Some parents and their children's friends want to come to their home for dinner. They immediately buy vegetables, cook and make soup, and prepare everything properly so that others can eat happily and feel as relaxed as they are at home, without any sense of restraint. I don’t ca

Some parents, when their children's friends want to come to their home for dinner, immediately buy food, cook and make soup, preparing everything properly so that others can eat happily and feel as relaxed as they are at home, without any sense of restraint. I don’t care whether someone comes empty-handed or has a gift, what kind of gift it is, whether it’s valuable or good, it’s very snobbish. It’s about knowing what kind of person your child is, what kind of people he associates with, and the meaning of the association! Moreover, when people come to their homes as guests, parents can understand it by themselves when they see and communicate with each other. It is true that seeing a hundred things is better than hearing it a hundred times! In fact, whether a person is good or not, whether he is worth it or not, becomes clear and clear when you get along with him! Therefore, smart parents give their children face, trust, understanding, support, affirmation, and consideration, so that their children can have more and more friends, good friends, and more noble people who can help them grow faster and better. Stupid parents humiliate, misunderstand, and deny their children, leaving them without a friend or noble person, unable to grow, develop, have no dignity, and no trust. Therefore, there is no problem for poor families or ordinary families. As long as they have good parents and smart parents, they can still cultivate and educate good children and excellent children. And bad parents, stupid parents, will only mislead and hurt their children, making them more and more confused, more and more backward, and more and more painful. So as a parent, if you can do well and take care of things yourself, you can do it and take care of it. If it helps your children, your children will thank you in the future. If you don’t understand, don’t know, and aren’t powerful, then don’t like to blindly direct and worry about everything all day long. Your children will suffer greatly, and you won’t get any benefits. Sometimes, the parents are right, but the children are wrong, the parents are good, and the children are bad. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages, as long as they use their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, and learn from others' strengths. Don't just deny it all at once, and throw it into the eighteenth level of hell and ! A person has many advantages and few shortcomings, but he is still a good person. He does not need to be good at everything to be a good person. If he is not good at all, he is a bad person. It is black and white and kills people. Some children have always loved their parents, were filial to their parents, and were kind to their parents, but their parents would not tell them and no one would know. But one day the child is down and out, poor, unhappy, and not as good or generous as before, and the parents will talk about it everywhere. , scolding people everywhere, adding insult to injury, hating this and that, as if the child is particularly bad and good for nothing, which is the most hurtful and terrifying. Sometimes don't ask why she has changed, ask her what she has been through! Nothing changes without reason, especially for people who were always very good before!