No one can underestimate the hardships involved. Two days ago, Xie Na shared her dangerous experience of giving birth to her second daughter. Some netizens said: This is a normal experience, what is there to say?

original | Pregnancy matters

Every pregnant mother has to go through many difficulties in order to give birth to a baby smoothly and safely.

No one can underestimate the hardships involved.

Two days ago, Xie Na shared her dangerous experience of giving birth to her second daughter. Some netizens said: This is a normal experience, what is there to say!

But for mothers who have experienced it, every level Xie Na passed was very dangerous.

During her second pregnancy, Xie Na was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during her prenatal check-up, and the value was on the high side.

She is already very old, and she fell into anxiety after hearing about the impact of gestational diabetes on her baby.

In order to protect her baby, she strictly controlled her diet throughout her pregnancy and monitored her blood sugar in real time. It was not until the last week of pregnancy that she relaxed a little and allowed herself to eat something delicious.

finally managed to control her blood sugar and successfully delivered the baby. However, Xie Na encountered danger again during her caesarean section.

The baby had shortness of breath and needed oxygen because he inhaled amniotic fluid into his lungs, so he was sent to an incubator as soon as he was born. It was not until the fifth day that he was in danger.

I thought that the baby could return to his mother here, but the doctor said that the baby had high jaundice, so he stayed in the incubator for two more days.

"The seven days the baby spent in the incubator were really long. I didn't know how to help her. I could only try to eat something so that the baby could drink milk."

Until the baby was taken out of the incubator and returned to her After drinking milk next to her, Xie Na felt relieved: That moment was truly the happiest moment.

Many pregnant mothers expressed sympathy for Xie Na’s sharing: I also have gestational diabetes, and controlling sugar is really hard.

But there are also some bad voices. Some people say: Gestational diabetes is very common, there is nothing to worry about, it is too fussy!

What the pregnant mother has to say is: Gestational diabetes is indeed very common, but it definitely needs to be taken seriously, because uncontrolled blood sugar is really very dangerous!

Because the gestational diabetes was not well controlled, the baby was stillborn at 339 weeks!

Blood sugar during pregnancy must be controlled, and many mothers are working hard for this.

Du Chun's wife Wang Can, because blood sugar was detected to be high during pregnancy, the doctor issued instructions to control blood sugar, otherwise it will affect the health of mother and baby.

In order to control blood sugar, she buried blood sugar needles and strictly controlled blood sugar. She controlled the amount of pasta and rice, and even gave up her favorite sweets.

When Zhu Dan was pregnant with her second child, she also gave up fruit because of high blood sugar.

When Tao Jingying was 5 months pregnant with her second child, she was also diagnosed with hyperglycemia - gestational diabetes. When she heard the result, she cried directly.

Because she is an advanced maternal age and her gestational diabetes is very serious, in order to control her blood sugar, Tao Jingying must take blood sugar injections at three meals and before going to bed.

Because their blood sugar was well controlled, they all gave birth to babies smoothly.

Yes, if you can strictly follow the doctor's instructions to control your blood sugar, gestational diabetes will not cause harm to pregnant mothers and babies. Mothers should not worry too much.

I am afraid of not having prenatal check-ups on time, not controlling blood sugar, not knowing the dangers of gestational diabetes, and letting blood sugar soar, which is really very dangerous.

There was a mother in Zhejiang who was 39 weeks pregnant. She neglected prenatal check-ups and ate fruit without restraint, which resulted in very serious gestational diabetes.

By the time he realized something was wrong with the baby, it was already too late to go to the hospital, and the baby had stopped moving.

A mother in Jiangsu who was 39 weeks pregnant also developed gestational diabetes because she did not control her diet and her baby became macrosomia.

html From 3 to 39 weeks, the baby has intrauterine growth restriction due to macrosomia , the amniotic fluid is also turbid, and the baby's breathing is also blocked. This critical situation requires an immediate caesarean section.

So, don’t think that gestational diabetes is very common and ignore it. If you don’t discover gestational diabetes in time, or if you don’t control it in time, the harm will be very great!

