The news said that the detection value of yeast in this yogurt was 6000CFU/g, which is 60 times the minimum value stipulated by the standard! Although the yeast itself is not harmful bacteria, doctors said that excessive fermentation of yeast will cause food spoilage and the amou

Our family basically takes our kids to the supermarket every weekend. Every time we go to the beverage section, our kids will ask me to buy him yogurt. Since yogurt is rich in nutrients and easy to absorb, I usually satisfy him.

Just when I was struggling with which one to choose, I suddenly remembered a news I saw some time ago:

The news said that the detection value of yeast in this yogurt was 6000CFU/g, which is the minimum value stipulated by the standard (≤100 CFU/g) g) 60 times!

Although yeast itself is not a harmful bacteria, doctors say that excessive fermentation by yeast can cause food spoilage. Eating food with excessive amounts of yeast may cause diarrhea and endanger health.

When I think about it, many children drink yogurt, and this yogurt that was randomly inspected can be seen everywhere in supermarkets of all sizes, so I have to pay attention to it.

In order to prevent everyone from stepping into the trap, and for the health and safety of the children, I decided to tell you all about yogurt ~

01 has a sharp eye to identify real and fake yogurt!

There are too many so-called "yogurts" commonly available on the market, but which one is real and which one is fake?

Let’s take a look at the definition and requirements for yogurt in the national food standards.

1. What are the “real” yogurts?

real yogurt includes: yogurt, fermented milk , flavored yogurt , flavored fermented milk .

Generally speaking, all of the above can be given to babies.

Tips : Considering that some flavored yoghurt/fermented milk may have added sugar or other additives that are not good for your baby’s health, it is not recommended for babies under 5 years old.

2. What are the “fake” yogurts?

Fake yogurt, looks like yogurt and has a name like yogurt.

In fact, it is no different from sugar water. Not only does it have no nutrition, it can also easily lead to obesity, tooth decay, and picky eaters.

Identifying them is actually super simple:

Generally on the outer packaging of yogurt, we will directly see the words "drink", "drink" , but some merchants have deeper routines. They will use very small words on the bottle. Mark a small corner of the body.

Anything with this label is not real yogurt.

▽ These are not recommended for babies

02How to choose good yogurt?

To judge whether a yogurt is suitable for babies, in addition to the name mentioned above, there are three key points: high protein, 0 sucrose, and no additives. How to choose


1. Look at the ingredient list:

The simpler, the better, and raw milk must be ranked first , which is the basic dignity of yogurt.

followed by fermentation bacteria.

and the others are gone.

Tips : Some yogurts will add whey protein powder . Don’t think this is a bad additive. It is a “fine product” in protein and is easier for babies to absorb.

2. Look at the nutrition facts table:

• The minimum protein content of and should be ≥2.3g/100g;

• The minimum fat content of and should be ≥2.5g/100g (babies need a lot of fat to grow, so give your baby a full drink before he is 2 years old) Fat yogurt)

▽ Attached to the national food standard GB 19302-2010 yogurt content requirements

3, look at the sugar content

Everyone knows that babies should eat less sugar, which can reduce the risk of obesity and dental caries .

To determine whether extra sugar is added to yogurt, mainly look at the ingredient list.

But please note: the so-called sugar is not just sucrose and white sugar.

Some businesses will use the slogan "0 sucrose" and secretly hide the sugar under another name. Mothers should be careful.

Seeing this, some parents said: " Yoghurt is so difficult to choose, and babies may not like it yet, so making it myself is always the best choice, right? "

03 Is homemade yogurt reliable?

Homemade yogurt is not necessarily better. There are two main reasons:

Homemade yogurt is likely to be contaminated by miscellaneous bacteria

Although the environment with a low pH value is not conducive to the growth of many harmful bacteria, mixed with a little miscellaneous bacteria, it will Suppressed by Lactobacillus and Streptococcus thermophilus used for yogurt fermentation.

However, after all, our kitchen is not as clean as other people’s laboratories and sterile workshops.

Even if the milk is boiled and all utensils related to preparing yogurt are sterilized in boiling water, it is easy to be contaminated by other bacteria during the operation.

Once a child eats yogurt contaminated by bacteria, he or she will easily suffer from vomiting and diarrhea.

The taste of homemade yogurt may not be as good as that on the market

In order to ensure the taste, yogurt on the market usually puts some additives or flavoring substances, while homemade yogurt generally does not add too many "ingredients". It may not taste as good as the ones you buy.

Of course, if you definitely want to make at home, please sterilize it in advance, use regular strains for fermentation, and use an yogurt machine with stable temperature control. , If you find that it doesn’t taste right after making it, it’s still the same. Throw it away, after all, the baby's health is the most important thing.

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