk powder on the market, while segment 3 is lower than the average.

The Chinese nutrition expert group mentioned in the "Expert Consensus on DHA Supplementation for Chinese Pregnant Women and Infants and Young Children" that the DHA content in milk powder should be 0.2%~0.5% of the total fatty acids. The amount of DHA added in this range is beneficial to early infants and young children. Neurological and visual functional development.

special fortified formula: In terms of

special fortified formula, Biostime Paixing adds OPO, natural butterfat and lactoponin LPN in the entire section, and β-carotene is added after the second section. Shengyuan Youborimu adds lutein , probiotics and natural milk fat.

OPO helps relieve baby's dry stool and promotes the absorption of calcium and fatty acids.

natural milk fat can reduce the formation of calcium soap and help prevent constipation.

Lactopontin LPN is a multifunctional protein found in large amounts in breast milk. It has immunomodulatory activity, tissue remodeling and other functions, and is of positive significance to the baby's immunity.

β-carotene can promote the development of baby's vision.

Lutein can protect baby's vision and promote vision development.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, help regulate the intestines, and promote digestion.

Natural butterfat can reduce the formation of calcium soap and help prevent constipation.


Platform reference for comprehensive comparison of milk powder selection - International Mommy - Guoma Maternal and Infant

The price of Heshengyuanpaixing is about 330/800g

The price of Shengyuan Youborimu is about 402/900g

Summary and suggestions

Overall It is said that the milk source, milk base and formula of the two milk powders of Biostime and Uborimu are relatively high-quality. Shengyuan Uborimu is more focused on absorption and vision development, while Biostime Uborimu is more focused on absorption and vision development. related to absorption. Mothers can choose suitable milk powder based on price and actual needs of their babies.