1 out of 6 pregnant women will suffer from gestational diabetes!

According to statistics from experts from the Chinese Medical Association: 1 in every 6 pregnant women in my country suffers from gestational diabetes!

What is gestational diabetes?

If the pregnant mother has normal sugar metabolism before pregnancy and diabetes occurs or is first discovered during pregnancy, this condition is gestational diabetes.

Gestational diabetes is one of the most common complications in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Why are pregnant mothers so susceptible to gestational diabetes?

This is because women begin to secrete more hormones after conception. These hormones will block the action of the mother's insulin in the body, which is called insulin resistance . Insulin resistance makes it difficult for the mother's body to use insulin well.

Gestational diabetes occurs when a mother's body cannot make and use all the insulin needed for pregnancy. Without enough insulin, glucose cannot leave the blood and be converted into energy. Glucose forms high levels in the blood and is called hyperglycemia.

In addition, congenital factors such as family history, congenital genetic genes, etc. will also increase the risk of pregnant mothers suffering from diabetes.

High blood sugar levels will seriously affect the health of mothers and babies, so pregnant mothers must pay attention to prenatal check-ups and sugar screening.

Sugar screening is the abbreviation of Gestational Diabetes Screening . It is usually performed at 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy and beyond. You must go on time.

If a pregnant mother has the following conditions, she must inform her doctor and follow the doctor's advice for screening in advance:

① Have a family history of diabetes.

② For obese and overweight pregnant mothers, the pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) is 30 or above.

③History of gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes in last pregnancy).

Uncontrolled gestational diabetes

is a mother-to-child killer!

Regular prenatal check-ups. If gestational diabetes is detected, active control according to the doctor's instructions can protect the safety of mother and baby to the greatest extent.

But if blood sugar is not controlled, it will not only affect the mother, but also the baby.

1. Harm to baby

① Excessive birth weight. Extra glucose in the blood crosses the placenta, which triggers the baby's pancreas to make extra insulin. This can cause the baby to become too large (macrosomia), which may cause birth trauma or require a C-section.

② Premature birth and respiratory distress syndrome . A mother's high blood sugar may increase her baby's risk of early labor and signs of preterm birth. Babies whose mothers have gestational diabetes may develop respiratory distress syndrome, even if the baby is not premature.

③ Hypoglycemia. Babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes will suffer from hypoglycemia after birth. Severe hypoglycemic events may trigger seizures in infants.

2 type diabetes in old age . Babies born to mothers with gestational diabetes are at higher risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes later in life.

2. Harm to mother

① Abortion. High blood sugar can cause abnormal embryo development and even death, and the incidence of miscarriage is 15% to 30%.

hypertension and preeclampsia . Gestational diabetes increases the risk of high blood pressure and preeclampsia, serious pregnancy complications with life-threatening symptoms for both mother and baby.

③Diabetes. If you have gestational diabetes, you may develop it again during your next pregnancy. As you age, you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

polyhydramnios. Excessive weight gain, infection (the main complication of diabetes), macrosomia, and increased surgical delivery.

ketoacidosis . It occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and causes fetal malformation, and in the middle and late stages of pregnancy it can easily lead to fetal distress and intrauterine fetal death.

Each of these complications is more terrifying than the last, and every pregnant mother must pay attention to it.

Scientific sugar control

is to protect the mother and the baby!

If you are diagnosed with gestational diabetes, you must take scientific measures to control your sugar. The following three steps for sugar control should be kept in mind by every sugar mother.

1. Eat a healthy diet

For sugar mothers, controlling their diet is one of the most important steps.

① Eat regularly. Eat small meals frequently and don’t eat three large meals. Eating too much at one time is not good for sugar control.

② Eat a balanced diet. Reasonably control the proportion of carbohydrates , protein and fat.

● Carbohydrate intake should be limited to 33% to 40%, and the remaining energy supply consists of 20% protein and 40% fat.

●Add 2 to 3 small snacks between 3 meals to spread the carbohydrate intake, thereby reducing post-meal blood sugar fluctuations.

The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) recommends that pregnant women consume at least 28g of dietary fiber every day.

③Choose whole grain foods with low GI (glycemic index). Such as red rice , buckwheat , rye , oats, whole wheat bread, whole beans and vegetables.

④ Eat a light and less oily diet. Do not eat fat meat and animal skins, use less cooking methods such as frying and braised, and use steaming, boiling, stir-frying, cold and salad methods as much as possible.

⑤Remember the palm rule. For mothers who strictly control sugar, every meal must be planned. Sugar mothers can refer to the simple and practical palm rule (meal) to arrange their meals.

(Picture source: Boya Maternal and Infant)

● One fist: one portion each of fist-sized staple food and fist-sized fruit.

●Hold with both hands: Try to hold as many vegetables as possible with both hands.

●One palm: meat or other protein-based foods.

● Thumb: Grease the size of the tip of your thumb.

Sugar mothers can refer to the palm rule to arrange their diet.

2. Control the amount of delicious fruits

Many pregnant mothers suffer from gestational diabetes due to uncontrolled eating of high-sugar fruits. Although fruits are good, they must not be greedy.

According to foreign research, women who eat a lot of fruits during pregnancy have a 400% increased risk of gestational diabetes (GD).

Therefore, you must not eat fruits recklessly because of their nutrition. You must abide by the following points:

① For mothers with normal blood sugar, it is recommended to eat 200-400g of fruit every day.

② If the sugar mother has good blood sugar control (the fasting blood sugar value in the morning is 3.3-5.3mmol/L, the blood sugar value 2 hours after the meal is 4.4-6.7mmol/L), it is recommended that the total amount of fruit consumed per day should not exceed 300g. (One apple is about 200g).

③ If your blood sugar is not well controlled, don’t eat fruits for the time being and use tomatoes or cucumbers instead.

④ Eat fruits in small portions throughout the day. It is best to eat them before two meals (2 hours after meals). Do not eat them before going to bed because sugar is difficult to metabolize at night.

⑤ Don’t eat too much fruit. Once you eat too much, even fruits with low sugar content will be useless in controlling blood sugar.

⑥ Sugar mothers should eat fruits with low sugar content, high water content, and low GI (glycemic index).

Prioritize eating: peaches, lemons, plums, pears, apples, grapefruits, tangerines, and oranges.

It is not recommended to eat: jujube, sugar cane, lychee, longan, rais, durian, etc.

3. Regular and moderate exercise

Diet and exercise are the primary ways to treat and manage gestational diabetes. Therefore, sugar mothers should also coordinate exercise to control sugar when arranging a reasonable diet.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends: Pregnant women who have no contraindications to exercise should maintain 150 minutes or more of moderate-intensity exercise every week.

Safe exercise guidelines for pregnant mothers:

●Rest before meals, monitor fetal movement for normal movement, and start exercising 60 minutes after meals.

●Exercise time is 20-30 minutes, rest for 30 minutes after exercise, record fetal movements at the same time, pay attention to whether there are uterine contractions .

●Monitor blood sugar. You must check your blood sugar after each meal, and keep a careful and detailed meal diary so that you can adjust your diet in time and better control your blood sugar.

● Exercises suitable for pregnant mothers: swimming, walking, jogging, gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga. Do not do jumping activities, ball games, diving, horse riding, standing for a long time, or vibration.

Note: Stop exercising when blood sugar is <3.3mmol/L>13.9mmol/L, or symptoms of hypoglycemia, uterine contractions, vaginal bleeding, abnormal shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, etc. occur.

Pregnant mothers with the following conditions should not exercise: heart disease, gestational hypertension , retinopathy , twins, cervical insufficiency , threatened abortion , fetal growth retardation, placenta previa .

To sum up: Sugar Mom’s main principle of sugar control is to remember 12 words - eat small meals frequently, exercise moderately, and monitor blood sugar!

If diet and exercise cannot control blood sugar, insulin is a better choice to control blood sugar. Pregnant mothers must not reject drugs and must follow the doctor's advice to control sugar!

Hope all the best to all sugar mommas!

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